Since the first soccer game was at 8:30 this morning, we had told the kids that they could get out of bed at 6:45 this morning. They were all so excited; Reagan even said that she was going to read. We knew this would be no problem for anyone, especially the boys, since they are always up so early but would you believe, they all slept in this morning. Robby had to even wake up the boys.
The kids quickly put on their uniforms. There was one crisis once we were at the games because Campbell and Graham realized that they were wearing each other's jerseys. We convinced them that the jerseys were clean, they were the same size and no one keeps up with the number on the back of the jersey anyway.
Here is the run down of the soccer games this morning: Keaton and Campbell played the first game and they played the entire game since they only had 4 players. They were so tired but they kept running. They were stomped by the other team-specifically by just one player on the other team. So if you take away his 9 points then the score would have been 1-0 and Campbell scored that 1 point. Playing the whole game is tough for little ones and they did great. Keaton even got a few kicks at the ball as well!
We had a break after that game and headed to Shipleys for doughnuts. Then the fill up our gas tank, Dollar General and Lowes for lawnmower blades. Seriously, that break is almost just too long-but we did mark quite a few things off of our list.
Next game was Graham and Reagan playing on different fields. Reagan was on fire today as always. She scored at least 2 goals and her and another girl worked together great so Reagan had a few assists (if that is the right word.) And Graham was at the other side of Raymar and was also on fire. I am not sure what got into Graham but he was all over the place. He was much more aggressive than I have ever seen him. He did wonderful and was so, so close to scoring. At the end of the last period, he did ask to come out of the game because his knee was hurting (He had also complained during our wiffle ball game yesterday at Nonna's house.)
We then went to the pavilion and had ourselves our hot dog lunch that Robby had made early this morning. Then it was over to watch Anderson play. His team did really well today too. Anderson scored and he was all over the field kicking the ball. My kiddos were pretty tired after their morning of soccer.
Once we made it home, we unpacked and Robby and the little girls went to work outside. He did the work (cleaned up much of the top half of the yard, cleaned under the shed, cut a tree down, moved an old tree, raked leaves) and the girls just played. I picked up inside and then loaded up the boys and headed out. The first stop was to drop off Whitman at Nonna's house. Since I was taking the boys to a birthday party and Robby was working in the yard, Whitman needed some place to go so he wouldn't end up on Lawson.
When we arrived at Ethan's party, we were all surprised to see that the swimming party was not inside as I had originally thought. I don't think that the boys were sunburned yet but after almost 2 hours of swimming they are a little pink tonight. They so loved swimming at the pool-Anderson enjoyed the slide and I saw Graham go off the diving board a few times. Anderson really loved the birthday cake cookie that Ethan had and they both could have stayed and swam longer but the party was over and we had to head home.
On the way home, we picked up Whitman who was finishing his bath in Nonna's tub. Everyone at home was showering or finishing their showers so the boys had their turns and finished just as Robby was finishing his shower. Then we loaded up to go and eat for an early Mother's Day celebration.
We ate a bit after 8 - like we were big city folks. The kids always enjoy PeiWei and so do I. Whitman must have been hungry because even though he never eats noodles at home, he sure did tonight. Once we were home, we tried to get a few things ready for tomorrow's big day. Some days I think it is just as hard to load our stuff up for one day's activities as it is to pack for a trip.
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