June 30, 2024-Celebrating the 4th in NW Arkansas, Oklahoma, and in Panama City

(click for today's pictures)

Robby and I woke up this morning and went to the farmer's market right down the road. We drove and took Bentley with us, but we could have walked it was so close. It was a fairly small market, but we still left with 4 scones, 1 jar of bbq sauce, 1 jar of mango salsa, and another jar of dill pickle salsa. Robby had already eaten breakfast, but he still came home and had a bit of a chocolate scone. I finished off a orange cranberry scone, and it was absolutely delicious. 

After our breakfast, we went on our first walk of the day. Yesterday, when we were getting in the camper from the griddle thing, I quickly noticed that my watch was not on my arm. It had fallen off and could had been anywhere, but thankfully, it was laying right outside my car door. The band had somehow broken, so my morning was spent not able to track my walks. Probably getting a little sun on my white wrist was good.

We had sandwiches for lunch, and then headed off to Crystal Bridges. We have been there before but will have to go back since it looked to me like they were building 3 new buildings. We walked around the place seeing all of the art. The most impressive was a room filled with mirrors and glowing spheres that we walked into. 

Next, we walked around on some of the trails outside, but most were closed due to the recent tornado We had a bit of time before our tour so we sat and had some type of strawberry drink-it was kind of like frozen strawberry milk. It definitely quenched our thirst.

The last time that we were here, we were not able to get tickets to go inside of the Frank Lloyd Wright house, the Bachman-Wilson house. If you ask us any to name any architect, I could only come up with Wright's name, but really I haven't been too impressed with any of his houses that we have seen (we have never been inside of one and have not seen Falling Water.)

However, I was super impressed and would like a Frank Lloyd Wright house. The front of the house was fairly windowless, but once inside the great room one wall was solid windows. We had things to listen to as we went through the house so that made it even more interesting. One interesting tidbit was that Wright did not include attics or basements in his houses so people would have less stuff.

Before we left the grounds, I had already requested a few library books about Wright, and Robby and I are watching a documentary about him as I'm working on this blog. 

On the way home from Crystal Bridges, we picked up supper from Orange Panda. We also ran by an Amazon box and picked up a few things that Robby had ordered (including a new watch band for me). We came back and ate and rested for a little bit.

Then Robby and I took another walk-longer this evening than this morning. Now we are settled in for the evening-ice cream will happen after the documentary.

The kids at home woke up and made it to church in plenty of time. Then Keaton and Campbell had a meeting about their next camp while Reagan went with a friend to eat at Texas Roadhouse-she got a salad! At least she had some rolls too-I tried to convince her to get a baked potato since a salad and baked potato are my favorite things from there..and the rolls, of course, the rolls.

Anderson and Campbell went back to the house and finished up their packing. I am sure that quite a few of the kids had a nap this afternoon. They have to be at Rock Creek at 9:30 and then drive through the night for a week at Beach Camp.

June 29, 2024-Celebrating the 4th in NW Arkansas, Oklahoma, and in Panama City

(click for today's pictures)

I'll start with the people at home-Anderson and Graham went to play basketball today and played for 3 hours, and then they moved to an hour of pickleball. I'm sure that they were nasty when they made it home. Campbell and Keaton spent the day doing some last minute packing, and Reagan had a sandwich today (sorry, that is all that I know about her.)

Robby and I woke up first here and took a walk. I had gotten ready for the day before we left for the walk, but I shouldn't have-it was hot that I came back a sweaty mess. Robby was wise enough to take his shower after our walk. We walked over a mile and even ended up at a beautiful stream with rocks around it. Bentley walked around the stream while I explained to Robby that I would like to have a cool spring with some cliffs around it in our yard. 

We eventually got around and left the camper. Our first stop was Sonic for a drink fro Whitman and one for Robby and me. Then we went to Walmart to watch Todd Toven. He is a griddle man who sells Blackstone griddles-we have two. 

It was hot in the walmart parking lot, and the seats in the shade were all gone. Thankfully, we had two lawnchairs in the car so it didn't take Whitman and I long to decide to go in the store and buy us another chair. We hugged the edge of the shade as much as we could, but one of my arms are burned and Whitman's neck looks like it could be pretty red in the morning.

It was 4 hours of sitting in the sun, but thankfully there was a bit of a breeze so that made things tolerable-plus the drinks that we had in the car and the popsicles that Whitman and I bought on our second trip into the store. (We made a total of 4 trips into the Walmart today to cool off.)

The man cooked chicken tacos (good), tortillini (my favorite), sausage and rice (way too spicy for me), and meaty sandwich (way too much meat for me). It was a different way to spend the day-we did come home with some hats (I tried to get some colorful ones that the kids could wear to camp next year) and a bottle of spice to use on the griddle. He gave away 3 griddles, but we weren't winners today (which is good since we don't need one.)

After it was over, we walked through Walmart again and bought a few necessities-ha, not really. We bought some more popsicles, yogurt for Whitman since he tried to eat one last night and didn't want peach, and also some reward candy for Whitman (4 hours on a Walmart parking lot in crazy hot weather without complaining gets you a box of lemonheads.)

We then went back to the wonderfully cool camper for a while. I read and napped. Then we had some supper before going on another walk with Whitman and Bentley. Whitman enjoyed walking on a trail by himself and then exploring the cliff ledges near the water. Bentley did not enjoy Whitman not being right near us at all times. 

Now we are all back in the camper and are about to have us some dessert before going to bed.

June 28, 2024-Celebrating the 4th in NW Arkansas, Oklahoma, and in Panama City

(click for today's pictures)

We weren't too sure that we were leaving today so things were a bit hectic this morning, but I still had time to finish my book today so it wasn't that crazy. First, I jumped out of bed pretty early because I had to leave pretty early with Campbell. Before I left, I wanted to have all of my regular chores finished. I didn't have time to walk Bentley like usual, but we still did get a half mile in.

Campbell made with friends from Rock Creek at ChickFilA this morning. That worked out well for me because I had a few things to get from Kroger. I wasn't sure how long Campbell would want to stay, so I did some speed shopping and hurried back. 

I then sat in the car and played on my phone. Campbell text me to tell me that she was about to come out. I guess I forgot though because about 2 minutes later someone was opening the car door, and I just about screamed. It was Campbell, but maybe I should have been sitting with the doors locked.

