October 26, 2013
(click here for pictures)
Yard day! |
- After staying up late last night, I was sure that the kids would sleep a bit later-I was wrong! Someone was already downstairs in our room when we could hear Campbell trying to get her glow stick off of her bed (I had tied it up pretty good-more on that in a minute) I rolled over and told Robby that one of us would have to help her and he shot out of bed to go and help. I couldn't figure out why for a few minutes and then after he never returned to bed with me and the 4 others in my bed, I realized that he was hiding out in Anderson's bed upstairs all alone!
- Glow sticks-yes, last night we broke open the glow sticks and passed them out to the kids. These were the kind that make a necklace so obviously they couldn't sleep with them. We hung them from their bed, from the fan and pretty much everywhere else we could think of in their room. But the real reason that they couldn't have them in bed with them happened in July of 2011. Re read this post from then:
- So as we sat down tonight with the kids all tucked in, we heard screaming coming from upstairs. It was pretty intense so I was the first to hit the steps and Robby was right behind me. I knew it was Anderson and my first thought was that he had fallen off of the bunk but since I didn’t hear a thud, I knew that wasn’t it.
- I opened the door fully expecting to find him hanging off of the bed by his feet but he was screaming like a mad man trying to get out of his bed. I couldn’t understand what he was saying from all of the blubbering and gesturing but just assumed that there was a bug or rodent in his bed.
- Soon we were able to figure it out-his glow stick had burst and gotten in his eye. I grabbed him and took him to the bathroom and started pouring water on his eye. Of course, he was still screaming so most of the water went into his mouth which he would then spit back on my shirt. Of course, this caused Graham and Reagan to get out of bed and were standing in the hall with their hands over their mouths.
- The poor boy was still sobbing and shaking like a leaf as Robby read the package and discovered that all was fine even though “it might cause temporary discomfort.” These words were foreign to Anderson who then screamed “IS IT POISON?”
- After a few more douses of water and then some visine, Anderson finally stopped shaking. He said he needed to sleep in my bed but I offered him a new glow stick instead-he shivered when I mentioned it and will probably never touch a glow stick again.
- Last night was not nearly as exciting at that night. Reading that post makes me thankful that I keep a blog-now, someday when the kids read everything that I have written about them, they may not be thankful that I have kept a blog!
- We were fairly lazy most of the morning. The plan was to get out and do some yard work but my phone said that it was 46 and that didn't sound like any fun. But we had already mentioned it to the kids and they were ready so we headed out. Surprisingly, the temperature was fine and I spent most of the morning taking my sweatshirt off because I was hot and then putting it back on again because I was cold.
- The boys have been watching Wild Man on Netflix so they spent the morning being Wild Man-collecting frogs, grasshoppers and lizards. I did offer them 10 dollars to eat a lizard but had no takers-Robby said he wouldn't let them because we didn't know if lizards could make you sick. It was a little one so it couldn't hurt them too much-could it?
- Robby mowed, I mowed, Robby raked, I raked, everyone had turns riding on the tractor-except Keaton who wanted no part of it and Whitman who loved being outside in his exersaucer (which Campbell calls his Applesauce-er)
- Around 2, it started sprinkling so we started picking up and going in for showers. I should have taken before and after pictures-the yard had gotten pretty messy from the few leaves that have fallen and the tall grass but after a few hours of work, you could really tell a world of difference.
- We all showered and the boys watched a movie while Keaton and Campbell followed me until I finally stopped at the couch bedside Robby. It wasn't long before Keaton was sound asleep on my shoulder. And just a few minutes later, we jumped in the car to pick up Reagan and then supper and shopping-big Saturday night!
- Reagan had spend the night at Nonna's house after GS Fest last night. She woke up and her and Nonna went to play games at Chuck E Cheese, shopping at the mall and a snack at Sonic. Seriously, the child was spoiled rotten and she loved every minute of it.
- The next stop was Cracker Barrel. When Robby finally returned from hiding out upstairs this morning he started looking for sausage biscuits but the kids had finished them off yesterday. He never could find something to satisfy that craving so we ended up at Cracker Barrel so he could get his sausage biscuit fix. And Cracker Barrel didn't work-service was poor, biscuits weren't warm. Now that we have been there, we have no reason to go back for a long while.
- Then on to the grocery store-always fun taking 6 kids to the store! We filled up 2 shopping carts and that was before we put any groceries in the carts! (kidding, we only had 3 kids in carts and 3 walking!) After our bit of speed shopping-which wasn't speedy at all-we went home for bed.
- Keaton is doing well upstairs in the room with the others but she has to go to bed before them so she can be asleep or at least really close when they come in. So as soon as we pulled into the garage, I put her to bed and the kids helped unload the car. Then they helped us put up groceries-really, you wouldn't believe how quickly we had all of our groceries put up. They were working hard-many hands make light work.
- A quick to drink before bed and then bed for all! Another wonderful day!
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