May 10, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This was a fairly busy Friday for me-at least I didn't get a chance to pick up my book until just a little bit ago. Anderson went to help someone with yard work this morning and afternoon. He stayed until almost 3:30, had lunch, and made a good amount. 
  • Robby and I ran to buy some Mother's Day presents, and then we went to pick up some strawberries at a sale. We bought two flats which took me a good deal of time to slice and put away. Keaton did help me a little bit while her supper cooked tonight.
  • We then went to run a few errands-Bath and Body, Kroger, Sonic, Grannymom's, and Sams-before coming home for a little bit. Reagan and Anderson were at work by the time that we made it home. I did spelling with Whitman for a little bit and then walked Bentley until Anderson came home. 
  • We were waiting on him because I had left the books in the mini van so they had spent the morning and most of the afternoon with Anderson in Bryant. I needed to take them to Maumelle to the bookstore to sell them so I had to wait on him to come home.
  • When he arrived, Robby and I left again. We ran to the bookstore, and then picked up drinks for the girls and supper for the boys. This was indeed a busy day now that I think about it. When we came home, we were home for a bit before leaving again to take Graham to a birthday party.
  • Robby is picking Graham up now, but after we dropped him off we went to Chuys to eat supper. It had been years since we had been there, but we both said that we really enjoy On the Border more than Chuys. 
  • Tomorrow is the last Saturday soccer game to which I am pretty glad about, but I think that we will miss soccer a little bit. Now, I for sure will not miss the early morning soccer days!

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