October 21, 2013-Happy Birthday Pops!
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Happy Birthday Pops! |
- This morning Campbell came downstairs and climbed into our bed only wearing her underwear but that isn't the story. In the past, Campbell has spotted deer out our window in the early morning. This morning though she spotted something else. She sat straight up in our bed and looked out the window and said "A monster is outside." Well, of course this is enough for Robby and I too groggily set up to see exactly what was outside-a deer about 5 feet away from our window. Pretty cool to watch and he stayed there eating even after we pulled up the blinds and Campbell and Graham nosily watched him.
- School was the first thing on the agenda and we had one and a half hours to get as much as we could done. Graham did his and almost finished up working with me. Reagan ticked off quite a few boxes but my Anderson spent an hour doing his math before I realized that he hadn't been finishing anything.
- Seriously, an hour! I almost lost it-well, I did tell him that he had 3 minutes to finish it or he would not be going to the pumpkin patch. I waltzed myself into the kitchen and set the timer (for 6 minutes) despite his pleas. He was almost finished when the timer beeped-so I let him finish the last 2. That child might just need some ritalin!
- After our hour and a half of school (really, if I could do school only that long every day, I would be a happy, happy lady. But since we didn't get in spelling, language, a few other things, history and science in I guess an hour and a half isn't long enough!) we started putting on clothes, picking up and then headed out the door.
- We went to Bo Brooks pumpkin patch way, way far away. We were the first ones to arrive but by the time we made it out of the van, others were arriving. Our first stop was the hay bale mountain that the kids loved climbing on it. (I just said a little prayer that this hay didn't bother Anderson's asthma.)
- Then we moved over to the little animal area. There were some little pigs that the farmer man chased, caught and held out over the fence. The whole time the pig was squealing, yelling and making lots of noise. Keaton's hands were on ears and the kids eyes were huge! He offered for the kids to pet that pig but there were few takers!
- Next up, the kids played in a hay bale maze and then on to the corn pit. A big area full of corn-I am not a clean freak but that just gave me the heeby jeebies. When they finished with the pit, I had to pull Campbell's pants down to get the corn out of her underwear.
- Then we went on a tractor ride before eating our picnic lunch. Finally, we picked out pumpkins-pie pumpkins this year so they are smaller but also we can cook them (hmm, maybe cook some up for Whitman's food.)
- Since my courage was up, we ventured on to the grocery store. I got my flu shot in front of all of the kids-Campbell held my hand! The kids were so nervous for me but no one could take their eyes off of that shot.
- Then the excitement really began: each of my big kids (4) had their own money that they had gotten out of the piggy banks and were ready to spend it on food for the rice depot. They decided how much money to bring from 6.51 to 2.60. Then we walked around looking at the list and picking stuff out. I really should have had a pen with me to help keep up with everything but we managed. The kids were so pleased and took time deciding what to buy.
- We also had a few lessons-look everywhere for choices and certainly not just the end of the aisle, look for the best deal, look at how many servings are in the box. I think our shopping trip was a success-no one got lost and I never had to yell! Ha! Actually, the were perfect in the store.
- At home, we had to have showers to wash that hay and corn off of us. Then unloading our groceries and a movie (and some drama-Anderson sobbed when I told them they could only watch one movie due to lack of time. Robby ended the drama by sending him upstairs!)
- We then went to Nonna and Pops house for Pops' birthday celebration. Nonna cooked a yummy supper and then Pops opened presents. The kids played and shortly it was time to put on pajamas and head home for bed. It was another great day!
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