May 21, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • I knew that today was going to be a warm day again so I walked Bentley pretty early in the morning. We were walking happily until we made it to the end of the street, and the dog stopped and didn't want to walk any further. 
  • I convinced her to walk some more, but suddenly another dog came towards us yapping away. Bentley must have known that dog was out so we quickly turned around and headed a different way. I will listen to her tomorrow on our walk.
  • Around 1 I left with Graham, Campbell, and Keaton. Campbell and Keaton did some shopping at Target while Graham received a hair cut. He got it put quite a bit shorter. We then ran into Goodwill to look for shirts in their Collide colors, but gracious it was stinky in there (weed) so we grabbed a few things and left quickly.
  • I was only home for a little bit, before Robby and I left again. We ran to the library where I picked up a few books-I was having a book shortage. Then we had a grocery pickup from Walmart. When we came home, we put our supper in the oven.
  • It baked for a little bit, and then we all ate. Reagan had just gotten in from pickleball and shopping and after supper she left again for more pickleball in another city. All the other kids played a few rounds of football after supper, and then Graham did some running outside. 
  • Now Campbell, Keaton, Robby and I are all sitting around the tv now watching a show.

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