Once we were back at home, Graham was awake and getting ready for me to help him pack. I don't do much packing for the girls, and even Anderson did it all this last camp. However, Graham isn't the most efficient clothes folder so I don't mind helping for things to be easier for him. He did gather everything, and I just put it in his bag. This time he is trying a suitcase-so we will see if he likes it better (I would think that he would-so much more room than a duffel bag.)

Keaton worked on packing, and Campbell did all that she could to avoid packing. She does not like packing at all. I did make Whitman take a shower this afternoon plus he had to do some school with me and some school on his own. He never complains and does get it done-unlike all of the other people at the house!

Around 3, Grandpa was able to escape from the hospital. Robby took them home, and I figured that be would have been gone a bit longer because I had just finished all my things and sat down as he walked in. He wasn't ready to leave yet because he still had work to finish and to pack his clothes. 

It was about 4:30 when Robby, Whitman, and I headed on our 4th of July adventure. We would have left a few minutes earlier, but Keaton and Reagan had to come run out and say bye to Bentley. We had no problems at all getting to Bella Vista. We slowed for a little bit before Conway, but anytime we get anywhere with all 12 tires properly inflated through the whole trip, we are tickled.

We even arrived before dark, so we were able to un hook the car, back in, and then hook up in the light. Robby and I actually walked a little bit before it became too dark tonight. It is certainly warm and sticky outside even at night, but this park is beautiful with tons of trails.

Reagan went to Sonic with at least one friend tonight. I think that they are doing their usual-sitting around and play cards. Anderson and Graham went to Guys Night at Rock Creek this evening and even made a stop at ChickFIlA on the way home.

Here in the camper, we are about to open up some ice cream to celebrate a pretty good day.

June 27, 2024

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  • I woke up confused about what time the kids had to leave and made it halfway up the stairs before I realized I was wrong about the time. I was about to wake the kids up shouting that they only had 10 minutes until they needed to go, but thankfully, I realized what the time was-they actually had about 40 minutes until they needed to leave.
  • Today was Serve day for Keaton, Campbell, Graham, Anderson, and Reagan. They went to a few different houses to do yard work. Reagan said that she had to take control of her yard crew and give them some instructions. 
  • They all met back up at Raymar to eat lunch, and then they went to church to do a few things around here. They all had fun and must have worked hard-because everyone but Reagan came home and took a nap. Reagan dropped off her brothers and sisters and then went to Sonic to meet some friends.
  • Robby went to see Grandpa for a little bit this evening which is when I found Whitman and we did spelling together. I'm sure he gets a bit tired of us working on spelling constantly, but just looking at his notes that he took from Impact, I can see that he is getting a bit more confident in his writing and spelling.
  • Reagan came home, and then Robby and I left with the Suburban-Robby dropped me off at Walmart while he got gas, picked up a Sams order, and then ran into Sams. He met me in Walmart, and we finished up a few things on my list. 
  • We picked up supper on the way home, and everyone ate. Keaton and Campbell are working on their packing for beach camp-the kitchen table is full of things for their trip, and the mudroom is full of things for our trip. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day around here.

June 26, 2024

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  • Reagan was the first to leave the house this morning. She went to Pinnacle fairly early; however, they didn't leave early enough. They ended up in the downpour-I think that it started raining before they made it to the top, but she persevered and made it. Going down the mountain was a bit treacherous she said because the rain and water was pretty crazy.
  • When she and her friends made it back to the house, they were dripping wet. Reagan had 2 towels with her already that were soaking. I think that Reagan put some of the girls' clothes in the dryer. Her people were over until about 5 this evening-they even made cookies while hanging out.
  • Robby and I picked up Whitman today from his mission trip. I think that he had a really good time, and as we were leaving Candice came up to us and said that Whitman was always carrying something heavy and asking how he could help. Well, I couldn't ask for a better report.
  • He said that his favorite part was sleeping-while he has been gone, they woke up at 7 or 7:30 each day and went to bed at 10. I'm sure this was a huge adjustment for him since he is used to his brothers' summer schedule which involves staying up very late. Whitman was pretty quiet at home, but boy, I'm sure glad to have him home.
  • This afternoon Campbell, Keaton, and I went to the Wilson's house to help prepare for their big even tonight. The girls cut strawberries, rolled meat up, and did everything that they could to help for this evening. We came home for a little bit to get ready. 
  • Robby made it home, and Campbell, Keaton, and I left with him to go early and help. The girls and I were able to help put the cheese and meat trays together. Then the party started-well, actually the party waited for Layne and Ben to arrive. 
  • When they did arrive, the party and the noise really stared. It was a fun evening with lots of excitement. The house was full of people and the tables were full of food. 
  • We came home, and the kids had some chores to catch up on plus they are leaving early in the morning for a church thing so there is lots of tomorrow prep happening now.

June 25, 2024

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  • Another fairly slow day around here. Keaton had a friend spend the night so I did make scones for the people's breakfast. I guess I can't really call it breakfast since it was nearly 11 when I first saw people downstairs eating my scones. 
  • I walked twice before it was noon, and surprisingly, it was hotter the first time that I walked than the last time. Bentley even moved slower today maybe because of the heat or maybe because she slept in the girls' room last night. When I went to get her, she was sprawled out on the floor in front of their fan with her monkey nearby. (It is actually Campbell's monkey that Bentley loves and is not supposed to have.)
  • When it was time for Keaton's friend to leave, we went to Target so they could walk around first. I needed nothing so I planned ahead-I walked around the store listening to my book. I browsed and browsed finding all kinds of things to look at and send to Reagan to ask if she needed for school. I was having such a big time that the girls eventually had to text me asking to leave.
  • Back at home, I had the Anderson try on pants-we are getting wedding reading for July. When I had Anderson try on blue pants and khaki pants he asked if this was a two day wedding. Tomorrow Whitman arrives home, and he will have pants to try on.
  • Speaking of Whitman-today it looked like he did some yard work or possibly moving some things around outside plus his group went to Walmart to buy items. He still looks like he is having a good time. I know there are 5 other kids here, but it is always different when one person is gone. That is why I think that we will be a little confused when Reagan leaves in the fall. 
  • Robby was at the hospital with Grannymom and Grandpa most of the day. When he came home, the girls and I were out and about. We left after supper-this is the second night in a row that I have made supper for these people here so I'm pretty pleased with myself.

