A bit out of our routine today because Pops was getting a new knee! So I took Keaton to school while Robby stayed home with the kids and handled the schooling (or maybe he just kept them contained.) I had left a checklist and for the most part it was followed.
Pops surgery was scheduled for early this morning but by the time I got there (9:00 AM), they had not taken him back. I stayed through the early afternoon fielding Beebee's calls and questions.
Meanwhile, Robby reports everyone got all their schooling done before it was time to leave to pick up Keaton from school. Since we were out of milk, they also had to stop by the grocery store on the way home and managed to come home with a lot more than milk. (For some reason when Easter candy is on sell for 70% off, it means every child must buy their own bag.)
By the time they got home, Grannymom and Grandpa were here to repair the front yard swing. (Glad to mark that off the big summer to do list). It was still working but the rope was beginning to fray and the kids were beginning to think they were going to bust their bottom if it broke. Repairing the swing meant scaling a 24-foot ladder for Robby and Grandpa. I made it home from visiting Pops as they were finishing up and the kids were catching frogs, lizards and bees. (Well, maybe they just watching the neighbor kid catch these critters.)
I helped the girls with a craft project - painting a large brown box. Before we finished, everyone pitched in on the painting including Whitman.
It had a day or two since the last shower for the kids, so as they trickled in they took showers and then began watching movies and Kindle time. By the time I got the kitchen back in order, it was time for me to leave again. I hadn't gotten to actually see Pops since he was till in recovery when I left so I headed back out there. (Surgery went well. Doctor said the knee was in pretty bad shape so the knee replacement should do wonders for Pops when he fully recovers.) After visiting with him for awhile, I headed to the Promenade for a big dinner out to celebrate April's 40th birthday with friends.
Kids and Robby had planned to maybe eat out as well somewhere but Reagan convinced everyone they should just stay home eat and watch a movie. She loves her some movie nights. So Graham picked grilled cheese for supper and everyone must have been hungry because they gobbled them out.
Movie selection tonight was back to the sports-themed vs. the sharking biting movies. Robby introduced the kids to the movie Hoosiers. Of course, the boys loved it but everyone else did as well. (Well, Whitman actually did bring Robby the milk jug and said he was ready for bed so off he went.) After the movie, it was bedtime for the rest of the group.
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