(click here for today's pictures)

Sometimes they are best friends!
- Whitman was the first one up this morning around 6. Robby changed his diaper and then he laid down with us and his bottle. He was the cutest thing ever-at one time I was scratching his back and he started rubbing my back. When Robby got up, I told him that I really thought Whitman could go back to sleep and sure enough he did. I was rubbing his back and he was sitting really still, he looked up at the ceiling and then plop, he laid over on my leg and was out.
- I cuddled with him for a long time (until someone called me upstairs to wipe their bottom) and even Anderson snuggled with him for a bit. But when everyone else came downstairs I did put him back in his bed. Of course with his nose was running just a bit this morning, him waking up in the middle of the night (yes, 6 is the middle of the night) and then going back to sleep in the morning-I convinced myself that the poor baby was sick. I sure hope not because we have to keep him healthy so that fluid in his ears does not get infected. Hopefully, that fluid is no longer there though.
- Robby took Campbell and Keaton to school this morning. Campbell was super excited about school because this was the day that they were to bring a stuffed animal to pretend to be a veterinarian on. Keaton was just excited to get to ride to drop Campbell off. Those girls were pulling out their poptarts before I knew what was happening. They had a few extra minutes after getting ready and even ate their pop tarts together in the kitchen.
- School was good today. I feel like we are in a good routine right now. I know that by saying that, tomorrow and the next week will be crazy but things do seem to be going smoothly. Next weeks big event is putting our oral reports together for the next week and tallying up our read-a-thon totals (I'm slacking a bit on getting that done)
- Keaton and Robby made it home and we had ourselves lunch and the kids helped pick up some. Then they had plenty of time to play this afternoon. Keaton did grab her milk about 30 minutes before her normal nap time but we went with that and everyone was down for a nap early! I had a few things to do along with the treadmill but that was really it-kind of a relaxing day....
- Until Whitman woke up. That child is keeping me on my toes-climbing up the first step, knocking tables down, pulling dishes out of the cabinet and eating every single thing on the floor in the house. He spends most of his waking time in his high chair, in his exersaucer or with me carrying him around. Whitman is a little stinker too because I will sternly call his name when he is doing something wrong and he will turn to grin at me and then speedily crawl away!
- The kids went outside this afternoon and when Campbell arrived home she joined them. The boys played with their remote control cars and the girls watched the neighbor girl make a bracelet. I think that everyone played in the dirt and Anderson rode his bicycle and played basketball with the neighbor boys. I went out occasionally to spy on all of the goings on. Graham came inside fairly early so he enjoyed some quiet time in the house by himself.
- We had supper-I was supposed to go to bunko tonight but so few people could come that they changed it to out to eat but it ended up that after that I was the only one that could come so it was cancelled. Anyway, I had enough spaghetti for everyone except for one plate (which would have been mine but Robby opted for a burrito instead) Though the kids devoured their spaghetti tonight and that left us scrambling fixing them more to eat. It is nice to finish off leftovers but here lately, our leftovers aren't nearly enough to feed most of us a second time.
- After supper, half of my crew received some type of medicine (Whitman-allergies, Graham-athlete's foot, Anderson-allergies, asthma and wart medicine) Poor Anderson's cough is pretty bad so hopefully it will get better soon. Everyone pitched in to straighten the kitchen and the toy room after supper and then we watched a Let's Make a Deal before sending everyone to bed.
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