November 26, 2015: Thanksgiving Day
Happy Thanksgiving! |
- The kids were ready to begin Thanksgiving Day early this morning. We heard the kids upstairs working on their bedroom. The girls are right above us and they were very busy stomping around getting their room perfectly straight for our Thanksgiving company.
- It didn't take the boys too long to straighten their room (they really didn't) and Graham was downstairs at 7:15ish asking me when I was getting up and when breakfast was. Seriously, he was worried about breakfast on Thanksgiving day. I had no concerns that there would be plenty of food today for him to eat.
- Robby headed outside to work in the yard this morning-he was able to move all of the wood chips so that is one less thing for us to do later this week...except it is going to rain so we won't be able to work in the yard (golly gee!) Meanwhile, I worked inside doing some last minute straightening and getting everything ready. The kids helped me some but spent most of the morning watching the Macy's parade. At one point, I heard everyone screaming and looked into the living room to see what was the matter and Thomas the Train was one of the balloons in the parade and no one wanted for Whitman to miss it.
- Everyone started to arrive around 11 and by noon we were digging into our Thanksgiving feast-lots of things to be thankful for this year and lots of food on our table: turkey, ham, dressing, deviled eggs, cranberry salad, green salad, black eyed pea salad, green beans, hashbrown casserole, corn casserole, sweet potato casserole and I am sure that there were quite a few other things that I can not remember. And the desserts were just as plentiful: banana bread, pumpkin bread, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, pineapple upside down cake, pilgrim hat cookies, turkey cookies, coconut cake and cornflake cookies. Again, I am sure that I missed something but I sure sampled it all on my plate!
- After we had finished eating, we watched some of the Hogs basketball game as the kids played and then the kids and Grannymom played a few rounds of bingo. She had prizes and everyone played until the won and who won the most? My lucky girl-Keaton. Robby had mentioned taking her to buy some lottery tickets but I guess we can do that tomorrow. Hopefully her luck will not have rubbed off.
- The kids watched a movie after the game and the grownups read and re-read the sale papers and planned our attack for the stores later in the evening. Kidding, no one went shopping but I did do some shopping online tonight and have a bit more to do after I finish the blog.
- Around supper time we started pulling out all of the goodies again and started having supper. The kids were not hungry since they had snacked on their bingo winnings and the cookies that were left out all afternoon long.
- It didn't take too long for us to clean up the kitchen and then all of our guests headed home and then all of us picked up the house, the kids had showers and then after a bit it was bedtime!
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