May 18, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • First this morning Robby stared working on a few things in the camper while I did a few things around the house. The kids didn't stir early at all. Graham had basketball plans, so I asked the girls if they wanted to go with me.
  • Anderson didn't want to play today, so I drove Graham. While he was playing Campbell, Keaton and I went to Walmart first. We thought we had plenty of time so we took our time looking around everywhere. Graham wrote after a while, and he said that I could pick him up in about 30 minutes. 
  • We still had to go to Kroger to for a huge list of things, so we started moving pretty quickly. At Kroger we were throwing things into the cart, until Graham wrote saying he would be a bit longer. Then I slowed down and let the girls look around-though there really isn't a ton of browsing at Kroger-at least browsing that is not food things.
  • Eventually, I did put all of the cold things in the cart, and we headed to get Graham. He had just finished so our timing was perfect. 
  • Reagan's dog sitting duties ended today after a week-she might just miss being right near the pickleball courts that her friends go to. I think that she did enjoy being so near everything for a few days.
  • We watched another sad Hogs baseball game this afternoon, and then Robby drove Graham to a birthday party. I guess we need to get him a driver's license-well, I guess he has that. He needs a hardship so he can take himself places.
  • I made baked potatoes for supper which we ate. Keaton has a friend over so they spend most of the afternoon and evening playing volleyball. They did use about 400 water balloons-Campbell and Whitman joined them for this as well. 
  • Then the Wilsons came over to go to Crumble with us. We all ate some cookies before picking Graham up from his birthday party. The Wilsons then came in for a little bit, and we watched a sad Hogs softball game. 

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