May 12, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Sunday morning here and also Mother's Day. I woke up to an array of cards on the bar along with a present. As the morning went on, my card pile did grow by one-a hastily made card-still made by one of my favorites. 
  • Even though it was Mother's day, there was still dishes to unload and laundry to fold before we left for church. Campbell also had to make a fruit platter for her Sunday school class, but she had done some prep work last night. 
  • Reagan arrived at church a bit after us-I'm sure that people talked this morning since she sat in church by herself right in front of us. She was expecting her people to join her, but I guess their mother's all wanted them to sit with them. I guess that is fine, but truly, if my kids are in church, that is enough Mother's day for me. We were certainly all spread out-Campbell was even in worship care this morning.
  • Robby and I had a class full of first graders this morning. Then we hurried to Nonna's house for lunch. We celebrated Mother's day there, and even snapped a picture of me and the kids. They had lasagna and some salad-I have been on a salad kick lately. Maybe I need to make some here at the house.
  • We then ran home for a few minutes before dropping Reagan off to go camping with the seniors from church. There aren't a whole lot of people going, but there are some grownups so that makes me happy. They planned to float, but we think the water level is too high to do that, and it also looks like rain, so hopefully it will miss them.
  • Then we ran by Reagan's house sitting job for a few minutes on our way to pick up supper for tonight and to fill up the suburban with gas. Then it was home for a while before Anderson, Graham, Campbell, and Keaton went to Rock Creek.
  • The Wilson's came over and the Rock Creek kids eventually came home. We all ate and visited for a while. I straightened the house a little bit, and now it was bedtime! Tomorrow is turning out to be a busy little day.

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