June 18, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • I had to wake all of my kids up except for Campbell this morning at 11 so they would be ready to go and eat lunch with the church youth. I'm not really sure how late they are staying up, but it must be pretty late. 
  • When they came downstairs, I was already in my chair having done all my morning chores and walk. It is like we are all living in different time zones around here. 
  • They all went to lunch at Lost-except for Whitman who got to do spelling with me. Soon everyone was home, and for some reason I believe that they didn't actually get their chores and school work accomplished today. There is tomorrow, but I did mention last night that I had a special camp to sign them up for if they didn't finish all of their assigned tasks soon-Constitution Camp. (Now you may be sending your kids there, but my kids would think this is absolute torture!)
  • Tonight Reagan went to Bible study, Anderson went to basketball and to a friend's house to swim, and Campbell went to a friend's house. Robby and I had intended to go to the grocery store, but milk is on sale tomorrow, and we needed more from Sams than Kroger. 
  • It is still early in the evening, but Reagan has made it home from her Bible study, Anderson has made it to his second destination, and Campbell has to be picked up in a little while. 
  • Robby has a CT scan early in the morning so hopefully, we will get some answers by Thursday. 

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