July 23, 2014
(click here for today's pictures)
Making cookies! |
- It seems that someone is waking me up every night lately. It wasn't Campbell last night but it was Graham who had a bit too much to drink last night. He had already changed so I just pulled out the blankets from under my bed and made him a spot. (Best thing ever is having blankets under my bed to quickly make a spot for someone) Then I went upstairs to get his sheets in the wash.
- We did all sleep well after that and soon it was time to wake up. Swimming was today so we had lots to do before swimming. The kids had their chores and we all worked together to get the house clean (er, cleaner than is was. Not yet clean since I don't think this place will ever be clean. Maybe when the kids leave home but by then I will be too blind to see the cobwebs and too old to clean this whole place. So I will gladly take "clean-er" right now.)
- Anyway, one of the chores was cleaning the potties today. I had taught them last summer but never really let them practice so I refreshed everyone's skills today. The only thing is I haven't looked to see if they get a good job or not. I will try to remember to report back to you tomorrow on the actual cleanliness of the Dennie toilets after I check tonight.
- All too soon, we were rushing out the door to head to the swimming pool. The kids were excited to be back with their friends though their behavior left a bit to be desired. I like to think they are still in trip mode and getting back into the swing of things is hard but I just don't know. Before we even got to the pool, Reagan and Anderson became hysterical about who would eat the pizza lunchable-and I said that was the last lunchable I would ever buy so Campbell started crying "I love lunchables." Drama, drama!
- Then at the pool, my boys had a hard time keeping their hands off of each other, none of my big 3 seem to be able to speak to each other kindly and Campbell fell apart when I told her that I wasn't going to get in the icy cold water today. Oh, it all wasn't that bad-I do get frustrated about how they talk to each other. I do lose my cool with them but I sure don't talk to the kids like they talk to each other-so I have started trying to be extra kind and sweet (and smiley) so maybe that will rub off...so far it isn't working!
- After the first adult swim, I let Whitman into the water. That boy is as happy as he can be walking around the water. He would dive into any part of the pool if I hadn't been hot on his heels. I get so tickled at him putting his face down into the water.
- Then it was lunch time and the drama over the one last pizza lunchable quickly subsided when Anderson said he would take the cracker lunchable. Why wouldn't he had said that this morning during the great lunchable squabble? The dessert into the lunchable caught is eye...from now on, I am only giving my kids salad to eat!
- After the pool, we came home for a bit-Whitman and Keaton took their naps and Campbell sat by me and fell asleep as I worked. The others watched a few movies and then at 3:15, I jumped up and started hauling sleeping babies to the car so we could go and buy Lilly her birthday present. Robby ended up being able to meet us so he took most everyone back home while Reagan, Campbell and I shopped.
- Reagan really wanted to buy Lilly earrings and she really, really wanted to go and pick them out. Since she doesn't get to do much shopping, I thought I would give her that pleasure. And when we walked into the store, Reagan said "oooh." She was in heaven but we didn't do much browsing. We quickly found lots of choices for Lilly and even a set of earrings for Reagan and since Campbell was helping us shop, we picked her out a set of earrings that had the letter "C" on them.
- Campbell and I dropped Reagan off for Lilly's party and to spend the night and then we fought the rain and drove back home. Campbell pointed out each and every car that she thought was going too fast in the rain. But the best part of the ride was when we saw an abandoned car. We talked about where the drive could be. Campbell only had one guess and she said "I bet they got shot." Say what? We do watch tv but we don't watch things were folks are getting shot...and then I started thinking about some things we have talked about lately while traveling-Kennedy's assassination and Reagan's attempted assassination.
- Robby already had our hot dogs fixed for supper. Then we all ate and needed some type of activity to fill the rest of the evening...so we made some cookies and watched Undercover Boss and some ninja show. That probably wasn't the best show to watch before bed-the boys kicked, jumped and climbed on all of the furniture as they made their way to bed!
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