June 24, 2024

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  • Robby was gone most of the night and all of the day today because his dad had a heart attack last night. Thankfully, we were still up and heard the phone. I helped get him out of the house quickly, but Keaton knew something was up and was quick to ask. The kids were up late, so I was able to keep them updated on everything as I heard from Robby. 
  • Late this afternoon, Grandpa received a stent so things are looking good. I just saw Robby briefly this afternoon as I switched cars with him (I didn't plan ahead well since Reagan and Anderson needed cars tonight) and he looked tired as well.
  • The rest of us had a fairly normal day except for Graham. He is the only one who has not been to the dentist for his cleaning yet-he had an appointment scheduled in July, but Grandpa had one scheduled for today. I called early this morning and switched their appointments which worked out well.
  • That worked out even better because now Graham can go with Campbell and Anderson when they all get fillings. And Graham did convince me to stop and get him something on the way home. He kept saying he needed a reward, and I offered up a hug and a hardy "I'm proud of you" but those didn't seem to work as well as a 99 cent sundae from Sonic.
  • Keaton was supposed to have a friend come over today, but that fell through. I do think that she is having another friend come over tonight to spend the night. The big 5 are all at Raymar for Bible study tonight, and afterwards Reagan plans to go to pickleball for a little bit (who am I kidding-she will be pickleballing or at least chatting and playing cards on the pickleball courts until they turn off the lights)
  • I have been able to see some pictures of Whitman today-last night it looked like he was in a dodgeball championship, and today it looked like he spent a good deal of time organizing and moving things at the Children's home. He has on a different pair of clothes than he did yesterday, he looks happy, and he is working hard so I hope all is going well.

June 23, 2024

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  • Campbell had worship care this morning during church, but Robby and I seriously considered signing up for worship care too because it was freezing in the sanctuary today. Graham sat back with us and even said that it was cold. 
  • This morning Whitman had on his church shorts and a long sleeve shirt. Robby and I both had thought about telling him to change, but the joke was on us because he was comfortable during the sermon while we were shivering-or maybe it was the Spirit making us shake!
  • We did Sunday school, and today was Reagan's first time to go to the college class. She didn't say much-or much that is bloggable, but maybe the class will grow on her.
  • After church, we went to Nonna and Pops' house for Sunday lunch. We have missed the last few weeks at their house, so Pops had the kids favorite meal again-pork tenderloin. We stayed and visited for a little bit, but then headed home.
  • I was able to get a 20 minute nap before I took Keaton to a Bible study at a friend's house. I'm all for Bible studies-but on a Sunday afternoon...during my nap? It was fine though because when I came home, it was time to drop Whitman off.
  • This is Whitman's third mission trip to Monticello. They had to be at the church around 4, but you can tell that Whitman is our 6th child, because we sure don't wait around to see the bus drive off. We checked him in, gave him a hug and some last instructions, and we were out of there. (We have still stalked his back pack air tag to see his location and the photocircle to see any pictures of him so we still do love him even though we don't stay to wave bye to the bus.)
  • We then picked up Keaton on the way home, and she was home for a few minutes before she left with the others for Rock Creek. Everyone went but Reagan this evening. Before they made it home, we left for the Wilson's house.
  • We stayed there and visited way too late, so now it is well after 10, and I have to wrangle these people to brush their teeth, throw down the laundry, and put their dishes up.

June 22, 2024

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  • For a Saturday with nothing on the calendar, we were busy most of the day. Robby was up early to change the oil on the camper generator. After my morning things, I went out to spray some weeds. Our spray thing didn't work so it took a while for Robby to work on it, and then for us to find a plan B. I still sprayed weeds for like an hour, and now I hope that the weed spray worked or I will be a tad disappointed.
  • Reagan had spent the night at a friend's house tonight, and she didn't come home until she had eaten an early lunch over there. Reagan was not going to miss hibachi for sure. She came home about the same time that Annie, the Wilson's dog, came over. Robby went early this morning for the dog to potty and walk around a little bit, but she spend the rest of the day.
  • Robby spend most of the day working outside-he mowed, washed the camper, and straightened his shop. He is still in a bit of pain-or maybe more discomfort now, so hopefully whatever it is that was bothering him is going away. 
  • I took Keaton to a friend's house around 1, and she stayed there until 3. Whitman and I then came to pick her up and go to the pool for a little bit. We were just there for about 2 hours, but oh, Whitman loves it and would have stayed longer.
  • Campbell had spend the night with a friend and then spend the day at the lake with the friend's family. They tubed, they fished (Campbell caught 13), they snacked, and Campbell came home with a sunburn-bless her! She will be cherry red tomorrow!
  • When I came home from the pool, I went with Robby to run a few errands-grocery store, picked up some supper and a mystery shop (where we had ice cream which just doesn't set well with me-it didn't last night so I knew not to eat it, but what did I do? I ate it and enjoyed it, and I also regretted it!)

June 21, 2024

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  • Today was Campbell's lucky day-her phone pretty much stopped working Wednesday night so she received a new to her phone (Robbys), and he got a new one. Both of their phones are the oldest of the families with Robby's being a little bit better than Campbell's and, of course, he does still work so they both traded up.
  • Reagan left early this morning to check on Annie for bit, go swimming at a friend's house, to bake cookies at another friend's house for a boy that broke his arm while ice skating with them the other day, and then to spend the night at another friend's house. I know she has had snow cones and then a few minutes later she sent a picture of a tray of Mexican food.
  • Keaton had spend the night at a friend's house last night and spend most of the time working on getting her back handspring. I think that she is pretty close, and she even spent some time working on it this afternoon after Campbell drove me to pick Keaton up.
  • We also picked up Shannon's dog Annie this afternoon for her to come and stay over here for a little bit. Her and Bentley have been fine, but neither of them have truly settled all day long-I think that they are both going to be completely worn out. 
  • Campbell left for a birthday party late this afternoon-first they ate at Larrys, then went to a movie, and finally finished the evening swimming. She isn't even coming home tonight because she is going to another friend's house to spend the night and then to the lake tomorrow.
  • Anderson and Graham went to Rock Creek tonight for the boys' Bible study and hang out time. I think that they had fun, but they came home hungry-and I don't think that the PeiWei leftovers that Robby bought at lunch is what they wanted for supper.
  • And finally, Whitman sent a good deal of time this afternoon packing for his mission trip. He leaves Sunday afternoon for Monticello with the 3rd through 5th graders at church. This will be his third year to go, but this is also his first year to go with out one or both of his big sisters there. 

