Everyone except for Keaton was awake this morning. I am not sure if that was because it was Bible study day or if it was because it was Halloween. Either way, it did make our morning run fairly smooth since I only had about 30 minutes until we left when I hopped in the shower.
This morning when we had about 10 minutes left, I started calling to the kids reminding them how much time is left and what they needed to have done. If you remember, last week people were trying to make their breakfast as I was shouting to get in the car. This week, I think quite a few folks went without breakfast! Either way, it made the morning go more smoothly.
Now Whitman never goes without breakfast. He has his two little mommas that take care of him. Campbell or Keaton are always getting him breakfast or anything else that he needs. I am certainly glad that they help out, but gracious I do think they might be spoiling him rotten.
We did our Bible study. The only excitement was when everyone's phones went off in our small group saying that it was a flash flood warning. It wasn't too exciting since we were on the top of Immanuel's hill.
Robby was having his own excitement at home. The lights went off about the same time that we left this morning. They stayed off until we were driving home. Now, he said that the wind was crazy, crazy. Our rain gauge which has never moved off of our picnic table was knocked to the ground. There were already quite a few limbs that needed to be picked up but now it will take a good while to pick all of those up....and we have less than a week to get all of that done.
After Bible study, we stopped at Sonic to pick up some 50 cent corn dogs. We did have to wait about 20 minutes before we got them, so I am not really sure if picking up lunch made things any easier or not.
Once we ate, we all did some of our history and science reading. Then I read to the littles while the bigs did their computer work. Then I worked with Whitman for a little bit. Finally, I had everyone help straighten up the house just a little bit.
So very soon, it was time to load up for our Halloween run. Our first stop this afternoon was at Nonna's house. Then we ran to Grannymom's and Dana's houses. Next stop was ChickFilA for a free ice cream bar.
Then it was back to Immanuel for the Family Fest. It was really neat. The kids all enjoyed it. Keaton did enjoy it but she wasn't too crazy when I told her that she would have to return her fish! The Dennie's don't do pets-even fish won at church carnivals!
We do however do cakes-cakes won at church carnival cake walks! And yep, 4 Dennie kids won cakes. Anderson won his first. Then on the very last thing we did before leaving Whitman, Campbell and Graham all won a cake! It was almost embarrassing walking out of there!
Once at home, we heated up some chili and cooked some hot dogs. The Heltz came over and while the kids traded candy, the grownups ate cake and lots of it!
I knew that we would leave at lunch time today, so our school was a bit quick. We did everything this morning, but it was like we did it on speed.
Everyone worked well-I do think that Whitman is finally getting the hang of some things. He finished in time to watch his ipad which made him happy and of course that made me super happy. Even though he had to read with 2 different people today, he still managed to finish! Maybe things are starting to click with my boy who just marches to a different drummer.
Campbell had a bit of a rough school day. She tried to turn in her math with quiet a few problems not even done. Then when I circled them and told her to fix them, she melted down saying that she needed my help. I calmly explained that she would get my help after she tried. That didn't go over too well at all! Finally, she did calm herself down and get back to work in time to finish.
I actually had a shower this morning before it was lunch time. At noon, I did have everyone straighten the house for a few minutes before we ate. The kids then ate their lunches while I packed up a few things for the evening.
Our first stop was our pumpkin patch that we have gone to lately. We were able to play on the playground for a little bit. Then it was time for the hay ride. I do really enjoy this hay ride because it is a real hayride through a real pumpkin patch.
The kids were all able to find pumpkins that they want...now, we just have to carve a few for Halloween which happens to be tomorrow! Whitman loved playing with the hay on the hay ride-he always finds whatever is the messiest and then heads there-hay, corn pit, sand box-I am sure that hay, corn and sand were all in his undies tonight!
After the hayride, we played for a bit longer and then we headed to Robby's work. They were having a Fall Fest. Many years ago, they had one in Little Rock that we went to but going in Conway was a first for us.
They had a huge tent set up and under it were tables and chairs along with a buffet line full of candy, chicken, trail mix, pigs in a blanket, popcorn, cookies and cotton candy. Needless to say, we made all of that into our supper.
There were also games with really good candy as the prizes. Most of the kids played the games twice. Whitman didn't because he spent some extra time in the bouncy house. He could have stayed in the bouncy house longer but I bribed him with some more popcorn to get out and head back to the car with us.
When we left the plans were pumpkin patch, Robby's work and basketball for the little 2 girls. Sometime during the afternoon, we received an email saying that the basketball was cancelled. Then we heard about our buddies going Trick or Treating so we decided to tag along.
Since our costumes were at home, we had Candice break into our house to grab my costume bucket. We then met up and followed them for an evening of Trick or Treating. The kids enjoyed it, but it didn't take too long for Campbell, Keaton and Whitman to get a bit tired.
They had received a lot of candy at Robby's work but almost doubled it with the Trick or Treating tonight. Once home the first thing that everyone did was to dump their buckets, sort their candy and start trading. It is always pretty interesting to watch. A few years ago, everyone would try to take advantage of Whitman, the last few years they were more fair and a non trader was usually watching out for him, but now he is trading for himself and knows exactly what he wants.
Everyone had their showers before it was finally bedtime for the crew. I am trying to decide if I want to go and eat some of their candy or not. I can't eat anything for Campbell or Keaton's bags because they have everything itemized and written on a sign by their buckets!
Whitman burst into our room this morning asking how many minutes he had for free time. I wasn't too sure if I should let him play his ipad or not, but I did for the next few minutes while I stumbled out of bed.
Keaton and Reagan were the only ones still sleeping this morning but they all wake up easily. The kids made their breakfasts before we started reading-a breakfast burrito, pop tarts, cereal, a bagel, and granola bars are what fed the Dennie 6 this morning. Now, there were even some goldfish on Whitman's plate.
Our reading this morning was relatively painless. Then everyone started on their school work. I was finished working with everyone by 11:30 this morning which is absolutely wonderful.
Now, Reagan finished after 10. Tonight she was thinking out loud about all of this. She said that maybe she needed more school work since she was finished so early. When I looked at her strangely, she added that she sure didn't want any more school work. Of course this all made me reevaluate her work-8th grade math, pretty tough science, two writing programs and the list goes on. I think that she has just the right amount of work.
Anderson and Campbell were the only ones working after lunch today. They didn't work for too long because they were soon joining in on chores around here. I know that we do chores every day, but seriously, my kiddos aren't the best at doing chores.
All we are really able to do is keep the downstairs decent in case someone was to drop by on short notice. The rest of the house needs to be scrubbed with a toothbrush! This weekend, Robby even threatened to go through the house with a trash can to declutter. I would join him in that at any time.
We did our work together again this afternoon and even did a bit of our Jr. Ranger books. Our plans kind of changed mid afternoon when we decided to climb Pinnacle and run a few errands. So as soon as our work together was finished, I jumped in the car with Reagan, Anderson and Campbell.
Walmart was our stop-we bought wax paper, corn, rubber bands, 2 shirts for each girl, Legos (with Anderson's gift card), leggings for Campbell, boots for Reagan, ornaments for the girls' tree, flats for Campbell, and enough that we spent well over a hundred dollars.
Then we hurried to meet Robby, the others and the older two Heltz girls at Pinnacle Mountain before sunset. They were already there when we arrived. Soon we headed up the mountain. I remembered the mountain being a gentle slope until the top part when it became pretty rocky. Apparently, my memory has failed me-the whole things was rocky. Some parts weren't as rocky but it was all rocky with the top like climbing up boulders.
Robby, Whitman and I were the last ones up the mountain. We were also the last ones down the mountain. There was no hurry. Everyone did great and there was very little complaining and only a few falls. Graham did fall pretty good but recovered well. Whitman also fell one time and kind of rolled. The way that he grabbed himself made me think that he felt like he was falling off the side of the mountain.
