(click here for today's pictures)

Friendly game of checkers!
- Another morning of the kids waking up before 7. Who knows what that is all about but since we did dope up 2 of the 5 kids upstairs tonight, maybe they will sleep later. Doubtful though! The boys pulled Keaton out of her bed and tired to put her in Anderson's bed but she wanted in Reagan's bed. I think the girls have started a ritual of all getting in Reagan's bed in the morning time. And speaking of Reagan, I have noticed that she no longer sleeps with her taggie (hasn't for a few years really) but her taggie lately has ended up in Keaton's bed. Robby and I both made sure that she had that taggie tucked under her arm tonight despite her protest.
- Today was the day that Keaton looks forward to all week long-the day to go with Robby and take Campbell to school. Campbell had a good day at school and even got to go home with Nonna and Pops. They even stopped at Bass Pro on the way home. Poor Campbell really wanted to color at Bass Pro and kept looking for the "coloring table right by Santa." She couldn't get over that Santa and that coloring table was no longer at Bass Pro.
- Here at home, the big 3 did school. They did good and things were calmer than usual and we finished our school day. I fixed lunch for everyone and then Robby and Graham played a game of checkers. Graham tried his hardest but he has only played checkers twice. The child was so excited to do a "double jump" against Robby (with my help) until Robby did a "triple jump." I still think he had a good time playing.
- We put the little people down for a nap a bit earlier than usual so we could wake them up earlier than usual. Kroger was calling our name tonight so we ran by Nonna's house to pick up Campbell and then went to the store.
- The kids did really well for 2 hours at the store. Up and down and up and down every single aisle. We started with 2 buggies and 3 children riding in them and ended up with everyone walking but Whitman-and he was getting pretty crowded in his spot. We did quite a bit of shopping so the total was high (higher than I have ever spent). The kids now know where on the computer screen to look and see the total as the cashier rings us up. Of course they kept shouting it out for all to hear.
- On the way home, we picked up pizza for a quick supper and then ran by Krispy Kreme to finish off our coupons from Jason. We had one other coupon but including our free hot doughnuts for me and the kids (Robby stayed in the car) we left that place with 23 free doughnuts. My Campbell didn't even eat her specialty doughnut for dessert tonight but Whitman sure did (of course he spit it all up later but he was so happy)
- When leaving the grocery store, Robby had a free movie code at the Redbox. But when he typed the code in, it said that it was invalid at that location. If he didn't have 6 kids staring at him with big puppy dog eyes expecting a movie to pop out of the machine, he would have just left but as you can guess, there was no just leaving. And the kids did deserve a reward for how well they were at the store.
- Back at home, we quickly ate and then the kids started on their movie while we unloaded all of the groceries. Robby studied our grocery store receipt while I wrote out our new breakfast and snack menu for the fridge. Then it was time for bed for the crew. My Graham is still pretty coughy but hopefully he will sleep tonight like he did last night.
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