February 20, 2015
Ready to race... |
- There was no vacuuming going on this morning but there was a nerf gun battle going on above our heads. I think that I might have to sell all of those silly guns in the garage sale and use that money to buy books and other quiet toys. I can at least be thankful that the battle started after 7:30-I guess the kids were worn out from their big day yesterday.
- Breakfast was our left over doughnuts and my Whitman was putting them away just as fast as the rest of the kids. After breakfast, we started on school and today it was Reagan who was the slowest. That should have been predictable because there was much more action in the living room today and that is where she perches during school time. She loves being in front of the heater-I probably should put the little heater in Robby's office closet and create a cozy lair for her.
- I did put Whitman to bed for a bit at 11-he is always content to go to bed but this time was sound asleep when I went back up there at 12. I was a bit surprised that he went to sleep but that was fine because our together work was accomplished a bit more easily with him not around.
- Then it was lunch time and after lunch I fooled around doing a few things but nothing of much value. Even though I have a list of things that never were accomplished this week, on Fridays I don't really care about doing them and happily mark them off my list accomplished or not. The little girls pulled out a Candyland DVD game so everyone ended up playing that for a bit. And Anderson spent some time working on her perler beads-he plans on making something for everyone in his Bible study class.
- Next up was rest time for Whitman and some movies for the others. Keaton, Campbell and I did play kitchen in the hallway downstairs. We laid out enough food to feed about 50 people. I did convince the girls that it was nighttime during our playtime. We all laid down in the hallway to rest-Campbell even set my phone alarm to wake us up in a bit. If she would have just set that alarm for a few more minutes, we all would have been sound asleep in the hall when Robby came home.
- And before too long, Robby was home and we were eating supper. When Whitman woke up from his afternoon nap, he pretty much cried for about 45 minutes if I was not holding him and sometime then he was still crying. He was sleeping so soundly that I probably should have just let him sleep but I did want for him to go to bed tonight-but I think I have learned my lesson on that.
- After supper, Graham and Robby snuck off to play the wii for a bit and everyone else eventually followed and joined in. Reagan will probably be the child to break the tv during these games. When they were playing tennis she would take a huge step and swing her arm like swinging a baseball bat towards the tv every single time that she swung (all you really need to do is flick your wrist). And Anderson just has to win and can not stand on being on a team with someone who is not any good (like me!)
- When we had exhausted pretty much all of the wii games, it was bedtime for everyone. The kids have started changing beds and tonight 3 of 5 up there were in different beds. When I went upstairs to get on to them for being noisy, Reagan called for me to come here. There room is so dark that I couldn't see where she was and I didn't remember which bed she was in, so I had to ask "where are you?" Robby just had to go up there and stay in their room until Campbell and Graham finally were quiet-Campbell kept climbing into bed with Graham. Oh, that girl is a mess!
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