Once we made it to the bottom, I let me crew play on the playground for about 10 minutes before heading home to eat chili. Robby then took Graham to basketball practice while my crew showered. The girls then filled their tree with ornaments-it looks pretty classy.
At 9:30, it was bedtime and surprisingly I think that a climb up Pinnacle has worn everyone out!
Graham was fine last night though he did say that his stomach still hurt a little bit this morning. He didn't eat any breakfast, but sure did shovel in his cake during lunch today.
Anderson popped in around 8:30. He was quick to say that they stayed up until midnight. He jumped in the shower and soon we headed to the church house.
I even heard some of the sermon since Whitman wasn't sitting by me. Though I would have thought that I would have remembered more it, but maybe it is not Whitman and maybe I just have attention deficit disorder that occurs mainly during sermons.
After church, we went to Grannymom's house for lunch. After lunch, the kids all presented their reports about our upcoming trip. Whitman told about route and the main things that we will see and do. Keaton's report was about Legoland. Campbell talked about the Bahamas, Graham about Puerto Rico, and Anderson about our cruise ship. Reagan ended our presentations with a report about the Virgin Islands.
We worked on those reports last week. This next week, our extra school work will be writing a newspaper section for our homeschool buddies and the big kids working on their library class stuff.
We ran by the grocery store on the way home from Grannymom's house. Then it was time for our afternoon naps. We did pretty much insist that Whitman have a nap and after a bit of tossing and turning, he was sound asleep. Robby and I were soon sound asleep as well.
We probably could have slept a bit later, but we had to get up to get Reagan to her Life Group. She was ready, but I had to bake the bread for their supper tonight.
Robby then started on supper for everyone else left at the house while I went up to work on putting the kids Christmas trees up. Things were going splendidly until I opened the two new boxes of trees that we had bought for their rooms. GOLD! The trees were gold. I was just disgusted.
I went ahead and brought their old trees which were already by the back door to throw away upstairs. I put one up in the girls room and then started on the boys' tree. It had lights on it that no longer worked, so I spent the next two hours cutting those lights off and putting new lights on it.
I had just finished when Robby called on his way home from picking up Reagan. He told me that Reagan wanted the gold tree! All of that work-Robby and the girls did help take down the other tree and put up the gold tree. Alyssa even wants the other tree so things will all work out, but I am still have not started my Christmas holidays on the right foot.
Once all of the trees were put up and properly lit up, then we had a bit of downtime before bed. Some how it was still almost 10 when the kids climbed in their beds tonight. Anderson lost a tooth tonight but neglected to put it under his pillow, so does that mean that the tooth fairy doesn't have to come or maybe the tooth fairy will just take the easy way out and put the tooth and money by his desk!
At about 8:45, I went to make sure that everyone was awake. Anderson and Graham were both awake and on their devices. I could see that Reagan's light was off so I gently opened the door and saw a little light on with Reagan and Camryn both sitting on the beds eating something. I told them good morning and asked what they were eating. "Candy," they both said in unison.
Soon everyone was in a car pulling out of the driveway. Robby took the boys to go and pick up the little 3 and Cash. While I took Camryn and Reagan to go and pick up Laynie. Robby stopped at Sonic for his car full so I did as well.
We both arrived at church at about the same time. Robby was chatting so I headed in the gate with 9 kiddos. I let the big kids loose with little instructions and not even a meet up time. They headed off to the big rides.
I had Campbell, Keaton, Laynie and Whitman with me. They followed pretty close behind the big kids and Campbell and Laynie were soon on a crazy upside down ride. Whitman jumped on a mini ferris wheel.
Shortly after, I ended up on some crazy spinny ride. I could at least hold on to the middle part and slow our spinning down. However, I was going backwards so that didn't help my head very much. I have figured out if I focus my eyes on one thing and don't look around or turn my head, then I can survive many of these rides.
I did say that I could survive "many" of those rides because there was one that I knew they would want for me to ride but I was not. Keaton was too short even if I would have gone with her but she was still pretty upset that she didn't get to ride.
There were lots of rides-a ferris wheel, which Campbell and Whitman were on for what seemed like forever. A spinny ferris wheel that all of the big kids enjoyed but most have been pretty intense because you had to step over vomit on the exit! A carousel, kiddie roller coaster, kiddie motorcycles, kiddie tractors and of course my favorite-the slide!
Around noon, we all stopped for lunch. Then it was back on the rides of the kids. There was about a group of 10 that were running around together. The big kids were given quite a bit of freedom, and they soaked it up.
Whitman and I hit up the preschool playground where they had lots of games to play with candy prizes. He is very selective on his candy choices; if he didn't want any of the candy pieces from the bucket, then he wouldn't get anything.
Above all of the rides, Whitman enjoyed the bouncy houses more. Robby and I even got in on the bouncy house action and played some type of game on one of them. I do think that I won one round.
Around 2, I headed home with the boys. My boys were certainly ready to head home, and I heard no complaints from them. We dropped off Cash on the way home. Then I went to work unloading the car, folding my laundry and pulling out school for next week. Robby stayed with the girls for another hour.
He actually ended up leaving Reagan there with the Heltz to play for a little bit longer. He dropped of the McGuires and then headed home. We snoozed on the bed for about 30 minutes until Whitman wanted me to come and look at all of his candy that he had spread out.
I then made Hobo bread-I had loved it at Greenfield Village, and it had been on my short list of things to make. It was actually a bust. It wasn't very sweet. Just kind of tasteless bread. I was pretty disappointed about it actually.
At some point in the evening, the boys headed to the neighbors house to spend the night. Graham wrote around 9 saying that he didn't feel good. I told him that he could certainly come home and he did. He said that his stomach hurt a little bit. I am sure that it did after eating junk for the last few days and being completely exhausted from the last few days of business sure didn't help at all.
Out of all of the Dennie kids, Graham is the one who becomes the most tired so I am sure that is mainly what it is. I do hope that he isn't getting a sickly, but right now he is sleeping soundly.
Reagan came home about 6 after spending all day in the church parking lot at GSFest. Her face is so sunburned-yesterday we were freezing out there, and today most of us are a bit sunburned. Crazy Arkansas weather.
We went to the Wilson's for a little bit this evening leaving Reagan at home to rest. That is when Graham came home so it worked out. We did text her to make sure that she knew he was coming home so he wouldn't scare her.
At the Wilsons, we made some apple fritters. They were pretty good especially topped with ice cream. We didn't stay out too long because Campbell and Keaton still needed showers when we came home. Everyone is exhausted around here, and I am already looking forward to tomorrow's Sunday afternoon naps.
The alarm first went off at 6 this morning which reminded me why we homeschool. I was not too pleased about having to get up at the crack of dawn this morning. I just am not too sure how real people do it!
Now, my kids sure don't mind getting up when they have some place to go. Reagan was sitting in the floor of her room curling her hair and Graham and Anderson were also stirring when I went up the stairs to wake everyone up.
Campbell and Keaton were a bit more difficult to wake up. And waking Whitman up was nearly impossible. He had laid in bed with Robby for a bit. Then when Robby started to wake him up, he had not much luck. Robby ended up putting his clothes on him while he was sound asleep.
It wasn't too much longer until we were in the car headed to the Air Force Base. The ride was pleasant. The kids were quiet; I ate my bagel while we listened to our book. Traffic getting onto the base was stop and go, but soon we had found our parking spot and were climbing out.
And that is when someone said, "Whitman doesn't have any shoes." This did not go over well at all. How do you get in the car with no shoes? How do you ride 45 minutes beside someone and don't see that they don't have shoes? I had decided that he would just have to walk around all day in sock feet when Candice appeared with a pair of shoes for him to wear. I had never seen anything so glorious in all of my life!
It was a good thing that boy didn't have to walk in his sock feet because he would have froze to death today. It was overcast and incredibly windy. So even if the temperature was decent normally; today it was just cold. I had to break into my clothes that I had packed in the car for tonight. It was near being a tad bit miserable.
