July 20, 2017

(click here for today's pictures)

  • I sure couldn't wake myself up this morning but I did manage to get out of bed before most everyone. I was awake when everyone but Anderson and Graham were up. No telling when they wake up-tonight Anderson told a story about him waking up thinking it was 7, coming downstairs and gathering his water, chair, ipad and blanket. Then he glanced at the clock and realized that it was not yet 7 so back up the stairs he went. I know that I have said it before but there is no telling what all happens around this house at night time.
  • Soon breakfast had been served (though most people continued migrating to Robby's office all morning to grab granola bars) and we were beginning to work on school. Things are still going well and no one is too bitter at me for making them start school in the middle of July.
  • Around 11, we started working on picking up the house and I hid upstairs on the new treadmill for a bit. I think that the new treadmill is a bit faster than the old one or something is different because I sure was a sweaty mess when I finished.
  • Soon it was time to load up to head to the pool. The Kamps and Powells were there and Lilly and Cash showed up as well. My little girls just followed Lilly and her friends around like they were big girls themselves. 
  • Robby showed up and brought the 15 kids (my 6, Powells 2, Kamps 3, Lilly and her friends (3), and Cash (1)) an ice cream sandwich. That made everyone happy. My boys loved having so many buddies there and were ready to leave at 4 but since we were waiting on Robby we had to stay a bit longer. Then they weren't ready to go when it finally was time to go. My Campbell and Whitman could stay at the pool all day long every single day.
  • We met Robby at the gas station and then we headed home while Robby picked up a few necessities. I put the lasagna in the oven as soon as we came home and unloaded the car. Reagan was trying to get sleeping Whitman out of the car and he just slid down onto the floor of the car. She stayed there with him until I came to hoist him up and out of the car. He slept until supper was ready much later in the evening and goodness he was sour when he woke up.
  • The girls did perler bead pineapples as they waited on supper, the boys played on their ipads, Whitman slept, Robby watched the news and I worked on school for next week and getting ready for our sewing attempt tomorrow.
  • We ate our lasagna and corn for supper and then the kids watched a bbq show. Robby said that it looked like Snowmageddon in our living room because everyone was cuddled up in lots of blankets. I passed out coke floats to my more adventurous Dennie eaters and the others just received coke and ice cream in separate cups. After the shows were over, we put my crew into bed!

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