February 6, 2019
- I didn't hear Robby get up this morning, but I did wake up when he told me bye. That was at 4:30, and unfortunately, I didn't go back to sleep until right before it was time for my alarm clock to ring.
- When it did ring, I moved fairly quick and was soon in the shower. Afterwards, I woke up the kiddos. I had to bring Whitman downstairs. He was pretty upset with me for waking him up "in the middle of the night." Keaton told me that it felt like we were going on a trip since we were all awake so early.
- At 7:30, we loaded into the car and headed off to the DMV. When I drove around trying to find a spot to park, Reagan asked if I was going in the place that had all of the people standing in the middle of the room. That sent a wave a panic down my spine-I sure didn't want to have to come back later in the day.
- The kids had brought their ipads so they all set locked up in the car while I went in. They had a phone and I was prepared to give them updates on the line progress. When I went in the door, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was the only person in the line that I needed to go to.
- Getting my new driver's license didn't take long at all. I did sweat it when the lady said that I needed 5 documents. I had an envelope of things Robby had gotten out for me plus another envelope full of things that he had sent me this morning to print out. My documents passed inspection and soon I was "giving a big smile" to get my photo taken.
- I didn't have to sign anything saying that I had not driven. This was causing great concern with the kids about my lying about driving. Since getting my new license took no time at all, we had plenty of time before Bible study. We first headed over to Shipley's to pick up a bit of a second breakfast for everyone.
- Then we drove to Maumelle to pick up Kennedy so she could go to Bible study. The traffic was at a stand still going over the bridge to get her. That was fine with Reagan because she was super excited about us being late to Bible study since we never are. Unfortunately, even though we were about 15 minutes late, her class had not even started yet!
- Bible study was good today and afterwards, we were pleasantly surprised to see that it was not raining. Since the weather was beautiful we went to Brodie Creek to play for a little bit and eat our lunches.
- Afterwards, we ran to church for about an hour to help Ms. Meryl get things ready for Night to Shine. We helped pack some swag bags. Then we moved those boxes to another place and finally we helped sort a few things. The kids enjoyed helping and would have stayed all afternoon long if there was enough stuff for us to do. We were only able to work for about an hour since many hands make light work.
- The Heltz big girls had gone with us so between Sara and I we had 12 kids with us. Hmm, I do guess that Sara just had 3 and I had the other 9. I dropped the Heltz off at home and then the rest of us headed home to unload the car.
- My first task was to trim Keaton and Campbell's hair. I think that I did a decent job yet I am not too sure of it at all. It does look better since they were in dire need of a trim. Now soon I am going to have to have my hair cut and when I go, I will take Reagan with me for her hair to have a trim. I think that me butchering her hair would be the most traumatic so I am going to let Tammy have a whack at it.
- Anderson and I did work on his Lego ship that we have been building lately. We did finish it and before I realized it, I was asking him what he wanted to do next. There are still probably 2000 grey pieces that are in the grey box. I did ask that we work on another color and not grey for a little bit to give my eyes a break!
- Soon it was time to eat our supper. I had planned on eating our never ending pot of chili, but decided not to at the last minute. That meant that I had to come up with another supper plan. It was frozen pizzas to the rescue. Thankfully, we have plenty in the freezer. After supper we were soon on our way back to the church house.
- Church seemed to drag a little bit tonight maybe because I was a bit tired. Once we made it home, all of my crew put on their pjs and had a snack. Then we had a few minutes of down time before heading to bed. Robby called just as I had tucked everyone in, so they all huddled around to listen to us chat for a few minutes. Afterwards, it was certainly bedtime for all of the crew!
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