Today at the Air Force Base, they had a science day for school kids. There were supposed to be 15,000 kids there. That sounded like a lot until we heard that they were expecting 250,000 people tomorrow. We were scheduled to be some of the first people to arrive, and that really worked out perfectly.
Not only was our parking spots on the very front row, but we had a few minutes with no lines for things. Campbell, Whitman and Anderson were able to do a huge simulator. Then our whole group toured the air traffic control tower. That was really impressive, and I think that it was a fairly rare opportunity.
Next up, we walked around some of the exhibits. We watched them release a weather balloon and sat through show from the Museum of Discovery. There was an exhibit with Legos, drone races to watch, paper rockets to shoot and the list went on and on. It was pretty overwhelming.
Around lunch, we went back to our cars to eat and warm up. Quite a few extra kids ate their lunches in my car, but the kids were super quiet. I think that they were happy to be still and warm for a few minutes.
After we ate our lunch, we braved the elements and went back in. This time the highlight was the kids getting to get in an inflatable raft. Then about 6 servicemen lifted and bounced the raft over their heads. They all loved that!
During the morning time, there had been a few planes flying overheard practicing for tomorrow's air show. The original schedule had been for the planes to practice again from 1-3. So around 1:15, we walked back to the cars to watch them practice. There were not a ton of planes practicing but it was still interesting. It was too cold to sit out and watch so we just sat in the cars watching the planes.
At 2, we headed on back to Little Rock. Reagan, Anderson and Graham had their library class this afternoon. We all snacked the entire way back to town. Once at the library, the big kids went to class. They talked about website development and coding today.
I worked with Whitman for a minute or two with his reading book-we are so close to finishing. Then Campbell and Keaton took Whitman downstairs at the library to explore their exhibits down there. Soon Robby arrived to take those 3 to Dana's house for the evening.
They went to a chili supper and are even getting to spend the night at Dana's house. Sara's kids left the library with their daddy so that left her and me at the library with no kids to watch. We struggled to stay awake after our long day. Once their class was over, we jumped in the car and headed to church.
Robby had bought us a pizza just in case there wasn't any supper for us. The church also had pizza so we ate some of both. Camryn met up with us so Camryn, Reagan, Anderson and Graham worked in the preschool game area. I don't think that they had too many takers tonight during GSFest. However, the area was full of their friends so they had a pretty good time.
I think that the crowd was a bit lighter than expected tonight, so that makes me worry that tomorrow will be full of folks. Hopefully, it will not be too bad. Robby and I worked checking in volunteers so our job wasn't bad at all. We had time to walk around and even bought hot chocolate, steak tacos and tamales to munch on while we worked.
Our shifts were all officially over at 9. Robby told the kids that they could play until 10 so off they went. Alyssa was added to the group so she hung with the kids. Robby then extended their time to 10:15. They were able to do quite a few things-enough that Anderson said he was feeling sick!
I left around 10 and headed home. Anderson did come home with me, but he was feeling fine by then. I worked on unloading the car and putting everything away until Robby and all of the others came home.
Once home folks took showers, mainly just to warm up. Then it was shortly bedtime. I probably have a ton of typos on my blog, because I am rushing through so I can hop in the shower and warm myself up! The day was a success even though we were gone for over 15 hours.
School again this morning. Things went fairly well this morning. Graham was finished with school pretty early so he started on his chores. Reagan and Keaton were finished next. Whitman was even finished with about 30 minutes left before lunch.
Anderson is slow and steady so he was finished a bit after lunch. Now, Campbell has decided that her school work is too hard and that she doesn't like school. So her current school work ethic is pretty lacking. She spends most of her time not working or causing a disturbance. Hopefully this phase will be short lived.
I made time for a shower before lunch. I even washed my hair. I guess that tells enough about how good our school day was really going. I should have been pulling out school for next week but instead I decided washing my hair was more important because there will be no time for that tomorrow.
Our afternoon was spent getting things ready for tonight and tomorrow. Whitman worked on his report about our trip for a few minutes. It was a fairly low key afternoon. At one point, I wondered why I had a bit of extra time. I then realized that our afternoon reading, which I had skipped today, just takes a bit of time.
At 3, we loaded up for the Museum of Discovery. We have passes that are about to expire at the end of this month. Whitman had even asked me about it during church on Sunday. We walked around the museum for an hour and a half until the museum was closed.
Robby then picked us up, and we began our evening of museum hopping. First we did run by McDonalds we could grab a bit of supper. I had the juiciest chicken sandwich ever from there. It was pretty delicious, and surprisingly, my chicken was larger than my bun.
Nine downtown museums participated in Boo-seum tonight. Each one had games and candy, and if you visited all 9 during the 3 hours then you would be entered in a drawing. Of course, we were all about that. At times it felt like we were on the tv show Amazing Race as we saw as much as we could as fast as we could.
The first stop was the Mosaic Templers Cultural Center. They had popcorn, drinks, games and bags of candy for the kids. It was a very happening place. Next we went to the Old State House, then Heifer International. Some places had more than others, but we did leave with at least some candy at each stop.
The Whitt Stevens Nature Center and Museum of Discovery were right near each other. The Museum of Discovery was even passing out books. Then we ran through the Curan Hall. Robby just dropped us off here. He did that at most of the stops. At many of them, he was able to park and then come meet us. However, we just ran in and then ran back out.
At the MacArthur Museum the kids popped huge beautiful balloons to win a prize. Then Art Center Terry Mansion was quite entertaining. They had a haunted mansion. Keaton wasn't too sure about it, but when they said we could leave if we needed we were soon in line. Keaton hung on to Reagan or maybe Reagan hung on to Keaton. I am not too sure. I hung on to Whitman just to make sure he didn't have a problem. Now, Graham was also a bit skittish at times and so was Campbell.
It was about a 5 minute haunted house. At one point, it seemed that they pulled someone from the audience and chopped off their hand. It was just an actor, but to Whitman he wasn't so sure. So during the stillness of the moment, he shouted, "is this for real?" After that event and after someone jumped out of a door way at him later, he insisted on a "nice bedtime story" tonight. We never tell bedtime stories, but he did get a "nice bedtime story" tonight.
We ended the evening at the Historic Arkansas Museum. Surprisingly, we had plenty of time there so we let the kids walk on the twinkie walk until just about everyone won. On the way home, we had to run to Kroger. We needed bread for lunches tomorrow, but after buying bread I decided to buy lunchables to just make everything that much easier.
Once at home, we unloaded the car-candy, costumes, trash, groceries, coats. All of that was unloaded and put away, and we started loading the car again. The kids were delighted when we told them that they did indeed have a few minutes to look at their candy before bedtime.
I think that most people were awake this morning. Anderson was laying in his bed but tried to jump up and scare me when I came to make sure that everyone was awake. I do think that Keaton was the only one that was still asleep this morning.
It doesn't seem to matter how many times I tell the kids to brush their teeth, eat breakfast, or get ready on a Wednesday morning, there always seems to be some scrambling around. This morning Graham and Reagan decided that they were going to toast their bagel right after I told everyone to load up. Things like that don't probably start my day off at the church house on the right foot.
Everyone headed their own way once we made it to Bible study. I think that two of the big kids had to move their snack days since we are going to be gone from Bible study in a few weeks. I also found out that we would miss the kid's program. Campbell and Keaton were not happy about that. However, Graham was relieved and so was Whitman who said that he was reading for that singing stuff to be over with.
After Bible study, we headed to the park with our other buddies. The kids enjoyed it. It was actually another group's get together so I had made it clear to the kids that we could not eat their dessert. The kids were very understanding and tried to be patient about missing the dessert. Thankfully, there were 7 pieces left so I finally let them have some. Whitman didn't like his at all and tore it into pieces until he finally gave the rest to me.
Once at home, everyone worked on their chores, reports and jr. ranger books. It was a pretty busy afternoon, and I was just pulling supper off the stove at about the time that we really needed to leave.
