Today was our official second day of school and I had to wake everyone but Whitman up. When I went upstairs to start stirring the kiddos, I could hear Whitman talking in his room. He was rolling around on his bed; I guess that he was just waiting on someone to get up so he could also get out of bed.
We ate our breakfast and then the kids started on their school work. Today was much, much better than Monday. I am not sure if that was because we had worked a bit the day before so the kids had 1 or 2 less things to do. Or maybe today was better because Keaton wasn't there or possibly because they were more use to the school routine. Whatever the reason was, it sure made our day go much more smoothly.
Even though the school day went more smoothly, I am beginning to question myself on one aspect of our school this year. Since the piano is new, I figured that it would be good for the kids to learn a few things. Yesterday, I sat down with everyone and explained the first few pages of their book. They all practiced some but my Reagan has been relentless on her piano practicing. (Not only that, she has been working on her Spanish on her iPad constantly as well.) That piano has been banging all day long and I think that it is starting to drive me absolutely crazy!
We had our lunch and then started on our chores. The kids worked hard and then I went to work on packing upstairs in the bonus room. It was a bit warm up there but I never really noticed since I was crawling around on the floor rearranging all of the things I have laid out to pack. But a bit later, when it was time for me to do my walking on the treadmill I stood up and realized that it was now hot in that room. The poor air conditioner could not keep up at all today and I barely walked for about 15 minutes before I just had to quit.
When Robby came home, he brought our Keaton who had spent the night at Grannymom's house and had a big time. He grilled burgers and then we all ate. Then the kids watched a bit of tv while Robby and I did some work and baked some brownies.
Around 8, we ran to the Wilsons. The first plan had been to go walk but we opted to bring brownies and eat ice cream instead! Once we made it home, the kids went right to bed and we did miss our 10:30 bedtime but were fairly close to meeting it!
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