I heard little people stirring in the kitchen pretty early this morning. There was lots of shhhshing and even some giggling. I also heard that there was some last minute card making (my Anderson had been reminded multiple times but he has a tendency to wait until the last minute for things-like his father)
A bit after 7, my door opened and 6 of the sweetest little faces came in my room carrying presents, cards, juice and a plate full of waffles. Everyone climbed on my bed as I opened their presents-a handmade coaster by Keaton, candy, cash and a cookie from Reagan, a water bottle and also some candy. Then there were lots of cards and then I ate my strawberry covered waffle and drank my orange juice while the kids watched.
After I had finished, we did feed the kids and then everyone dressed for church. We had to be there a bit early this morning because the big 3 were singing in church. The children's choir sang a few songs and we even let Keaton stay in church to see her brothers and sister sing.
We did have a bit of excitement before church. I walked into the kitchen and Graham was standing by the bathroom door. I asked him what was wrong and he said that his stomach was upset and thought he was going to be sick. Robby and I discussed our options but after a few minutes Graham seemed to perk up. Graham did possibly perk up some because I let him in on a secret-that he would get to see Josh and Zach later today. He does have a cold which I am sure upset his stomach a bit.
After church, we headed to Nonna's house. We celebrated Mother's Day with her at lunch. We unfortunately fell down on our picture taking today and took too few pictures-missing our traditional Mother's Day photos. The kids enjoyed all of Nonna's choices for desserts and then they changed their clothes and were ready for our next outing.
We ran home for a few minutes and had time to empty the car and reload it again while the kids were folding and putting away laundry. We then headed to the park to meet Grannymom, Grandpa, Dana, Lilli and Cash. The kids played for a bit on the climbing rocks and then Les and Shelley arrived to help us celebrate Mother's Day and Grandpa's birthday.
The boys were playing a football game and the girls were swinging when the rain began. It wasn't much rain but it did just keep coming and the radar didn't look to promising. That was no worry to us Dennies, we just moved our party to Dana's garage. The kids still played outside in the drizzling rain while we ate supper and then desserts in the garage.
It was a wonderful way to end Mother's Day and I wish we could do that more often. Once we made it home, the kids all showered and then had some downtime before bed. Now I plan on continuing my Mother's Day celebration with a bowl of ice cream.
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