May 23, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This was the last quiet day around here-early tomorrow morning, Campbell and Graham are dog sitting a dog here at the house. The last time we had an extra dog here, it was like I was watching two toddlers so we shall see how smoothly the weekend goes.
  • I went on my walk this morning as soon as it dried out a little bit. When I came back everyone was awake, and the boys were getting ready to leave to play basketball. After they left, Robby and I went to Costco to pick up a few things.
  • Back at home, I worked on some school things along with spelling for Whitman. When the boys finished with basketball, we met them to get gas in the cars. As soon as they were home, Anderson went to town on working on his helmet a little bit more.
  • Graham had a camp planning meeting so Reagan took him there and then later went to pick him up while the rest of us went to Top Golf. The company that Robby's retirement money is with had a few extra spots so we were able to play plus they had supper which was fun.
  • We picked up pizza on the way home for Graham, and then I took Campbell to a friend's house to spend the night. And if you were counting, we had a total of 3 trips to Bryant today and 1 trip to Benton-at least we found a good price on gas today!

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