We still made it to the church house in a decent time, and I had time to drop off my brownies, pick up a parking pass, buy tickets for gsfest and check in everyone before it was time for my to be at my post. After watching the preschoolers play outside for a bit, I did discover that it is cold outside.
After church while the kids were playing outside, I stayed in the warm-ish church house. Once we finally made it home, the kids had their showers and a snack before it was finally bedtime. Wednesdays are a pretty long day so you would think that things would be a bit quieter upstairs than they are.
Robby headed off to work this morning while the rest of us were gathered in my room working on our daily reading. I know I say things like this a lot, but as I set there reading this morning, I just wished that we could just sit and read all morning long.
However, I do kind of feel that math and writing and spelling and all of those other things are kind of important too. So after our bit of reading, we moved on to the other less fun stuff. Some times I think about just cutting out all of the extra stuff that we do and just doing the basics. But then I would worry if we were doing enough.
Things did go fairly well today. Graham tried to do two days of school, but he just couldn't make it work today so he did get a bit frustrated. I probably need to encourage him to do a bit extra over a couple of days and then he would have a free day at the end of the week. This however is a short week for us (just 3 days) so everyone's assignment pages are packed full.
We had lunch followed by lots of busy work around the house this afternoon. All of the kids are working on reports about our upcoming trip. They are preparing them so they can fill Grannymom and Grandpa in on what we are going to do on our trip.
Campbell, Reagan and I worked on their clothes in their closet. Tomorrow we just have one laundry basket of clothes that were on the floor to put away and then I will be finished with our clothes changeover.
We did some more reading this afternoon followed by some Jr. Ranger book work. Whitman and I read a few books and worked on his reading book. We are getting so close to finishing that blasted reading book.
This evening Campbell and Keaton had their basketball tryouts. This is just their first round of try outs because we have to go back next week as well. They had fun and did pretty good. I remember how chilly that gym is and how bored I get sitting there. We will probably have practices 3 different nights this fall so I better get a hobby. Maybe knitting.
Robby had supper made when we came home. Everyone else had already eaten. We had more hot dogs and hamburgers along with twice baked potatoes. They were especially delicious.
Afterwards, I made some breakfast burritos to freeze (some-I used 2 pounds of sausage and 2 dozen eggs so yes, I definitely made a few.) Then I made some brownies to take to church for something or another. The kids packed their lunches for tomorrow as the basketball girls took their showers.
Whitman is currently downstairs asking for more water. After I gave him his water, I asked for a kiss. Robby then called him over to see him. Whitman told Robby that he was covering his lips for a reason. Robby replied that he kisses Momma on the lips. To which Whitman said, "cause you are married." He continued with, "and besides that kissing spreads germs." That child, gracious!
At one point during the night, I woke up and was freezing. I think that I was actually shivering, but then when my alarm went off, I was burning up. At some point in the morning, the heat kicks on so I probably need to be out of bed before that happens otherwise I start my day of sweating. Though I probably should wear some socks and pants to bed to help for when I do have to get out of the bed before the heat turns on since it will still be cold in the house.
Graham was the only one that was awake this morning. We had a bit more time today than we have lately in the morning, but we are still eating every breakfast in my bedroom lately. That is a bit frustrating to me since I usually read at breakfast and have now lost that reading time. It is fine though, and we are all probably enjoying the extra, much needed sleep.
School went fairly well today for a Monday. It did go much better than Friday, but Friday was pretty much horrible. My boys seemed to be the ones causing drama lately. I know that will soon change it will be someone else's turn.
Some days, I struggle to get all of school done withe kids. I have always thought that I should take a picture of everything that we work on each day-what we do as a group and then the pile of books that I do with each kid. It is a bit overwhelming when I think about it. Today, though, I finished working with everyone except for Reagan. She did two days of work so that is two days of work that I have to check when she is finished. It takes me a while so tomorrow we will be able to do her other work to catch up.
We had all pretty much finished by 12:30 so we started on our lunch then. Afterwards, the kids started on their chores and all of the other things going on today. I had to leave for an eye doctor appointment at 2 so I wasn't around for too much of the afternoon-especially after having to wait for 45 minutes before seeing the eye doctor.
Once I was back home, I helped Campbell finish her school and then we worked on her clothes' drawers. Her drawers are fairly empty even compared to Reagans. Reagan did her own drawers and did have a pile of clothes that she no longer wanted. It is nice when they can not only do things themselves but also do things well.
I then had time to do some reading with Whitman before getting ready to leave again. This was Bunko night so as soon as Candice drove in the driveway, I went running to the car. I do love my kiddos but I am rarely without them so Bunko is a special treat. We even managed to browse at a few stores before bunko.
Everyone back at home did a bit of straightening before they all ate their supper-chicken sandwiches. Robby said that everyone liked them so that is definitely a win and will be a repeat meal.
At 7:30, Graham had his basketball tryouts. Robby ran him there and said that they weren't too bad. Tomorrow will be my turn with Campbell and Keaton having their tryouts. Once they made it home, the last few folks started on their showers and then it was finally bedtime.
Robby and I went to bed around 2 last night. We were up a bit later than normal straightening the house and then getting the kids to bed. Now, of course we sat around watching a tv show before finally heading to bed already late. On our way to bed, I stopped at the dishwasher to empty it.
However, it had not drained. This happens occasionally lately so I just start it and then stop it which usually forces it to drain. However, it didn't drain when I did that last night. Robby started taking everything out and vacuuming out the water. He could never get it to drain so we just started it again hoping for the best and hoping for non flooded kitchen floor when we woke up.
This morning after everyone was up and getting ready, Robby remembered the dishwasher. I had already put paper plates all around the kitchen hoping that the kids would grab those instead of real ones just in case the dishwasher had indeed bit the dust.
It had drained and drained very well. So that was good, now hopefully tonight it will drain just as well, and we have a bit more time with this dishwasher before it needs a replacement. Though I was looking at dishwashers online last night-they do have some nice ones. There are some with 3 racks. I was swooning over them until I scrolled up and saw the price tags. Ouch!
We then loaded up for church. Robby climbed in the car and started it. Gracious if that car didn't shake like it was about to explode. He turned it off and started it again and the same thing. We tried to convince ourselves that it was cold or upset about not being driven since Friday. Either way, it was a bit unnerving.
However, once Robby put it in reverse and we backed out of the garage, all was well. It didn't do it after church so hopefully all is well. If the car is going to have any problems though we need it to happen now and not in a few weeks while we are driving to the tip of Florida.
Since things happen in threes, I will mention that I am also currently battling ants. There are a few in the kitchen but they are in the boys room coming from the ceiling! What in the world. Of course we are out of ant spray after going to the store today, yesterday, the day before and probably the day before that. I had not, and still haven't put it on a list. I did spent a good while finding and making a "non toxic ant spray safe to use in the house." I am not too concerned about my ant spray being "non toxic" or even "safe to use in the house." I am just concerned with killing those suckers.
Back to the day....there was big church. In church, a man in the balcony did pass out so I spent the sermon watching the commotion and answering Whitman's questions-Yes, Gideon loved God, Yes, we need to go camping, No, It is not almost over and the questions just kept coming. I am surprised that I even hear any part of the sermon.
Next up was Sunday school where my 3rd graders won the candy competition and were rewarded with doughnuts, juice and goodies bags during Sunday school so that made things go a bit quicker.
After church, we headed to Nonna and Pops' house to celebrate Pops' birthday and finish Keaton's birthday celebrations. Pops had hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch. We ate up and then Pops and Keaton blew out birthday candles. They also opened presents-Pops weren't as excited as Keaton's presents. He just opened shoes and gift cards while Keaton had an outfit, hair stuff, art stuff, some gift cards and a few other things.
We walked over to Beebee's house afterwards to see the progress over there. It is quite different so hopefully Pops can find a buyer when they put it back on the market. Though Robby was acting willing to move after stressing over the dishwasher last night.
