May 16, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Campbell and I woke up at Reagan's dog sitting house. I walked the dog for over a mile because I knew by the time I made it home for the day, I would be too tired to walk Bentley. We went home, and I had a few minutes to knock out some of the morning chores. Robby had already completed the dreaded dishes and the never ending laundry.
  • Soon, we left with Whitman for the Museum of Discovery. I had signed him up to dissect a shark-it was pretty fun to do. I didn't get to dissect a shark until college, and today he was able to do it. In his group with 3 others, he was a bit stand offish, but he did manage to do a few things. I think that he enjoyed it. Also, he wanted to make sure that we were able to explore the museum when we finished.
  • We did have time to walk around the museum and even the next door nature center before meeting our ride. Robby was our ride since he had some errands to run at lunch time. Actually, cars are pretty scarce around here these days-Reagan had woken up at her friends and was back to her house sitting house while Graham and Anderson went to play basketball with some friends. They actually were gone all afternoon so they came home pretty tired.
  • This afternoon, I had myself a nap, but my 20 minute nap didn't compare to Campbell's 6 hour nap-Keaton is the one who said that Campbell's nap was 6 hours so I am not too sure if that is accurate. 
  • Robby and I went to 5 Guys to eat supper tonight-it was fine, but the milkshake was the excellent. We were surprised that the place was kind of empty-maybe because it is so crazy expensive. After we ate, we walked around the new Aldi. Quite a few things were cheaper than Walmart, but we only picked up milk because that saved us a trip to Kroger on our way home.
  • Back at the house, all the Italian food was made for their supper-pizza and pasta. Robby is working in his office, Bentley is looking out the window, Campbell is in the living room with me looking at her phone, Whitman is in my bedroom watching his ipad and playing with magnets, Keaton is upstairs doing some internet shopping, Reagan is playing pickleball with some friends, and I am not really sure what Anderson and Graham are doing.

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