May 31, 2014
(click here for today's pictures)
He loves his big sis! |
- Two things that I have forgotten to mention lately-the last time we played kickball, which must have been months ago because of this crazy rain, Anderson had just kicked the ball and Robby fielded it and threw it to me. I was near first base and moved my foot over to reach and grab him but when I moved my foot, all I did was trip the child. He ran right over my leg falling flat on his belly and face and knocked my legs out from under me and I spun around in the air as I also fell. We were both fine though his ego was a bit bruised that I also managed to tag him out!
- And yesterday at McDonalds, Whitman was out of his highchair playing, Keaton and Campbell were close behind him taking care of him. There was a little boy, probably younger than Keaton, who wanted to hug Whitman and pat his back. Keaton was having none of this and kept yelling "my baby, that's my baby." She was adamant that no one touch her brother except her and her sister.
- Now to today-it has been just a rainy Saturday. The poor tree house man wasn't back today-the kids enjoy watching him work and I have enjoyed watching him run and cover his tools and climb in his truck each time that it starts pouring which has been just about hourly lately. So we didn't have that to watch. But we did have cinnamon rolls to eat this morning along with the kids individual yogurt cups that we bought last night at the store-that is a splurge for us. Graham didn't like his (I think his "strawberry" flavor was really "strawberry pomegranate") so Whitman was able to eat the rest of us and Reagan, who never likes yogurt but always tries a new flavor when we do get the yogurt cups, didn't like her so I had it.
- The kids played with my keyboard from when I was little while Robby worked on recaulking some of our shower-of course that meant taking the old caulk off, cleaning it, cleaning it again (I did the second cleaning and was there for moral support during the first cleaning), drying it and then later in the day recaulking it. Exciting, exciting!
- We did take a break in all of this to make chili and go to Bass Pro. The kids hadn't been in a long while and they loved seeing the animals and we even "took a walk" down the Bass Pro sidewalk on our way back to the car. By the time we made it home, we were all hungry and most of our bowls of chili were eaten. So then it was naptime for Keaton and Whitman,
- Yesterday when naptime was just about over, Campbell and I were in the kitchen. I had just told her that soon we would have to wake Keaton and Whitman up. A minute later, Campbell who was busy working on trimming her grass from school said "let's not get Keaton and Whitman up now." And then we heard Keaton's voice from the top of the stairs saying "You no get me, I here." That booger had gotten herself out of bed, turned her fan off and at some point climbed into the top bunks. She told me that she had slept in Graham's bed during nap but I am not too sure about that. So this afternoon, I had just returned downstairs from putting her in bed and I felt something brush against me arm as I sat on the couch-Keaton. I immediately started saying "no ma'am" and taking her back upstairs. Let's just say that she was not happy with me at all but she did finally calm down and slept all during nap time and this time she called us to come and get her out of bed.
- We were fairly lazy during naptime around here but when it was wake up time, all of the girls busily packed for their evening outing. All of them packed except for Campbell-she had packed her bag earlier in the week when she thought she was going to get to spend the night with Nonna and Pops but now my grandmother is in the hospital so that won't happen for a few days. So she was beyond thrilled when she got to go to Lilly's house for the night. And my boys happily cleaned up the toy room so Cash and them could have plenty of room to play tonight. Poor Dana, she ended up with 3 of my kids and I just have one of hers-not a fair trade at all! I haven't seen my boys since we came home-they have been upstairs playing happily (mostly) all evening.
- After dropping the girls off, we stopped at Krispy Kreme for a snack and then home to play. It is almost 9 and Robby is offering the boys something to eat before bed-Graham said he wanted chili and Cash and Anderson just want milk-they must have filled up on doughnuts.
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