May 25, 2014
Feeding the Need! |
(click here for today's pictures)
- I set my alarm these days so I can hit snooze again and again these days. Keaton, Graham and Campbell all ran into my room and Anderson was right behind them. They all gave me a hug and Keaton even laid with me for a minute and then they all ran upstairs to watch Robby. I kind of miss my snuggle time with the kids but I kind of like those last few quiet minutes in bed. I then showered and soon we started our scramble to get everyone ready.
- Robby passed out breakfast and after the kids ate, they quickly put on their clothes so they could have time to play their kindles. We made it to church in time to see all of the grands-though the boys were bummed that they didn't see the candy men for their candy fix before church but they did survive.
- We dropped off Keaton and Whitman in their classes. Whitman's teachers said that he was the perfect child-I would agree. Since Sunday school teachers were in big church, we decided to let Campbell go to big church with us. She sat on the end of the pew beside Robby and did very well (I guess, it was hard to really see her from my spot). She didn't fall out of the pew in to the aisle so I do count that as big church success.
- The kids had gathered money last night to buy groceries for Feed the Need. We had a hard time trying to explain to them that bringing 2 dollars apiece was enough. My Anderson would empty his bank every time we take money some place (like the ballgame we went to benefit the tornado folks.) You can't really tell them to not give their money when it is a good cause yet they do need to understand that they do have to keep enough money to take care of themselves (though they don't have to worry about that now) We did let them bring a bit more than 2 dollars apiece and when we added their money with Pops' cash he gave for us to spend plus money from their Daddy-they were so excited about going shopping.
- This was our first year for Feed the Need and it was quite fun. When we walked to the veggie aisle, there was a roar of church people talking and visiting. We finally made it down the aisle and filled the buggy with items-crackers, peanut butter, cereal, veggies, beans, mac and cheese and who knows what else. The kids were all so excited to put stuff in the buggy-so much so that Keaton had to get out and walk.
- After checking out, we went to the trailer to take our bags. The kids were so pleased with their good deed for the day and we rewarded them with lunch at Nonna and Pops' house. Pops had grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for us and the kids ate up. Nonna had even made salted caramel brownies and they were delicious.
- After the kids had time to play, we headed home for nap time. Robby and I even slept some before Robby decided to go outside to mow. It was well after 5 but everyone followed him out. The kids played quite a bit and I even joined them in a massive soccer game. Robby suggested that I was the activity director for the neighborhood-actually, I just have to stay nearby to make sure the neighborhood influence is minimal on my kids.
- Whitman did so enjoy bubbles tonight. I tried to take pictures of his wide eyes gazing at the bubbles but I couldn't blow and snap pictures at the same time. Around 8, we headed in for showers and then supper. I sent Campbell and Keaton to bring in milk from the garage and they came back empty handed-which meant, Robby quickly left to buy some for tomorrow.
- While he was gone, we finished supper and then kids had ice cream truck while I made cookies for tomorrow. We were brushing teeth when Robby came back and just as he was walking in the door, Graham said "lost tooth in here." His wiggly tooth finally came out-I had just brushed his teeth really, really well but thought I stayed away from that tooth (guess I didn't)
- Graham was so pleased with his first lost tooth and couldn't wait to put his tooth in the tooth fairy pillow-that boy will probably stay up all night trying to peek at the tooth fairy. She better be sneaky tonight.
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