Our afternoon was spent napping. The kids didn't nap-they built legos, drove remote control cars, arranged their birthday gifts, watched tv, played the xbox and I think Reagan spent a bit of time getting ready for tonight.
This evening, Robby, Keaton, Campbell and I took Reagan and Alyssa to their life group. On the way home, we stopped at Kroger and did some shopping. We bought some more candy that is on sale along with stuff to make more breakfast burritos. My kids go through them so I plan on doubling the recipe this week when I make them.
Once we made it home, the rest of us ate our supper. Then Robby cleaned the kitchen floors while I folded yesterday's laundry. Soon Reagan was home. Then the kids had a bit of down time before it was finally bedtime.
One of the girls that spent the night last night had to leave early for soccer, so I woke up when my alarm went off to wake her up. I could quickly tell that I didn't need to wake up since the floor was already creaking and popping above me. Those girls were already awake, and it seemed as if they were having a dance party.
Soon Robby was making pancakes for breakfast. We had orange juice, pancakes and strawberries-I think it was the breakfast of champions. Soon the girls ran outside to play so that gave me some time in the kitchen.
First I did some straightening, then I wrapped the kids teachers' gifts for Christmas. Yep, you read that right. I was able to mark that off of my list which made me super happy! Then I started pulling out school work for next week.
That is when all of the mommas arrived to claim their little girls. We all chatted for a while, but then when they left we did some more picking up. Soon though I was in the chair snoozing during the first half of the Razorback game.
Keaton and Robby ran to Sams and to Grannymom's house during the last half of the game. I took my shower, worked on Anderson's party some and then went through 3 tubs of clothes with Reagan and Campbell. Out of those 3 tubs, they found pretty much about 10 things that fit. I also found 2 vests that Reagan okayed for me to wear.
Once Robby came home we unloaded his groceries and then did some work outside in the garage. Before too long it was party time! I was a bit worried that Anderson wasn't going to have enough folks at his party to feel like a party, but it couldn't have been any better.
Those boys all seem to be at the perfect age-they still enjoyed everything that we did. Anderson had wanted to play games at his party, and I think that all of the games were just a hit! The neighbors arrived about the same time as Andrew. Ethan wasn't too far behind and soon we started our games.
The boys guessed how many skittles were in the jar. Anderson, who had asked Google earlier, ended up winning. Then we played a round of "cups and downs" where the teams had to flip cups up or down depending on their team.
Next was the favorite game of all and the easiest one-a mound of flour with a piece of candy on top. Then the kids took turns slicing off some of the flour trying not to knock the candy down. If you do knock the candy down, then you have to stick your face in the flour to eat the candy. They loved it so much that we played it 3 different times.
Then we ate supper-hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and potato salad. The boys filled the table-two nights in a row we had our house filled with people-pretty wonderful. After supper, we played a game where the kids had to put on oven mitts and try to open and eat a candy bar with a knife and spoon.
Anderson opened his presents next-legos, a blanket, gift cards, a remote control car, the boy just really hit the jackpot. He was super pleased. I truly had been stressed about his birthday tonight, and it couldn't have turned out any more wonderful.
Next up was pudding pictionary followed by candles on Oreo delight. Anderson had requested oreo delight and told me that he wanted Grannymom to make it. I had assured him that his daddy had the same recipe and could make it as well as Grannymom so I hope that it did meet his expectations.
After dessert, we played a round of spoons before everyone started heading home. Andrew's parents and Jason were the last to leave after chatting for a while. Then it was time for showers and picking up around here. And it should be of no surprise, but Anderson has already opened up his legos and gone to town working on those.
I didn't get up much later today than I have been all week long, but today it finally caught up with us. It was just one of those mornings-nothing really went right. I thought I was in a decent mood since I know that does dictate how things flow around here. The kids were fussy and hateful, Graham was in a mood, and school work was the last thing on anyone's mind.
It was a pretty long morning. Even though Whitman only had half of his work to do since he had done extra another day this week, I still never got around to working with him. He will survive though, but I was just so frustrated.
Things did get a bit better after lunch. The kids calmed a bit and everyone did help get the house party ready. I think everyone works better when they have a goal. Keaton and Campbell made the icing for Keaton's cupcakes. Talk about waiting to the last minute-well, I know I still had 3 more hours but for me that is waiting to the last minute.
After the cupcakes were iced, I loaded up Keaton, Campbell, Whitman and Anderson. Anderson did not want to leave the house. I do think my people are a bit addicted to their devices which makes me crazy. Grannymom needed to hem his pants so he didn't have a choice though! I do think that some of his not wanting to go anywhere is an act, but still! On the other hand, my Keaton and Campbell are always up for an adventure.
Whitman was getting to spend the night at Grannymom's house tonight. He was super excited about it and packed most of the morning. He brought his Thomas tent, slime, books, magnets, and who knows what else. I think it is kind of funny to look and see what his little mind thinks that he needs.
Lily met us at Grannymom's house and went home with us so she was the first of the party folks. Everyone played outside until everyone else started arriving. The neighbors even came out to play so the boys were super happy about that. They did leave their devices to play outside so I guess that is a good thing.
Robby arrived home about the time that everyone was dropping little girls off. Our yard was completely full of cars, people standing around talking, kids playing and it didn't even seem to matter that it was raining pretty good.
I had spaghetti, green beans and bread as Keaton's had asked for to eat for supper. Everyone crammed the spaghetti down since we had to eat in a hurry. We all were able to ride in the same car tonight which helped out since it was super rainy and messy.
Robby took Graham and Anderson to Chase's swimming birthday party. They thoroughly enjoyed it. Anderson told me all about the obstacle course tonight as I was tucking them in.
After Robby dropped them off there, he dropped us off at the moving theater. Reagan, Campbell, Keaton, Sophia, Anna, Charlotte, Lily and Izzy. It was quite a group, and I tell you I could not have done it without Reagan. She helped me keep up with everyone, pass out popcorn and shuttle people back and forth to the bathroom.
We watched Small Foot and it was pretty funny-well, what I saw of it. I ended up going to the concession stand 3 times during the movie and to the bathroom once. There were people behind us who really thought that the movie was funny so they just laughed and cackled at every joke which just made the whole thing a lot funnier.
Robby picked us up after the movie, and we headed home for cupcakes. The girls put on their pjs. Then we gathered around the cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday to Keaton. Next up were presents-she opened a CD player, a water bottle, colors, candy and some cash. She so enjoyed opening her gifts.
The girls then played a little bit, but I eventually turned on a tv show since they were a bit wild. Also, the younger girls are harder than the older ones-more fussy and ugly to each other so I had to stay pretty much on top of it tonight.
At a bit after 11, they all did lay down and I let them "whisper" for about 20 more minutes. No one was really whispering though. I finally went up there to sit until they were asleep and stayed up there until midnight. I certainly do hope that they all sleep soundly tonight and sleep all night long. I know that I will!
It was so cool in our house this morning. I don't think that anyone wanted to get out of bed. Well, Graham did because he was hard at work on his school work. He was trying to knock out his school because once school is done, then you can use your devices.
And he has just bought a brand new ipad. The kids all have the old, old, super old ipads so Graham was ready for an update. He had to put down a chunk of change to buy it and is super proud of it.
I brought sleeping Whitman to lay in bed with Robby for a few minutes. When I did, I realized that he was wearing 2 pairs of pants. He will occasionally end up with 2 pairs of underwear, but that doesn't seem as odd as two pairs of pants. I asked him about it, and he said that he "savage" and "two pairs are softer." Um, okay whatever makes you happy.
We worked on our school work this morning. Reagan had already finished most of hers and just had one thing to do. Now, even though Campbell set near me today, she still farted around quite a bit. For some reason, 3rd grade does seem to have more work than anyone else and her books that she does with me are at least a foot high.