June 20, 2024

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  • This was a rather busy day around here-at least I thought so, but the kids may not have agreed with me. I woke up and did all my things before anyone else woke up at all. It was a little bit warmer today so Bentley and I both came back from the walk panting.
  • Robby and I went to Costco and man, did we have fun. We have heard that Thursdays are the day that they put clothes on sale, and today it definitely was true. I bought a pair a pants for Anderson and Graham. Robby bought a pair too, and I found some joggers for me. Also Robby came home with 2 polos and a tshirt-each one of our items were a whopping 3 or 4 dollars each so that was a lot of fun.
  • This afternoon, of course, there was spelling plus Anderson applied for his first college. He has only toured OBU, so I encouraged him to go ahead and apply because why not have plenty of options. All my babies are quickly growing up.
  • Reagan left for pickleball and soon afterwards, we made pancakes and egg in the hole for supper. This is usually a favorite meal for most everyone. I told Robby that I wish we had a lot of meals like pancakes since it is easy and quick to make and a crowd pleaser.
  • Keaton left to spend the night at a friend's house this evening, and Shannon came over with a bedskirt possibly for Reagan at school and some clothes for the girls. Campbell tore through those clothes like she was on a game show finding herself 3 pairs of shorts and a tshirt. 
  • Now it is time for bed for me and this crew, but I have a mess to pick up in the living room and kitchen-when does that maid show up?

June 19, 2024

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  • Robby update-he did his CT scan early this morning, and thankfully, also he was able to see his results pretty early as well. His scan was great, no scary things were seen so that was good, but it doesn't help him feel any better. He will meet with his doctor early next week with a list of questions, list of symptoms, and a list of suggestions (one of my nurse friends has a list of labs to run.)
  • We both didn't sleep great last night plus we were up early, so when Robby did come home this morning, he hijacked my walk. I said that I was about to go on a walk, and he said that he would join me. Before I knew it, we were headed to Two Rivers with Bentley for a walk.
  • We walked for 3.5 miles-we were fine and had a good time, but Bentley was exhausted. Bless her! She is not used to all of that exercise and for the rest of the day, anytime I saw her, she was sound asleep.
  • I had thought that I was taking Graham to basketball this afternoon so I was walking out the door with Campbell, Keaton, and Whitman to run some errands while he was playing. However, Anderson walked out the door right behind Graham.
  • I offered to drive both of them, but Anderson said he would prefer to drive. They ended up getting home a little before we did. My first stop on my errands was a haircut for Whitman. I dropped Campbell and Keaton off at Target where they spend a gift card of Keatons. 
  • Then we ran to get Campbell's glasses tightened, before all dividing up and doing some speed shopping at Walmart, Whitman was happy to pick out his snacks for his mission trip which leaves on Sunday. I bought a few things for Reagan's dorm room while Campbell picked out a birthday present for a friend.
  • When we came home, I eventually did spelling with Whitman before we all headed to church for the kids' mission trip meetings. I went to Whitman's meeting first while Robby went to his and Graham's meeting. Then I went to Anderson and Reagan's meeting while Robby went to Keaton and Campbell's meeting. 
  • Reagan went to a friend's church tonight for water wars and then to Sonic where she still is. The rest of us stopped at ChickFilA for supper before coming home. I'm trying to make some bread tomorrow so I just started on that. 

June 18, 2024

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  • I had to wake all of my kids up except for Campbell this morning at 11 so they would be ready to go and eat lunch with the church youth. I'm not really sure how late they are staying up, but it must be pretty late. 
  • When they came downstairs, I was already in my chair having done all my morning chores and walk. It is like we are all living in different time zones around here. 
  • They all went to lunch at Lost-except for Whitman who got to do spelling with me. Soon everyone was home, and for some reason I believe that they didn't actually get their chores and school work accomplished today. There is tomorrow, but I did mention last night that I had a special camp to sign them up for if they didn't finish all of their assigned tasks soon-Constitution Camp. (Now you may be sending your kids there, but my kids would think this is absolute torture!)
  • Tonight Reagan went to Bible study, Anderson went to basketball and to a friend's house to swim, and Campbell went to a friend's house. Robby and I had intended to go to the grocery store, but milk is on sale tomorrow, and we needed more from Sams than Kroger. 
  • It is still early in the evening, but Reagan has made it home from her Bible study, Anderson has made it to his second destination, and Campbell has to be picked up in a little while. 
  • Robby has a CT scan early in the morning so hopefully, we will get some answers by Thursday. 

June 17, 2024

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  • Things moved quickly this morning with the results of Robby's Thursday test. His doctor suggested he go and see someone since the gallbladder didn't look right on the test. He then had an appointment at 3, but that doctor didn't feel like it was the gallbladder so he has ordered a CT scan. Hopefully, the scan will be soon, but it is not yet scheduled so again we wait. 
  • I don't think that any of the kids were up before 11:30 this morning, possibly even later. When Graham came downstairs he was surprised that I had been on a walk already-he was even more surprised when I told him that I had been on two walks already.
  • I guess they are enjoying supper to the fullest-and I do take it back. Reagan left around 10:30. She went to a friend's house, and then they rode together to eat and then to a Bible study at a church. Afterwards, they met a bunch more friends at the skating rink and skated until one of the guys, who she didn't really know, possibly broke his arm. 
  • Anderson wasn't able to go to the dentist when the others did a few weeks ago, so he went today. He was pretty confident that he didn't have cavities; however, he was wrong. They did say that he has the cleanest teeth ever, but his cavities are between the teeth. Also it was said that some people just need to floss, and he is one of those people. Thankfully, he didn't take having cavities as hard as Campbell did.
  • Reagan was just getting home when the others, except for Whitman, left for Raymar for a Bible study tonight. They will be gone for a while plus Campbell is bringing home one friend. Whitman just walked through the living room with his supper, so I guess that I will find me something to eat.

June 16, 2024-Happy Father's Day

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning was a church morning with us all scurrying around to get ready-it is surprising that we can all get ready and leave the house within 60 minutes plus I can also manage to fold the laundry and unload the dishes. 
  • I had worship care this morning-last week they had 9 babies in the room, but this week they had only 4-I guess that I'm prayed up. It was a pretty easy morning. I left there and went to the first graders to teach Sunday school. 
  • After church, we celebrated Father's Day at Grannymom and Grandpa's house. Robby received a hammer and rubber mallet for his gifts plus a handful of cards from all of the kids. Grandpa received a few gift cards, and after much struggle Robby was able to resize Grandpa's new watch.
  • Back at the house, 3/4ths of us had a nap-Robby, me, Graham, and all of the girls. I am not sure what it is about Sunday afternoons and my family-we all seem to need naps on that day more than any other day.
  • We had the pre-beach camp meeting at Rock Creek tonight where we had to turn in all of our forms and pay. The meeting was fairly short, and when it was over the Wilsons all came over for Sunday night supper. 
  • I had made a pasta dish which was fine-not extraordinary-plus I had a sourdough chocolate cake which was also fine and not extraordinary. But the visiting was extraordinary, and spending time with friends is a nice way to start the week..if you indeed do have to start the week.
  • Campbell saves the day: When the Wilsons were here, Campbell heard something in a box above the freezer in the garage. As the Wilson's left, we listened to the box, and she bravely took it off the fridge. She was able to see that there was a bat in the box-I helped her (by giving her encouragement while standing behind her with my hood on over my head). She scooted the box out of the garage when Robby came and shooed the bat away with a broom. 
  • It is a bit after 10, and Graham has just gone on a run, and I have just finished cleaning the kitchen. Hopefully, this week is a restful one, but hopefully, we find out some answers to Robby's tests early tomorrow morning. 

