June 17, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Things moved quickly this morning with the results of Robby's Thursday test. His doctor suggested he go and see someone since the gallbladder didn't look right on the test. He then had an appointment at 3, but that doctor didn't feel like it was the gallbladder so he has ordered a CT scan. Hopefully, the scan will be soon, but it is not yet scheduled so again we wait. 
  • I don't think that any of the kids were up before 11:30 this morning, possibly even later. When Graham came downstairs he was surprised that I had been on a walk already-he was even more surprised when I told him that I had been on two walks already.
  • I guess they are enjoying supper to the fullest-and I do take it back. Reagan left around 10:30. She went to a friend's house, and then they rode together to eat and then to a Bible study at a church. Afterwards, they met a bunch more friends at the skating rink and skated until one of the guys, who she didn't really know, possibly broke his arm. 
  • Anderson wasn't able to go to the dentist when the others did a few weeks ago, so he went today. He was pretty confident that he didn't have cavities; however, he was wrong. They did say that he has the cleanest teeth ever, but his cavities are between the teeth. Also it was said that some people just need to floss, and he is one of those people. Thankfully, he didn't take having cavities as hard as Campbell did.
  • Reagan was just getting home when the others, except for Whitman, left for Raymar for a Bible study tonight. They will be gone for a while plus Campbell is bringing home one friend. Whitman just walked through the living room with his supper, so I guess that I will find me something to eat.

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