It was nearly 12:30 when Whitman finally finished his work. I usually have to help him finish his math and phonics since he does everything that is the easiest first. Lunch was kind of scattered like usual-everyone making something to eat-quesadillas, ramen noodles, breakfast burritos, and sandwiches. Of course, my kitchen is a disaster when lunch is over.
This afternoon was spent with some chores and then we worked together a bit more. Anderson, the girls and I eventually loaded up to run some errands. Of course, Anderson was not pleased at all about this but he needed new jeans!
Our first stop was at Walmart where Keaton got a new pair of Sunday boots, 2 new pairs of legging, and plates and napkins for her party. Reagan tried on boots but couldn't find the right size. She wanted to squeeze into a smaller size but I wouldn't let her and told her we could order them. She was none to happy with me.
Whitman wasn't with us but I did buy some new pants for him. He has moved up one size which means that his pants are no longer in the little boys section but means that they are in the big boy section. The main difference is the price-4 dollars more!
Anderson left with candy prizes for his party from Walmart. Now at Old Navy, he had to try on a few pairs of jeans until we found the right size. Then we checked out, and as soon as I sat down in the car, I realized that I meant to look for him Sunday shorts in the store. Back in we went-he was not happy at all! It didn't take long- I looked at the men's shorts but then there was a pair of boys shorts hanging on the clearance rack. They fit, and I did a happy dance! Robby did a happy dance when I told him that they were just 4 dollars.
A bit after being home, Robby and I made bagel pizzas. Afterwards, everyone worked around the house for a little bit. It doesn't take too long and this place was looking better. We have 2 birthday parties here this weekend and 2 birthday parties that we are going to this weekend. I am opting to skip the pumpkin patch tomorrow because the threat of rain. However, we are going to go right before Halloween because we will stop by Robby's work as well.
Once the house was straight, we watched the end of our Singing in the Rain movie. It finished at 8 so the kids had plenty of time to ask for snacks until bedtime! I should have been a bit more productive during that time, but I was not!
Even though this has been a fairly productive day, I still didn't get around to a few things-working with Whitman again, going through Campbell and Reagan's clothes, icing Keaton's cupcakes and getting the games ready for Anderson's party. Oh, well there is always tomorrow.
I didn't do much better on my pictures, but I did at least do a bit better. Baby steps, baby steps. It was about 7:40 when I went upstairs to wake everyone up. I was a bit late to do this because they would just have less than an hour before we had to leave.
Two surprising things-the boys were not awake but Reagan was. She was sitting in front of her mirror curling her hair. This is her normal routine now. I am not sure though why my boys were still asleep. It was fairly chilly in their room since we hadn't turned on the heat yet.
I was running a bit later today than normal and was still drying my hair when it was time to go. Now, there has been times, even this year, that before Bible study, I have walked on the treadmill and finished the dishes and laundry. I just don't know what has happened to me. Oh, I do-it is staying up until 1. For some reason that just makes a person not a morning person.
On the way, we listened to our new book on tape. The kids were silent because it is really a good book and pretty intense for a children's book. Once at Bible study, the kids couldn't wait to get out of the car and go to their own classes.
Afterwards, we joined our friends at Fellowship to play on their playground. I was worried about it being chilly, but on their black playground it was not chilly but hot! That was fine though and the kids played a long while.
Keaton went home with Sara and Alyssa, Caroline and Eden came home with us. There is a big difference between the big girls and the little girls. Eden, Caroline and Campbell were all over everywhere-inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs, mess after mess. Not as bad as the little girls would have been but nothing compared to the big girls.
Alyssa and Reagan swang on the swing for a bit. Then they hibernated in their room. I would not have seen them for hours had I not been working on Keaton's clothes upstairs in the same room as them.
We left to eat at church tonight. We usually skip the church meal but with 8 kids in tow, a 15 dollar max meal didn't sound too bad. Whitman would have eaten more of his food, but he is such a slow eater that I told him to take his cookie with him since classes were about to start.
After church tonight, we ran by the Wilson's house to see what Tony was building. We also brought some cookie dough to make some cookies and Shannon pulled out her ice cream. We didn't stay too long, but by the time we made it home, it was bedtime for the crew.
I will start off the blog saying that I have been a pretty rotten picture taker today. I did carry my camera with me everywhere I went, but still forget to take any pictures. Seriously! I could have had pictures from the Craft's house, from the activity at the library, and from candy stuffing at the church house. I will try to do better tomorrow so you don't have to see pictures of the kids right before they go to bed again.
I had not planned on us doing school this morning, but we ended up having to skip our time at the park today. Instead we went to the Craft's house to eat lunch over there. Since it was just a lunch visit, we were able to do a bit of school-3 things from their lists plus our work together. That will help our some on Friday, I hope.
After staying busy all morning long, we loaded up to play at the Craft's house. The kids just love getting together with their homeschool friends. Of course the house was loud and pretty wild. The kids did play outside most of the time, despite the rain that continued to fall.
Campbell's favorite thing about her time at the Craft's was holding the baby. I held him for about 2 minutes when Campbell insisted that it was her turn. When ever Traci was not holding her baby. Campbell was. She loves her some babies.
When then all loaded up and headed to the Benton library. One of the moms had arranged for the big kids to participate in an escape room in the library. They had to solve puzzles and find clues to open the lock box of candy.
I think that they all enjoyed it. It might have been a bit difficult, but they all ended up solving it. This did show me, and the rest of the moms, that our kiddos don't really know how to find books in the library. That isn't surprising because when we want a book, we just request it and it is sitting for us on the hold shelf the next time we come. We never have to use that silly dewey decimal system at all.
Everyone under 8 was not old enough to participate so they played around in the library. Their library was pretty nice. We had thought that we might have to do a bit more entertaining than we did, but there was plenty to do-guinea pigs, a huge connect 4, computers, play areas, all of that along with the few games that we brought passed time time quickly for the littles.
On our way home, we ran by Nonna and Pops' house to drop of a few things. We stayed long enough to eat most of the candy corn and cookies that they had in their house. Then we headed home for less than an hour.
In that half an hour, Keaton and I went through one more of her drawers. We will finish her clothes switch over tomorrow, and Reagan and Campbell will be the only ones left. Now. I think it is almost funny how most years when I am changing clothes, it is still blazing hot outside. However, this year it was in the 40s today. Craziness.
A bit before 5, we headed to church. We had signed up to help pack the candy bags for GS Fest. When we walked in, Reagan was quick to whisper to me, "it is all old people here." Indeed it was for the most part, that was fine though because we still enjoyed it.
They had pizza, drinks and cake for our supper. Then it was time to stuff the bags-each bag had a handful of candy plus lots of pieces of papers (track, survey, brochures, etc.) The kids worked incredibly well, the entire time.
Well, Whitman started off trying to help, but soon lost interest. That was fine and he found a corner with Robby's phone and watched a few movies. Keaton did great at stuffing bags but ended up finding her sweet spot being a runner for Robby. Campbell, Graham and Anderson bounced around stuffing bags, counting bags, and pouring candy. Reagan was at another table away from us stuffing bags. She said that she liked all the old women at her table because they were funny.
Everyone had a good time and in less than 2 hours we had stuffed almost 3,000 bags. From there, we headed home for showers. Then surprisingly, it was still early and we felt like we had a decent evening at home. That was kind of nice since tomorrow will be another busy day.
Did you hear the rain this morning? It was wonderful and absolutely perfect. It was so perfect, that I hit my alarm over and over again. We could tell that the kids were not awake so I decided that everyone should be able to sleep in a little bit longer. Now, that did mean that our work together time was shortened.
When I did head up the stairs to wake everyone up, Campbell was walking down. Everyone else though were pretty difficult to wake up. Nearly impossible. Their rooms were so dark, and the rain was pitter pattering on the roof so loudly.
Once I did get everyone downstairs, they fixed their breakfasts and ate while I did a tiny bit of reading. Then it was time to start on today's school work. My big boys acted like crazy boys all morning long. Thankfully, everyone finished their school work at a decent time.
