October 31, 2013-Happy Halloween!

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Happy Halloween!

  • The kids were ready to get this day started because they knew that it was certainly going to be a big day.  The first events that happened around here were getting Campbell ready for school and a breakfast of pop tarts.  
  • Campbell was again more than happy to go to school.  She knew she was having her fall party but she had no idea what that really was.  Robby said that when he showed up, they were eating cupcakes and they had a few games as well.  She even left with a goodie bag and could not have had a better time.
  • On the home front, I was making the leftover kids work getting ready for our company.  They cleaned the toy room and while they were cleaning it, Graham said "I hope our company doesn't make a big mess."  (They did indeed trash the toy room much to Graham's dismay!)
  • The kids did have a few minutes to practice their oral reports while I fed Whitman right before the company started arriving.  I could hear Reagan giving Graham pointers to slow down and look at people as he talked.  More on those reports in a minute.
  • When everyone arrived, we took a little group picture since everyone was wearing their Halloween costumes.  Then we had ourselves a neat Halloween snack (provided by Sara). She had made spider plates for everyone and then they made a circle of goldfish, two triangles full of raisins and a slice of cheese that made a mouth to create a pumpkin snack.  
  • Next up it was time for those oral reports.  I do believe that all of the kids improve each time they give them.  We had 3 reports on Columbus, one on pumpkins, the Ten Commandments and one on cactus.  We also had a pretty stirring report on Alyssa Kate's daddy (seriously, the moms almost started crying-she should have one proud daddy)  Then we had the 3 Dennie reports:
  • Reagan did hers on George Washington.  I was pretty proud that she read a couple of books about him and took notes.  Then with a bit of help she was able to put those notes in order for the report.  She weaved a silhouette of George and gave everyone a quarter so they could remember some of her facts about Washington.
  • Anderson talked about acorns and then he passed out acorns for everyone to eat-the acorns that we made yesterday.  I wish I would have been brave enough to roast some for everyone but I my cooking skills are fairly lacking.  
  • And my Grahammy did his on Chile.  My aunt is Chiliean and my uncle had sent him a few things on Chili that he showed everyone.  He was so proud to do his report and I really I'm pretty proud of my little kindergartner. 
  • After those reports, the kids played a bit.  Everyone was pretty wound up today but they all survived as did the house!  Sara also had a scavenger hunt for the kids.  The big kids had to find things like 3 ceiling fans, something with letters from their name, a screw or a nail.  And the smaller kids had to follow the picture clues to go to an object and then put a sticker from that place on their sheet (stickers in the microwave, stickers in the bathtub)  Of course all of the teams with Dennies on them came in first.
  • Next up was art with Jodee.  She taught the kids how to draw pumpkins and they all did really good.  So good that I am sticking their drawings into their save boxes.  And then it was a chili lunch for everyone complete with pumpkin shaped cheese.  
  • After a bit more playtime, Sara read a book while the rest of us passed out desserts and seconds to all of the kiddos.  And the grand finale was a cake walk!  Seriously, the kids loved it and they were thrilled when we would call their number.  My Campbell came up to me and said "please help me win."  Of course I "helped" her win-I was calling the numbers after all!
  • When all of our friends were leaving, I had the boys help carry everyone's food that we had collected for the rice depot.  We forgot to talk about all of that to the kids but hopefully they will remember going shopping for those items.  
  • Of course, after the party it was time to clean up the house.  My kiddos worked hard while we were working downstairs but when we made it to upstairs, their strength started to fail!  We were half way finished when Robby called from downstairs changing the afternoon plans a bit.  I ran around for a few minutes, throwing costumes into bags, gathering buckets and other bags and then we all loaded up for the afternoon and evening.
  • In the car, we mentioned that tomorrow was a school day around here and Reagan asked "when is our summer break?"  Seriously, we just started school and then we have been on two vacations since then.  The next odd question was from Graham and he said "Will Christmas be a workday for us and for Daddy?"  No, it will not be a school day but the day before and the day after Christmas will certainly be school days for us!
  • The first stop was the dentist-probably should have gone after Halloween.  Reagan has a back tooth that has turned pinkish so we had it checked out.  The dentist (who was dressed in bloody scrubs for Halloween) said that the permanent tooth was coming in behind that tooth.  He also said that since it was loose and since it didn't hurt there was no reason to worry about it.  Our cleaning is in just a few weeks so we will be back then to see if things have changed.
  • Then it was flu shot time.  Actually, it was flu mist time-only 2 Dennies need the flu shot.  Since this was Whitman's first time he had to have the shot and asthma boy Anderson also had to have the shot.  On the way there, Campbell was trying to comfort him and said "you will get a band aid."  That always makes things better.
  • We waited no time at all before they called us back.  One nurse gave everyone the mist and Keaton did have to be held down to do hers.  Meanwhile on the other side of the room, Whitman had his shot and before he could let out a squeal, the shot was over and I was picking him up.  Next up was Anderson-the nurse let him pick if he wanted the shot in his arm or leg and then he picked which leg.  The big boy pulled up his pants leg for her and even watched as she poked him.  He did great-great enough to need a drink from Sonic as a reward.
  • After the Sonic stop, we went to Grannymom's house for a few minutes.  The kids played for a bit and then they put their costumes on, went out the garage door and rang the front door so we could officially trick or treat.
  • Next stop was Nonna's house-we brought the pizza for supper and they supplied the candy for the trick or treaters that stopped by (mine).  After eating, we hit Nonna's neighbors and then we convinced everyone to load up and go trick or treating with us.  Jason, Nonna and Pops helped us fill up the van and off we went.
  • Pops enjoyed seeing all of the trick or treaters and the kids enjoyed trick or treating every house that we could.  We tried to keep the kids off the grass and make sure they said "thank you."  Let me tell you, my Keaton was the cutest thing saying "thank you" each and every time she went to a door.  She didn't hit many houses up since she kind of liked riding around in the wagon and didn't want to lose her seat. 
  • We did happen by the Brown's house and the kids loved the popcorn, candy and cotton candy.  After that stop, we walked right back to the car and headed home.  Robby said that the kids candy bags weigh at least 5 pounds each.  
  • After dropping off our passengers, we headed home for the kids to dump out their bags and look at all of their loot.  Robby told the kids that they could around 3 pieces.  So a few minutes later, Anderson said "I ate 4 because Daddy said that we could have around 3 and 4 is right next to 3."
  • We then tucked Keaton in and since Halloween is Robby's favorite holiday, he let the kids stay up and watch the Toy Story Halloween movie that was on a few days ago.  The kids were so exhausted when we let them finally go to bed!