June 15, 2024

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  • It was another lazy day around here. Robby and I left around 11:30 to go and eat lunch. Graham was awake, and I asked him if he wanted to go with us. He declined. Then I woke up Keaton and Campbell to ask if they would like to go, and they also declined. 
  • When I went to tell Graham that we were leaving since he was the only one awake, I saw that Anderson was awake. I asked him if he would like to go and after naming the places that we were going, Anderson told me that I probably didn't have to ask him if he wanted to go with us if we were going to those places. Robby said that maybe we were not very good dinner dates since we couldn't get anyone to go with us. 
  • It was fine that no one went with us because our On the Border bill was just 15 bucks. We enjoy the chips and salsa there more than anything else. Afterwards, we went to Trader Joes and then Walmart and Sams. We picked up a few things and then headed home.
  • This afternoon after my nap, I made a chocolate cake for tomorrow. Anderson and Whitman came down to help me so really I just got the ingredients out for them while they did the rest. 
  • Next up was a quick trip to Nonna and Pops' house to drop off Pops' Father's day present. Graham drove us there while Campbell drove us home. They both did a good job driving-though the others in the car were pretty vocal both times. All that matters is that we made it home safely without causing me to have a heart attack.
  • I made a few people's supper tonight, and now I am siting on the couch watching some of the Miss Arkansas pageant while Robby is waiting on the baseball game to start. 

June 14, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This has been a wonderfully lazy Friday. We haven't done anything which has made Campbell and Keaton pretty stir crazy while it's made me happy.
  • Robby never got any word on his test from yesterday which we kind of expected but still a bit frustrated by. Hopefully, we will hear early Monday morning, because we are ready for a few answers.
  • Robby had his Dgroup early this morning at ChickFilA. I was the next one up and worked steadily through my list; though today I did save plenty of time to finish my book.
  • I have been pretty lax on chores the last two days, but everyone did have to do a day of their summer school today. Next week we start back on normal summer school and chores-we have two weeks at home (only one week for Whitman), and then the others start their camps/mission trips (beach camp for 5, music camp for 2, and then mission trip for 6 all back to back)
  • Reagan left first tonight to go to a movie and then to play pickleball, Anderson and Graham were the next to leave for Rock Creek tonight. They had a guys night, but they eventually ended up at ChickFilA.
  • While the big 3 were all out and about, I gave the others a slew of supper options-hamburger, roast beef sandwich, pizza, potato skins, chicken tacos, english muffin pizzas-we have quite a few leftovers right now.
  • After a bit, we did decide to run to Kroger since ice cream was on sale. Campbell was the one pushing for mint ice cream so she was happy. While we were there, Keaton convinced us to buy peaches-the first two that she has cut into have been bad so that was disappointing. 
  • The others are all out and about still, but the rest of us, except Keaton, are about to dig into the ice cream.

June 13, 2024

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  • Robby had his gallbladder dye test this morning. It was a lot of laying around for him so the test wasn't bad even though it was a little bit long. He was able to have his phone and do work during most of it. They have now looked at his gallbladder every which was possible so hopefully tomorrow we will know the next steps. He did get some more pain pills today-and even stronger ones.
  • While he was gone, I slept a little bit longer and then went to town on my to do list. I like having a list, but I like it more when I cross things off. I had a about 300 things on my list-not really, but it felt like that. It must have been a decently long list since I wasn't able to tackle much of my book today.
  • The camper is back in order after our trip, the camp things are put away and ready for the next trip, and the laundry is folded and put away. During camp, the kids are all different colors so they have colored sunglasses, leis, necklaces, socks, shirts, bandannas, and so many other things that are their colors-most of things won't be used during the year so I box them up so we can go through them next year. 
  • The kids did little to nothing today. Graham did workout a few times, and Anderson played a game with Whitman. Also Whitman did his school work for the day since he didn't get a day off-the campers did get a day off, and I think that they needed it.
  • Robby and I ran to Sams tonight to pick up his new meds. We bought some supper for the kids, and then we went over to the Wilson's house for supper and some visiting. When we came home, we picked up some and now these people are on the way back to bed-though most of them spent most of the day in their bed anyway.

June 12, 2024-Collide Week/Lake Degray

(click for today's pictures)

Robby and I took our morning walk before I left for home. We walked around our loop and another loop which is a little over a mile. It is more fun walking around a camp ground than walking around our neighborhood for sure.

He was pretty ready to leave, but had to do some work and empty the tanks before he got on the road. I zoomed on home and started a load of laundry and did a load of dishes. Then I left the house about the same time that Robby was almost home.

The kids were supposed to arrive at 12:30, but it was closer to 12:50. Plus they had to unload all of the things-and my kids jump to help so we didn't head home until around 1:30ish or even later. The back of the surburban is almost not big enough for 5 kids camp supplies. 

On the way home, I heard a lot about camp from everyone. I am sure that I will hear a bit more over the next few days though but it sounded like everyone had fun. We came home, and they unloaded their laundry as soon as they walked in the door. 

So far today, I have washed and folded 4 loads of laundry, 2 are currently in the dryers, 2 are the washing machines, and I probably have 3 loads of bedding that might have to wait until tomorrow. Pretty much most of the day the kids have napped or been super quiet-Whitman is really the only one who has made any noise-he has spent most of his time in his bedroom with her brothers because I think that he has missed them for sure this week.

Robby and I ran to pick up some Arbys for supper. So when we did come home, everyone was awake to grab something to eat. I am sure that even after their naps, they will all sleep well tonight.

