March 15, 2015
Time to head to bed... |
(click here for today's pictures)
- The boys were the first ones up this morning and they headed straight for the toy room this morning and Keaton came and found us in bed. I can tell that the kids are getting bigger because it is getting less often that our bed is filled with little people in the morning time. That does make me incredibly sad but yet, it often makes me a tiny bit glad!
- We had to rush around a bit this morning-I probably say that every Sunday though. We were ready in time to have breakfast at home and to see all of the grands before church started. After dropping off Keaton and Whitman we sat down for the service.
- During Sunday morning big church, Campbell sits by me on the end of the pew (so I can trap her in) and I tell you, by the end of church I feel like I have been wrestling an alligator. I try to listen and take notes but she is constantly laying on me or bumping into me that my notes have all just become scribbles in my Bible and today she started asking during the singing if church was almost over.
- The big 3 were almost too excited to sit through church because they were getting to stay all afternoon for choir practice. I don't really see how this would have been fun but they were excited about it. Oh, I know they did have fun because they had cookies, a snack and it sounded like they had plenty of playtime.
- The rest of us went to eat with the Hawkins after church. We ate at US Pizza and it was a pretty perfect day to eat outside. Robby and I talked about how we enjoyed lunch but we weren't really sure if it was the company, the food or having 3 less kids with us.
- After lunch we went home and tried to lay everyone down for a nap but Keaton and Campbell in a room by themselves didn't work at all (we didn't think it would) They soon started watching a few movies while we finished our nap too! And then we even did something really bad-we convinced Campbell that she wanted to skip choir tonight so we could go to church an hour later than normal. I mean, she is bright and will catch up but wasn't that wrong of us? But then again, it made for such a wonderful Sunday afternoon!
- Back to church tonight to pick up my others and drop off my littles. Keaton threw herself a big ole fit when I dropped her off so that wasn't any fun. But she was fine when we picked her up and was even happier when we told her that there was a party at church-ice cream, cake, cookies, fruit and chex mix-it was a big party to celebrate the Barnabas project.
- Once at home, the kids all brushed and then headed to bed-except Keaton and Campbell who were wound up. It took forever for them to calm down which makes me pretty thankful they didn't take a nap or they would have been up for hours!
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