June 13, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Robby had his gallbladder dye test this morning. It was a lot of laying around for him so the test wasn't bad even though it was a little bit long. He was able to have his phone and do work during most of it. They have now looked at his gallbladder every which was possible so hopefully tomorrow we will know the next steps. He did get some more pain pills today-and even stronger ones.
  • While he was gone, I slept a little bit longer and then went to town on my to do list. I like having a list, but I like it more when I cross things off. I had a about 300 things on my list-not really, but it felt like that. It must have been a decently long list since I wasn't able to tackle much of my book today.
  • The camper is back in order after our trip, the camp things are put away and ready for the next trip, and the laundry is folded and put away. During camp, the kids are all different colors so they have colored sunglasses, leis, necklaces, socks, shirts, bandannas, and so many other things that are their colors-most of things won't be used during the year so I box them up so we can go through them next year. 
  • The kids did little to nothing today. Graham did workout a few times, and Anderson played a game with Whitman. Also Whitman did his school work for the day since he didn't get a day off-the campers did get a day off, and I think that they needed it.
  • Robby and I ran to Sams tonight to pick up his new meds. We bought some supper for the kids, and then we went over to the Wilson's house for supper and some visiting. When we came home, we picked up some and now these people are on the way back to bed-though most of them spent most of the day in their bed anyway.

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