I think that there were about 1000 pictures today that I had to week through from the camp photo circle. Those pictures were put up from all of the workers, but then a few minutes ago Reagan sent me her photo circle-of almost 1000 pictures that she took herself! It was a little bit overwhelming, but I am thankful to have some pictures from the week. This is why there are a ton of pictures on today's post.

June 11, 2024-Collide Week/Lake Degray

(click for today's pictures)

It was another perfect camping day-the weather was again wonderful. We took it pretty easy today. Robby and I did our morning walk, and then he came back to do some work. 

Eventually, we moved on to our day's highlight-two of the trails that we have not walked here at Lake Degray. We have not walked all of the trails here. Please don't think that is some huge accomplishment since we walked one of the longest ones today, and it was less than a mile.

We walked the Chickadee Trail and the Blue Heron Trail. I am not sure which one that we did first except that it was our favorite-shorter and in the shade. The second one led us to a grassy area that needed to be mowed. I have found 3 ticks on me, and Bentley pulled a huge burr off of her. We all survived them both though, and it is nice to walk a new trail. If you remember that was my one of my resolutions this year to walk 12 different trails. I think that I am woefully behind on this, but two today is good.

When we came back, Robby did some more work while Bentley and I napped. Eventually, Robby and I set out on another pretty long walk-we did 2.5 miles which is a lot for us and a lot of the dog. Whitman opted to stay in the hammock while we were on that walk.

Tonight we made quesadillas for supper-3 quesadillas was super easy to make, and Robby was even able to eat at the same time as us. Usually, he is still cooking everyone's food as we have to eat in shifts while camping. 

After eating, it was the worst part of camping-clean up time. Robby and I packed everything away and came in to start showers. Whitman has had his shower and just finished scooping us all some ice cream.

June 10, 2024-Collide Week/Lake Degray

(click for today's pictures)

Today was a perfect weather day-we usually have rain at least at some point on every camping trip, and we did have a few sprinkles last night. That rain though brought in the delicious weather that we had today. This will be the best weather year that the kids have had at camp since it is usually crazy hot and one year it rained quite a bit.

Robby had a few work calls this morning that he did. Then we moved our party to the swimming area. Whitman wasn't sure where we were going and later said that he thought that we were going to the pool. There is no pool here, but he was happy with the lake.

He remembered how to swim and threw the frisbee with me and then the football with Robby-until it bounced off the water and creamed his face. He was fine but was pretty convinced later in the day that he had a dent in his cheek from the incident.

Later in the afternoon we drove to Hot Springs to eat at Rocky's Corner pizza. The best thing that we had was the fried ravioli. The pizza was okay-we haven't yet found the perfect out to eat pizza. This was supposed to be thick crust, but other than the crust, it wasn't very thick at all.

We then drove to Ouachita State Park to check it out for next year's camping trip. We were surprised that Degray is nicer and larger. We don't think that we will be able to stay there since there was not any cell service that we could get there. Robby needs to be able to work so that is not an option. We didn't get a stamp from there or anything, so we will have to come back next year and do a trail or something so we can officially mark it off of my state park visiting list.

We came back to the camper and went on a walk with Whitman. He had not joined us on any walks yet. Then we started a campfire-a campfire is the reason that Whitman loves camping. He had helped me gather wood yesterday so today we were ready. Robby even let him use the little blow torch.

We sat around the fire, made smores, and enjoyed the evening-then we went in! It was a perfect day and a very perfect evening.

June 9, 2024-Collide Week/Lake Degray

(click for today's pictures)

So let's begin with a Robby update: he is still in pain, but the pain pills help. I'm beginning to think that maybe it could be a kidney stone, and since I had mine I have heard that ChickFIlA lemonade is a miracle cure. I couldn't try to convince him to get some today since there is no ChickFilA here, and it is Sunday, but maybe tomorrow. 

Despite his pain, we have been on two walks and gotten a bit of vitamin D in the sunlight so maybe those things will help as well. Plus we have gotten some good sleep-we all slept until after 8 this morning. For some reason, I did have to get up and go to the bathroom like 5 different times last night-I had my own Sonic drink on the way down here plus quite a bit of water-but each time I was happy to see the clock still showed I had plenty of time to sleep.

Whitman slept until after 10 this morning. Robby and I had a walk, but it was pretty warm. When we came home, we went to do some mystery shops. Whitman got lunch out of the deal, and I enjoyed driving around Gurdon where I had to come a few days a week to work in a school during college. 

We then drove through OBU-we didn't see any of our campers, but we weren't really looking for them. They have a website where people post photos from camp, and there have been over 500 pictures posted today so I have seen quite a bit of my people. Actually, I think that Reagan is in only one of those pictures, and I barely saw Graham. 

For supper tonight we had pancakes and egg in the hole. We cooked inside even though we had spent a good bit of time outside today. Whitman even spent at least an hour in the hammock today. Our campsite is perfectly shaded which is very nice-though it still was a little warm.

Our plan was to go to another ranger program tonight, but the wind kicked up about when we were to leave, so we decided to just stay in. Robby is in the shower, so when he is done, I bet we will watch some tv and then call it a night. 

June 8, 2024-Collide Week/Lake Degray

(click for today's pictures)

This morning Robby and I ran to get gas in two of the cars-actually, the cars that we aren't planning on driving the next few days. He dropped off leftover potato salad and slaw at his mom's house while later in the day, I dropped off more at my mom's house. We even brought a tiny bit on this trip for us to eat.

There is such a difference in children-today the high schoolers left for Collide at noon. Anderson and Graham were ready to leave, and they actually probably loaded their luggage into the car at 11. Meanwhile, Reagan, who is very excited about camp as well, was in no hurry to leave. She asked to leave the house at 12:30-even though they were supposed to arrive at noon. 

When I went upstairs to hurry her some more, she was just zipping up her suitcase. She was in no hurry, but it didn't seem like many people were in a hurry either because when I dropped those three off, we were just about the only people there.

Two hours later, I dropped off Campbell and Keaton, and again we were there right on time, and no one was there. Now, I did walk the kids in to the church house, but I didn't stay long at all. The buses had not even arrived either time that I dropped the kids off, so of course I missed taking a few picture (though I have been sent some), but I sure am not going to wait that long!

This is Whitman's last year not to be able to go to Collide. When I asked him tonight if he would go next year, he said "maybe not." I think that he will go, but I also think that he sure enjoys hanging out with Robby and me.

After dropping off the kids, I headed to Lake Degray and Robby and Whitman were right behind me. I checked us in and I also signed us up for a golf cart safari. It didn't take us long to set up camp-though it was super hot during all of our set up. 