We had our lunch and then started on our afternoon-chores, working on Keaton's winter clothes, reading with Whitman, typing for the big kids, Jr. Ranger books, more history and science reading and then finally the treadmill for me.
This evening, we picked up a pair of blue jeans for Anderson from Walmart. Poop, if they weren't too small. I have to get that boy new jeans and khaki shorts as soon as possible.
Then we ran to Chick-fil-a to eat our last free meals from when Robby spent the night at the Chick-fil-a in Maumelle on their opening day. I am going to miss those chicken sandwiches. I think if you count Chick-fil-a as fast food, it would be my favorite. Now, Robby disagreed and said that he would opt for a big McDonald's hamburger.
Our final stop-the Main library. I signed Reagan, Anderson and Graham up for a Powerpoint class. It was an hour and a half. Robby opted to go with them instead of with the littles. The class was pretty good and I do think that the crew learned something.
Robby was pleased that he picked the class since I was across the hall without about 200 other people making slime. It was crowded and sticky! My fingers are blue, but Campbell, Keaton and Whitman had an absolute blast.
Once at home, the kids had a big bowl of ice cream to celebrate their day before bed.
Whitman has only one good day of the week! Every day he asks one question, "is it school day?" If it is not school day, then he quickly adds, "is it church day?" If it is neither of these, then he is a happy camper. Today, though was church so he wasn't too pleased at all. It didn't help any when I asked him to put on blue jeans nor it probably didn't help any when I even mentioned that we would get to go back to church tonight.
Every morning, I put toothpaste on everyone's toothbrushes. Well, I don't put any on Robby's but all of the kids. During the week, they have to mark brushing their teeth off on their chore list. Today, though they don't have a chore list so I made sure to remind everyone to brush their teeth. I reminded over and over again and only 50% of my people brushed today. I am sorry if you were sitting by one of my non-brushers during church!
Lunch today was at Grannymom's house. She had chili which is one of our favorites. Grannymom also had some delicious apple pie. Grannymom and I played Candyland with Whitman. All of the kids played outside and then ended going to Dana's house to see their puppy dogs.
Back at home, Robby and I had ourselves a wonderful nap. Whitman should have taken a nap with us because he slept through all of church tonight. Keaton, however, was not sleeping. She was beyond excited.
Reagan had helped pick out Keaton's clothes for tonight-black jeans, grey shirt, pink scarf and high heel boots. The girl was super excited and super proud to get her first grade Bible tonight. So, that brings our Bible total from church up to 8 (First grade Bibles-Robby, Tara, Reagan, Anderson, Graham, Campbell, Keaton, and 6th grade Bible-Reagan) Seriously, we are racking up some Bibles.
After church, they had cupcakes and lemonade upstairs for the kids. Keaton and Campbell were at the Craft's table so Whitman had to join all of those girls.
Reagan did leave her Bible in the sanctuary, so afterwards the kids all went in to get it. Anderson was the only one bright enough to ask for a phone for a flashlight. It was quite entertaining watching them hunt for the Bible, then ran out of the sanctuary squealing after Anderson turned off the light.
Back at home, we had leftover hamburgers and hot dogs for supper. Then there was plenty of downtime before bed-Reagan watched a Shark Tank and then Graham flipped on some football before it was finally time for bed!
We began our morning with the alarm ringing to wake us up for the annual pancake breakfast down the road at the Crystal Fire Department. We had told the kids that they didn't have to go if they didn't want to, so of course Reagan slept in. Also for some strange reason Graham also decided to stay in the house and on the xbox.
Whitman, Anderson and Keaton joined us though since Campbell had already been to the pancake breakfast with Nonna and Pops. Whitman was excited about the breakfast for two reasons-first firefighters and second because the pancakes were not coming from a box.
The pancakes were indeed not from a box. There were plenty of pancakes along with sausage, bacon and lots of orange juice. We ate plenty of pancakes before looking at the fire trucks for a few minutes.
We went back home for a little bit, long enough for Nonna and Pops to bring Campbell home. Then we loaded up with Keaton, Campbell and Anderson. One of those children was not too excited about coming, but he needed a few shirts to wear along with some Sunday shoes.
Our first stop was going to be down the road at the church's bake sale. Unfortunately, they had closed their bake sale up early so there were no treats for us. We did go to the library where they were passing out huge bowls of BBQ from a local BBQ place.
As we were getting out bowl of BBQ nachos, Campbell noticed the prize buckets and asked if she won that would she get to keep it all. Seconds later, the lady spoke to the crowd and said that the winner of the prize bucket would have "winner" written on their bowl. Just as she said that, the lady handed Campbell her bowl of nachos. She lifted it up and indeed there was the word "winner."
Campbell could not have been more excited. Her brother and sister tried to be excited for her but weren't too thrilled. She was good though and worked hard at sharing her goodies when she came home. Though I don't think that she ever offered me anything.
Our next stop was for flu shots for Robby and me. Keaton was worried that she was going to have to get one. I tried to remind her that she had already had hers, but she wasn't too convinced. Afterwards, we quickly found Anderson 2 new tshirts and new shoes. He was relieved that our shopping was brief-he doesn't know though that he has at least one more shopping trip with me. I don't have a good handle on his sizes yet, so he needs to be there.
By the time we made it home, the wonderful rain had started. It was magical and so was my nap! We snoozed until it was time to wake up and get ready for supper. Even though we had already been to Sams today, Robby had to run back there for hamburgers tonight.
It was worth his trip because his hamburgers are pretty delicious. The Wilsons came over and Shannon brought her cheese dip and cookies. We had intended to make apple fritters tonight but after eating all of Shannon's cookies, we decided that we better save those for another night.
The game didn't end too well, but the evening was still pretty good. After the game ended, the kids straightened for a little bit and then a few had showers before tomorrow.
Keaton is a wee bit excited about tomorrow-before bed she asked me how many minutes it would be until Sunday!
As I was about to climb out of bed this morning, Whitman crawled in bed with me. Of course I stayed thinking that maybe if he went back to sleep then I could go back to sleep too, and we could just forget about school. He did lay there so completely still, but no luck on him going back to sleep.
So we did our school work. Most everyone finished their school work fairly quickly this morning. Whitman even had time to watch his ipad before lunch which is highly unusual. I was able to pull out everyone's school for next week. That is always a task getting things ready for the next week.
We had our lunch and as soon as we finished, Pops showed up to take Campbell away for the evening. She had been working diligently on her school work and had neglected to pack. She ran upstairs and packed her bag for her night out. Needless to say, they girl was pretty excited.
Keaton was also excited because this afternoon I pulled out 5 bins of clothes for her to go through. I had told her that we wouldn't be able to go through them today, but we were able to look at 4 of them before heading off to the library.
Today was EAST day for the big kids. They always seem to enjoy it, but they are learning lots of super neat technology stuff. Whitman opted to stay home with Robby. Actually, when I was having him get his clothes on, he asked me if Daddy would be home and if he could stay. Whitman, who would be the best only child, probably loved being in the quiet house all afternoon.
After the library, I dropped the boys off at basketball. Then was came home to eat some of Robby's chili. By the time we had finished, it was time for Robby to run and pick up the boys. Even though I had been to the store once this afternoon while the kids were at the library, Robby stopped at store too so he could pick up a few things.
Once the boys were home, they had showers and their supper. Then everyone had some ice cream before settling in for a quiet night on their ipads.
So maybe next week we will do better about getting up around here, but there is nothing better than sleeping as late as you can. Well, I guess it would be better if we could actually sleep late and have nothing to do for the rest of the day.
Everyone ate their breakfast in my room while I read and read some more. I seem to be doing a lot of reading this year during school. It is pretty fun to me and pretty interesting. I am trying not to look at our progress in our books until Christmas time. Hopefully, then we will be half way finished with at least science and history.
