May 22, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning when I still laying in the bed, I told Bentley that I would get up when she got up. That dog though laid on the couch until near 10:30. I, though, couldn't relax all day long since I had things to do this morning. 
  • I worked on my dishes and laundry for a bit. Then I was able to organize some of Graham's school work for next year, and then I took Bentley on a walk-I had to wake her up.
  • When I came back from my walk, Anderson was up and working on his second helmet, and Campbell was also awake and starting on her bread. She has been diligently trying sourdough bread. Today she made pepperoni and mozerella bread. It was good, but just like the last it isn't as fluffy as we would like. We don't know what is happening, but I think she will keep trying until we figure it out.
  • This afternoon Reagan and Graham went to work, and Campbell had a friend over. They spent most of the time outside in the woods and playing volleyball with Keaton. Robby and I ran to the store to pick up a few things, and then when we came home it was time to take Campbell to her friend to a birthday party.
  • When we were leaving, Kennedy arrived, and she and Reagan went to play pickleball-as much pickleball as Reagan has been playing lately, you would think that she is trying out for the olympics. 
  • Robby and I tried out Different Dough Pizza while Campbell was at the party. It was good, but we didn't order what we thought we were ordering so we will have to try the place again. We also had free ice cream from Freddys so we ate that quickly while waiting on Campbell. Now Robby is watching baseball while I am finishing this blog and trying to read some.

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