Robby and I then sat in the shade and had our selves a super relaxing time-I think that we both even had a short nap. We then made english muffin pizzas in the air fryer for our supper. Robby had thought about cooking, but it is a little bit warm so we opted for indoor eating.

At 9, our golf cart safari started. We were able to snag the 2nd and 3rd carts right behind the ranger. It was dark out there without lights on the golf carts so I stayed right behind the ranger. We were able to see a green tree frog, skunk, toads, and deer. It was neat and we spent the whole hour driving on the golf cart path.

Now we are back in the camper fighting the bugs that flew in when we came inside. I'm about to have my shower and then read a little bit.

June 7, 2024

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  • Today was a nice morning since we were all able to sleep in for a little bit; however, our early morning must have trained Bentley to wake up early because she was awake at 6:30 asking to be let out of our room. I was still able to go back to sleep though.
  • I tried to knock out my chores this morning and then I ran quite a few errands with Robby. When we finally came home-after 3 Sonics, a car wash, Kroger, Sams, and Tacos for Life-the boys were anxiously awaiting on their lunches.
  • The girls, of course, had mostly already packed, but Anderson and Graham did most of theirs today. Anderson just wanted me to review all of the things that he needed with him so he could make sure that he had packed them. Graham wanted me to fold all of his things, but it is nice to know that he does have it all.
  • They are all very anxious about camp over the next few days. I tried to find Reagan socks at Academy today, and then tonight I left before Robby to go to Nike to find her socks, but one place had them too small and the other had them too large. Even though the other night she said that she only had two pairs of socks, she said that she would be fine for camp so hopefully she found some more. I am ordering some off of Amazon so they will be here when she gets home.
  • We had supper with quite a few people at the Craft's house tonight. It was a fun gathering-I had to bring cole slaw and potato salad for about 50 folks. I way over did it and have potato salad and cole slaw running out of my ears!
  • Reagan played pickleball this evening and surprisingly beat us home. On our way home we dropped off Keaton and Campbell to play with Annie for a little bit, and the big boys are at a lock in tonight at Rock Creek-they are not staying all night and will hopefully come home around midnight.

June 6, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Let's begin with a Robby update. He woke up in more pain today, but it did lesson some-back to yesterday's pain level. He did have to do a chest xray and blood work today, but of course we haven't heard anything about it yet.
  • He did get the results of his ultrasound today-he does not have gallstones or an inflamed gallbladder so the next confirmed plan is a gallbladder dye test later next week. He did receive some pain meds so they have helped some this evening.
  • Camp Geyer ended today-the kids had all worked hard this week, and Whitman told me all about his play that his group put on for the puppet people, and then they watched the puppet people's show. He is already trying to figure out what he wants to do next year-he did say that he would help me in cooking-and really, he has helped me for an hour every morning before it was time for him to go to his class. He counted cups, filled the cups with ingredients, placed the cups on the tables, ran errands, and checked my lists for me. He was a great help to me this week.
  • After things were over today, we all went down to the pit for hot dogs and water inflatables. I never thought about a swimsuit or quick drying clothes for Whitman, but he was fine in his clothes and enjoyed playing on the water slides. Reagan, Graham, and Whitman left first and then my car left with everyone esle.
  • We had a few errands to do-Walmart and Academy. At Academy, Anderson bought two pairs of shorts and then we just bought one pair for Campbell. Her shorts were pretty expensive so we opted to buy one even though she could have used two. However, when we checked out, her shorts costs what Anderson's did so I told her to go and get herself another pair, so we all left super happy from that errand.
  • Reagan and I worked for the rest of the afternoon getting ready for her friends to come over. They are sewing fabric letters on white tshirts for camp. We cut out all of the letters and now the kitchen is full of teenage girls learning how to sew-apparently sewing is a life skill that none of these girls were taught. There is only one who knows what she is doing, and Reagan is at least acting like she knows what she is doing.
  • Robby and I picked up pizza for all of the extra people, and now I am trying to determine just what all I need to accomplish tomorrow.

June 5, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Day 182 of Camp Geyer-it kind of feels like it has been that many days, but there is just one more day which makes me super happy. Some of the kids said today that they wished it was on Friday as well. I just silently thought in my head, "you are so young and full of energy."
  • We did get breakfast this morning-cinnamon rolls before it started. All we do though in my group is eat since I am doing the cooking track. Today was had fiesta roll ups and empandas, plus we had our adult snack as well. Eating all of the time during VBS does make the day go by quicker!
  • Whitman stayed after church with all of the 5th graders-they spent some time with the youth staff, played games, ate ChickFilA, and came home with shirts. He also has a part in drama tomorrow so as we were heading home today, he practiced it with Keaton and Reagan.
  • The rest of us ate lunch at Nonna and Pops' house. They fed us a huge amount of food for lunch which game the girls and I power to press through our errands that we had next. Whitman got to go with us since we had to pick him up-he was fine since I bribed him with candy. The boys brought another car so they could go on home today, but tomorrow is Anderson's turn to shop.
  • The girls and I went to Walmart and Hobby Lobby. There are just so many things that the need for camp plus we were able to mark off a few things from the college list. It was a bit of speed shopping, but we got it done-well, most of the things needed for camp anyway.
  • When we came home, Keaton, Reagan, and Graham all had naps. Whitman was about to fall asleep in the car, so that just left me, Anderson, and Campbell standing. Campbell wanted a nap, but she also wanted to stay up for her Sonic drink that Robby brought home for her.
  • Robby went to bed last night with a pretty bad pain in his side-bad enough that he had fever, chills, and even got down on the floor at one point. Thankfully, he slept most of the night long, but after still being in constant pain today, he got himself a doctor's appointment.
  • The doctor thinks it is his gallbladder so he then went to have an ultrasound. It was around 5 when he finished all of that, so we won't probably know anything else until in the morning or even later tomorrow. That didn't give him anything for pain, but maybe I can find some good drugs left over from my kidney stones because no one needs to suffer.
  • Reagan is out and about at a friend's house while Campbell is working on a shirt for camp. Graham has ran a few miles tonight, and Keaton must still be asleep. Whitman and Anderson showed up when Sonic burgers were brought in the house, but I think that this will be a pretty quiet evening. I have already had my hot chocolate and now I might just read some more of my book.