Everyone did their work today fairly uneventfully. Reagan had disappeared for a while, and I knew where she was...doing two days of school work. On the other hand, Whitman disappeared for a while today. He was found once locked in the bathroom sitting on the floor, once he was found in the school room closet, once he was found in the bonus room and one time he was found in the school room sitting on a chair while using another chair as a desk and doing his school work. We are definitely making some progress!
Everyone had their lunch, and then it was chore time. Whitman did come to me once to tell me that his tummy hurt. I picked him up, and he snuggled up to me putting his head on my shoulder. At first I thought, "oh no, here comes the stomach bug." However a few minutes later, when he seemed to double over in pain, I thought. "oh no, here comes an emergency room visit." Before we went there though, I did suggest that he sit on the potty, and thankfully that was the cure.
Nonna and Pops came by to see everyone after their trip to Gatlinburg. They brought us back apple fritter mix along with chocolate candy. The kids went to town on the candy though Campbell and I think Graham gave theirs to me.
The rest of the afternoon was spent finishing with the boys' clothes, going through some drawers upstairs, reading some more to everyone and then getting ready for church.
Tonight was Refresh and Campbell, Keaton and Whitman came with me. They all enjoyed it-Whitman gets to go to the game room with the big kids so he really loves it now. Tonight I really enjoyed the speaker and took plenty of notes.
The others went to grab a bite of supper with Robby and stopped by Grannymom and Grandpa's house before coming home, They made it home just a few seconds before we did. I think everyone had a pretty good night around here.
Everyone did sleep well last night. Though Campbell and Keaton were in Campbell's bed when I woke them up this morning. Campbell said that Keaton was scared. I asked her if she was afraid of the storm last night but reminded her that it didn't even thunder during the night (at least not that I heard.) Reagan was quick to mention that even though it didn't thunder, there was a lot of lightening. I am not too sure how Keaton was able to see the lightening from her bed to be afraid. But they were sleeping soundly together when I woke them up this morning.
It doesn't seem like too long ago that Reagan didn't take too much care in her hair. Now though, she wakes up early and sits in front of the mirror curling her hair. She begs to do the girls' hair, watches videos about different hairstyles and even will do her hair for school. Things sure change pretty quickly.
Today was Bible study. Anderson had snack so he was very happy to bring his snack. And I do believe that it was a hit since one teacher requested the recipe. Afterwards, we headed to the park with my small group.
Since we were at the park with my small group, it did mean that my crew were some of the oldest. They didn't seem to mind and still had a good time. It was even the same park that we went to last week, but no one seemed to care. Reagan's cupcakes were a big hit which I am sure made her very proud.
Once at home, the kids worked on their chores before we did some reading. I have almost changed over the boys clothes to their winter clothes which is really more like putting in bigger clothes and taking out smaller clothes. They still have plenty of shorts and t-shirts since that is all that they wear.
Soon, it was time for us to turn around and head to the other big church house. The kids are always anxious to get to church as early as we can. However after eating a bit of supper here and then running to the library, we usually just arrive right on time.
After church, the kids played on the playground for a bit before we headed home. Robby needed our help to move his tractor back to the garage. The kids enjoyed helping him move the tractor-6 people pushing a tractor up a hill is always exciting.
We had a snack, Anderson took his meds and then it was a fairly low key night until bed.
I woke up plenty of time to get on the treadmill this morning. I was even wide awake but decided to turn off the alarm and sleep just a bit more. It think it was a pretty wise decision! I enjoyed my little bit of extra sleep and unfortunately, will probably enjoy it tomorrow as well again neglecting the treadmill.
Today was again a pretty busy day. The kids worked hard on their school work or they mostly worked hard on their school work. Everyone seemed to be finished at a decent time and I did fly through my work together with the kids.
Whitman still loafs around all day long. He is not in any hurry at all and take his sweet time on everything! Now, if he is working on phonics or math then he moves at a snail's pace. I am going to try to start him working on these things first in the morning.
We had our lunch and then went to work on things around the house. Anderson finished his podcast for his library class. Both big boys went through the clothes in their closet with me. Anderson helped me make two recipes of chocolate chip cookie dough ooey gooey to take to Bible study tomorrow.
Reagan had actually finished her today's school work yesterday. So this morning she volunteered to make cupcakes for my Bible study class picnic. I had cake mix and canned icing so it wouldn't have been that difficult. Except the Reagan went all out. She made oreo cream to fill the cupcakes with and then made another oreo icing to top them with. They will be absolutely delicious! She worked nearly all morning on them though.
At 3:30, we headed to get everyone else their flu shots. I can't yet mark "flu shots" off of my list because Robby and I still have to get ours. Everyone was super relieved that they could get the mist and not the shot this year.
The next stop was back to the pharmacy to get the rest of Anderson's medicine. To me his foot looks about the same, but it doesn't look any better so that is good. Then we had some time to kill before picking up pizzas so we ran to Michaels and the Dollar Tree.
Then it was home for pizzas. Afterwards, the kids packed their lunches for tomorrow and had their showers. Next up, we went through all of the shoes in the house putting up our summer duds and pulling out our winter shoes.
We ended the evening with watching Singing in the Rain in the bonus room while waiting on Robby to get home from working late. The movie was fairly interesting, and everyone was enjoying their snacks when my phone started to buzz.
It said "tornado warning." Hmm, I wasn't too sure of what to do so I made everyone come downstairs so I could turn on that tv to check the weather. By this time, I was doubting myself because the sirens weren't blaring yet. Within seconds of turning on the tv, the sirens were screaming, and I saw the street name "congo ferndale"
I soon pushed my kids in Robby's office/pantry/closet/tornado room. They all grabbed their ipads on the way in. It didn't take long for our closet to get a bit warm with 7 people! We were pretty relieved when Shannon wrote and gave us the all clear.
Robby was home a bit after the tornado warning had passed. He just dealt with some rain on the way home. Once he made it home, everyone talked about their day before heading to bed.
I had a whole long list of things to do today along with accomplishing our school. However, at 8 this morning, I was on the phone making a doctor's appointment for this afternoon. That wasn't my original plan but plans are made to change. More on the ill child later.
I was almost awake in time to wake everyone up to eat breakfast in the kitchen. Almost. Everyone still had time to make their waffles before we started on our morning reading. I knew that we had lots to do today since we were back to a full schedule after our lighter day on Friday.
School went well and everyone finished before lunch. I can say that everyone finished by lunch because lunch was almost at 1. The kids have work that they have to do each day (math, grammar, etc.) but they have other things that they choose what they want to do each day. They usually have to pick 5 a day each day. Not surprisingly, on Mondays they seem to pick the easiest things leaving other days of the week to be more difficult.
After lunch, Anderson and I loaded up for the doctor. Whitman rode along too since he had a bit of school to do and there is no time better to do school than when you are trapped in a doctor's office.
On Friday, Anderson had like a pimple on his foot. By Saturday it looked like a blister, but by Saturday night, it looked like a boil. We relieved some pressure on it and have been keeping it doctored. However, it still had some red around the edges that was concerning us.
It concerned Dr. Martin too so she prescribed some meds for him. We have just started practicing swallowing pills around here-mini m&ms. Unfortunately, she said that his meds would be larger than that. So he was given liquid-about a cupful a day. (Not quite, but nearly)
After the doctor, it seemed to take forever for us to get the medicine. We did celebrate the boys' successful flu shots. Whitman was able to get the flu mist which is back. Possibly later this week, I will take the others to get their shots.
When we came home, we did some together work, and I worked some more with Whitman. Then Robby, Anderson, Graham, and Campbell headed off to church for a car and catfish evening. They all had lots of fun and especially enjoyed the cookies for dessert.
Reagan picked out chicken for supper so I let Keaton pick the veggies-black beans and green beans. After they ate, I did the treadmill for a bit. Then Keaton asked to play a game so we played Sorry with Whitman.
Once everyone made it home, we had some downtime before heading to bed.