We were awoken before 6:00 this morning with someone hollering - fortunately, no one was sick but needed a bit of help in the bathroom.
We all finally stirred by 7:15. Robby wasn't sure he wanted to be the one to drop Whitman off at school for his 2nd day after how it went Tuesday. I even got ready but Robby didn't chicken out and offered to take them and hope for the best.
Whitman had woke up in a good mood, had a pop tart, used the potty and soon was getting on his shoes. Robby promised he could have another poptart when he got home if he walked into class like a big boy.
Robby reported back that he dropped him with no problem - he walked right in after the dropped off Keaton, washed his hands and soon was getting in line to go to opening.
Meanwhile, the rest of us were tackling today's school work which were are spreading out across two days plus they had already done their hard boxes the other night. We did our together work and soon it was time for me to go pick up Keaton and Whitman. I left a few chores and assignments while I was gone since Robby was working from home.
Jennifer reported Whitman had had a good, good day. I asked if he obeyed all day. She said he did all but once! We'll take it.
Made it back home and Robby was fixing lunch (nuggets and mashed potatoes) and it was soon gobbled up. Everyone did a few more chores and soon we noticed the neighbor kids were out, so everyone went scurrying to get their clothes on and head out. All ours were eager to show their Lego movies they had made earlier in the day. Then off they went on their bikes even though it was raining on and off.
Later the boys came back up this way and came in to play the Wii and Xbox while the girls stayed down the street. Soon Nonna and Pops were here to pick up Campbell for a night away - she was excited to go but she was a bit torn to miss having the neighbor kids to play with. But she still decided that it would be more fun over at Nonna and Pops.
The Corsers stayed until the mom text to come home so that meant ours had to pick up the house a bit and I got myself ready for a night out. Well, actually it was a working meeting with Candice, Amber and Sara to plan some activities for the school year and maybe a good excuse for a night out.
Robby worked on cleaning out the car - amazing the mess 6 kids can make - but he got it cleaned out and added his drawers, cords and some other things that took him about 2 hours in the car (or maybe he liked the peace and quiet in the car.) We'll have another trial run in the car with a quick trip to Memphis tomorrow before our big road trip next week.
Robby reported after he got cleaned up, he decided to take the rest of the kids out for a few errands. Sounds like they made it to the Dollar Store for a bit of road trip candy and ear buds, then to Taco Bell for supper and finally to Walmart for shoe shopping. Shoes don't last very long around here and he ended up buying 5 pairs of shoes -- not exactly sure Keaton and Graham were due shoes but they must have convinced him. Speaking of convincing, Reagan convinced Robby to let her use one of her Redbox coupons from Christmas and to watch it when they got home.
Well, after showers and cleaning up again, it was almost 8:30. Fortunately, Whitman was asleep when they got home, so he headed to bed although Robby did find him 30 minutes later with lights on and in the floor playing. He convinced him to get back in bed and I think he stayed there. Everyone else got popcorn and a coke to go along with movie and up past 10:00 on a school night!?!?!?
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