Busy day here at the Dennie compound. We stayed in bed as long as we could until it was time to jump out and scurry around to get Keaton off to school (only 3 more days left after today) and Robby off to work (only 30 more years left after today).
Then it was time for everyone else to have their breakfast, start on chores, put on their clothes and work on their little school work. We did this pretty well but at 9:10, I decided that I was going to walk on the treadmill because if I didn't do it in the morning, it would never happen. So I left the kids downstairs to finish up everything and of course they did it perfectly. I was still sweaty and red faced when our guests started arriving.
The homeschool buddies came over today. We had planned on having everyone over today and actually cancelled when the weather looked very rainy today but when the weather looked better we were back on. Jodee made dip, Sara made brownies and Amber brought her award winning ice cream (Nonna's recipe).
The kids played inside but mostly stayed outside. They had lots of fun riding bikes, playing ball (all sorts of ball), swinging and just being with their friends. They all did play a round of bingo and I was able to round up a few prizes from my garage sale box. And I also had some powder to make some snow for them all to play with. Everyone enjoyed playing with a bit of snow and I was even able to save some for Keaton.
After our friends left, the neighbor kids were ready to play with my kiddos. The boys stayed out some but then came back inside. Campbell and Reagan stayed outside until I called them in for supper tonight. I am so glad that they enjoy playing outside.
Whitman did stay inside for the afternoon and he again stayed dry today (2 days in a row-baby steps!) so maybe he will be ready for preschool after all. Speaking of preschool, Keaton received her final report card today and she passed prek4 with flying colors (we weren't really worried though we did have to do some shape studying for a few weeks.)
As soon as Keaton and Robby came home tonight, the kids climbed in the van and we threw hot dogs at them. Last night's soccer games were rained out and everyone's game, except for Reagan's game, was rescheduled for tonight. First was Keaton and Campbell's game. They didn't even have enough players but again they played hard and my goodness Campbell's little cheeks turn bright red!
Next up was Graham on one field and Anderson on the other. Graham's little team still has their head in the clouds but my Graham again really did well and knows exactly what to do. And Anderson scored a goal for his team and was pretty pleased about that. Now, my Reagan wasn't too happy about not getting to play tonight since we have told her that the weather doesn't look promising for her game on Thursday night. And Whitman just had himself a little meltdown during the games-that baby just still needs a nap.
After the games, the kids helped pick up the flags and balls and then we headed home for showers and bedtime. We are pretty speedy with our showers and soon the kids were in bed!...not yet asleep since I can hear footsteps and people running back and forth to the potty but at least they are in bed!
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