January 20, 2020
- I was having some crazy dreams this morning which is why you probably should not hit snooze on your alarm clock for 30 minutes before you decide to wake up and get out of bed. Whitman and Keaton were sleeping soundly in their bed all cuddled up together when I went to wake them up. Of course, Reagan was also asleep.
- It was kind of hard to do school this morning since it is officially a holiday. Since we are having a few extra days off of school soon, it was necessary that we did do our school. Graham got a little frustrated that he couldn't figure something out, but we worked through it and soon he was finishing up his school work.
- This afternoon I did work on Legos a little bit with Anderson. I tell you it can be so frustrating to look for a tiny piece for minutes, and then Anderson crawls up and finds it immediately. We almost finished a Lego thing today so hopefully tomorrow we can wrap this one up.
- The big task today was packing Whitman. I am not too sure that I have packed him enough clothes, but I do have to remind myself that we wear the same things day after day around here. I did have to buy him some more socks tonight, but hopefully after that and a new pair of shoes, he will be fixed up.
- The boys had Trail Life tonight. I asked them if they had fun, and they all said that they did. Anderson won at gaga ball so that pleased him. Whitman's group talked about plants while the big boys talked about first aid.
- I had Bunko tonight so was gone most of the evening long. We ate out and finally found a restaurant that was open until 10. When I came home the kids were already headed to bed. Tomorrow will be another fun day so they need some sleep.
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