I guess we are getting in a tiny groove around here-waking up at a decent time, reading a bit during breakfast and then starting on school. I do believe that I liked the real lazy days of summer a bit better but before we blink twice it will be summer again.
Though we didn't let this day of summer pass us by without enjoying it. After just a few hours of school, we loaded up and made one quick stop at the library. I had a few books on hold and we picked those up.
On the way to the library we listened to the book How to Eat Fried Worms-it was so entertaining. I remember reading it when I was a kid but I don't really remember anything about it. We finished that book and I popped in another cd book from the library and that silly thing must have been all scratched up because it would not work at all!
But it didn't matter because we were soon at the pool and since there were plenty of friends there, all of my people were very happy. I was happy until I felt how cold the water was-seriously, it was ice cold. There was no reason for it to be that cold-next time we go back, I am going to bring some boiling water to pour in there.
The cold water didn't seem to phase anyone else. Not even my Keaton-who spent almost a whole hour jumping off the edge right into my arms and then swimming (without her floatee) to the ladder. She really was probably only swimming a foot or so but I don't think she realized at first what she was doing. Later in the day, she was too scared to jump from the steps and swim to me but swimming to the ladder didn't bother her at all.
After swimming, we dropped Whitman off at Nonna's house to spend the night. He is getting a little extra time with his grandparents this week since he is missing out on VBS down the road. Nonna had made a train track in her living room with blocks for Whitman and when he saw it, he shouted "I love it!"
She also had ice cream for the rest of us that we loved. Then we headed home for some movie time this afternoon-but first we cleaned the toy room. Oh my, it had really gotten to be a mess and took us quite awhile to pick it up. When it was finally finished, the kids watched a movie and before too long, we were leaving for VBS.
Tonight during VBS, Robby and I went out to eat again-this time On the Border. We weren't pleased with our Chuy's menu item the other day so we needed to replace that bad experience with a good experience.
Then it was on to the store for some speed shopping. We use old Kroger sacks as our garbage bags around here and were completely out. When we made it home and unpacked all of our groceries, Robby teased me that the shopping trip was a very expensive way to replenish my trash bag supply.
We had time to run home and throw the food in the fridge before going to the church to pick up the kids. Then it was time for showers-lots of showers and then bed! Tonight everyone seems to be sleeping well (so far at least!)
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