June 4, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • We took two cars to Camp Geyer this morning, so one group could sleep a whole 5 minutes later. Actually, we needed that second car this afternoon, but Reagan, Anderson, and Graham were all happy that they didn't have to leave as early. Tomorrow we will again have two cars, but we will all leave fairly early. 
  • Today was the day I was most concerned about during Camp Geyer-we made and baked two things all in 50 minutes with 36 kids-and it all worked out! I was pretty surprised that we got it all done, but I have a room full of helpers. 
  • When the morning was over, Keaton, Campbell, Graham, and Anderson went to Top Golf as a thank you for all of their hard work during Upward. They were able to play and eat lunch so they all enjoyed that.
  • Robby had to pick Campbell and Keaton up early to meet Reagan, Whitman, and I at the dentist. We had all cleanings-the big boys had to cancel and reschedule their appointment a few weeks ago since I wasn't sure when exactly they would end up playing at Top Golf today. 
  • We all had good appointments except for Campbell. She does have a cavity, but bless her, she hates the dentist so she was none too pleased about getting to go back for a filling. I told her I grew up having cavities every single time I went to the dentist.
  • We came home, and the boys were already home-Graham was sound asleep and slept until 6 when I did wake him up so maybe he will sleep tonight. I walked Bentley and did spelling with Whitman, and then Campbell went to eat with Robby and me.
  • After we ate, we ran into Walmart-my shopping list is so long-the kids need so much before camp, and I feel like I need to get it all before Friday. I figure on Friday they will really start packing and realize that they need a ton of other things so I want to have most of it bought before Friday so I can go on Friday with a much shorter list. 
  • And speaking of shopping, Reagan has a super long dorm room need list-some, or really even most,  of it is just little walmart things like cotton balls, but all of these lists are just starting to hang over my head.
  • Reagan is at a Bible study tonight, but her new pickleball paddle came in today so I am sure that she really wishes that she was playing pickeball this evening. I am in the living room alone right now with Campbell and Keaton packing upstairs and all of the boys are on some type of device!

June 3, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning started early with my alarm ringing. I, of course, hit snooze and didn't wake up until a bit later than I had planned. I was still able to wake the kids in time and mark a few chores off of my list this morning before we left for Camp Geyer.
  • The kids had to be a church at 8 which was fine with me because I still had quite a few things to get ready. Tomorrow they do not have to be there until 8:30, but I have 450 cups to fill up with ingredients for tomorrow's recipe (36 cups of baking powder, 36 cups of cheese....). It doesn't take long at all to do this, but it does take a sweet little minute. 
  • Today Whitman helped me get things ready. He didn't mind helping at all, but he asked me twice about the time that he would need to go to his class-he didn't want to miss anything. His track today was indoor games so he enjoyed that.
  • Everyone else is a guide-Keaton is with 2nd grade, Campbell is with preschoolers, Reagan is with first grade, Graham is with 5th grade, and I am not sure what grade Anderson is in this week. Keaton and Graham went to soccer for their track, Reagan came to cooking, Anderson had indoor games, and Campbell goes with her preschool class everywhere that they go. 
  • I did see a momma in the hallway who is not from our church. She asked me if my daughter was in preschool-she recognized Campbell. I said she was, and she said that she thought so and when she passed her crying son off to Campbell, she knew he would be fine. I think that is a pretty high compliment.
  • Now, I think there is something about Vacation Bible School tired-cause I was exhausted this afternoon. I knew that if I stopped I would not accomplish anything else, so I kept moving until my list was complete, and then I crashed! It wasn't a crazy long nap since Campbell and Keaton had 2 friends coming over to spend the night.
  • They were here for a bit, but then Anderson drove all of the people, except Reagan and Whitman, to Raymar for a Bible study. They would have had more fun if they had been able to play outside, but they weren't because of the crazy rain. They still said that they were one of the last ones there though.
  • When they made it home, I had some pasta ready, but I didn't have enough since all of my people wanted some. Reagan had to make her own pasta since I ran out-it wasn't that hard. Now everyone is home safely and eating their supper so I guess I can put my feet up for a bit before bed.

June 2, 2024

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  • I hit snooze a good couple of times this morning, but we all still left for church on time. The laundry didn't get folded this morning, but that was because it was still wet. Usually, Robby, or sometimes me, will put it in the dryer in the middle of the night, but that didn't happen last night.
  • Campbell did worship care during church this morning, and then she went to a pool party with her friends. After that she spent the night at a friend's house, so I really won't see her until after VBS tomorrow. She is working on the other side of the building from where I will be.
  • After church, we had lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house. They had pizza and cookies which was a pretty perfect meal. I think that we pretty much devoured the pizza, and I know that we made a dent in the cookies.
  • When we came home, I changed and then left again with Keaton, Graham, and Whitman. They helped me set my room up Camp Geyer. There isn't a ton that we could do today, but we were able to put a few things on the tables and get a few things for tomorrow.
  • It didn't take long for Graham to fall asleep and take his nap. I wasn't going to take a nap, but I looked across the couch and saw Robby snoozing so I thought I would as well. When I did wake up, I tried to knock out a few chores around this house.
  • Reagan spend the evening at her Lifegroup, and then she managed to go and play some pickleball with her friends. She has purchased a new paddle to help improve her game. We spent our evening at the Wilson's house. Tony had made pasta for us, and then we just sat around visiting for a long, perfect while.
  • Now, we are home and I'm finishing the blog, and about to crawl into bed since tomorrow will be an early morning.

June 1, 2024-Branson in May!

(click for today's pictures)

Robby and I woke up before any of the kids this morning. He had planned on leaving at 9, but we were driving away a little bit after 8:30. We didn't sleep with the slides in, so we had to move Graham to put that slide in and move Campbell to put that slide in as well. Also I had him move Keaton since I didn't want her sleeping on the top bunk while we were driving out of Branson.

The ride home was thankfully uneventful. Graham sneezed about 30 times at one point. When I went to the back to turn off the generator before getting gas, Reagan asked for some beef jerky and cinnamon bread for a snack. Keaton text asking for candy, but other than that I didn't see or hear from anyone else on the whole ride home.

When we stopped in the driveway, everyone came piling out. They are so good and keep returning for load after load to take in. Within about 30 minutes we do have most everything out of the camper. There is always a little bit of laundry after a camping trip-even though we didn't wash everything this time. 

As soon as I had everything straightened in the house, I helped Campbell get her baseball jersey ready for camp. We used the cricut and it looks pretty good. A bit later, I helped Keaton with letters on the cricut, and when I came home from a few errands with Robby they were both using it to make signs for camp. 

I hear showers running, and most everyone has had some type of supper. Reagan is off playing pickleball and the rest of us are biding our time until the Hogs play some baseball at 8 tonight.