October 30, 2013

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Coats of many colors...

  • This morning was Bible study morning and we made it to Bible study on time-9:15.  And I think that I have decided 9:15 is the earliest that we can get anywhere, ever.  Now we did all have breakfast, emptied the trash cans and even left the house decent.  
  • My kids went into their classes perfectly and as an added bonus everyone from Campbell on up heard a man play the shofar (a horn type thing blown in Biblical times)  For the little ones it was the trumpet at the walls of Jericho and for Reagan and I they said it might sound like the trumpet blasts in Revelation.
  • As we were walking out, a lady from church greeted us and said that she didn't know that we were coming.  I told her that this was our first year and that we even missed a day of school to come.  She told us that this would be greatly blessed.  So I started thinking-maybe I could start counting Bible study day as a school day in my school day count.  Though I really don't know why I keep a count-well, maybe just so I can know when to have our 100 days of school party.
  • When we made it home, I quickly threw some food on a plate and passed it out for lunch. Then we took some pictures of the kids wearing their coat of many colors and Campbell holding her "Joseph award" which says that she was a good friend today.
  • We finished the girls clothes and then started working on making some acorns for our friends tomorrow.  Anderson's oral report is about acorns tomorrow so that is the reason for our afternoon cooking.
  • Then it was movie time-for a short while.  I had asked and asked the kids to be quieter and no one listened.  So they spent some time quietly picking up the toy room.  (And then they did get to watch just a bit more of their shows-I did have some things to do after all!)  
  • All too soon it was time to eat supper and head to church.  On our way, Robby let me out to buy some cakes for one of tomorrow's big games (a real cake walk-not a cake roll) and then I jumped out at the library to pick up some more books.  Seriously, requesting books online is the best thing ever.
  • We did the church thing and then home for a snack.  Keaton must have been starving because she kept asking "snack? snack?" on the way home.  After snack, she went to bed at the same time as everyone else and things started at well.  Robby had been upstairs once to tell her to be quiet but the second time, he picked her up and took her to the pack n play in the bonus room without saying a word to her.  For a brief time, I think she thought he was taking her to the garage!  She hasn't made a peep since laying down upstairs and I bet that tomorrow night might go more smoothly.
  • Whitman is still up though and is playing with a coke bottle.  He is about to go to bed for the night-I tell you he is so cute lately wearing his big boy clothes.  Look at those little pajamas on him tonight.  Cutest thing ever-well, one of the sixth cutest things ever!

October 29, 2013

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Party at Beebee's!

  • The big thud this morning told us that Graham and Keaton were again the first ones up.  They laid with us until time for Campbell to get her school clothes on and the rest of us to start moving to start the day.
  • We said bye to Campbell and Keaton continuously asked if she was going to get to go too like on Thursdays.  She wasn't too disappointed since her new favorite thing to do is wave at Robby from the front window.  
  • Sometime during school, I looked over at Anderson's desk and saw something unusual.  The kids have a cart with 10 boxes and in each box I place one of their assignments for the day-math worksheet, flashcards, spelling book, etc.  Now some drawers I just stick in a sticky note saying what they are to do-typing, oral report, puzzle.  So one of Anderson's sticky notes and been turned over and someone had written "do a lot of math."     
  • We finished school and even did our science before our lunch arrived.  My friends are pretty envious of my lunch deliveries.  Today it was Grannymom and Grandpa-they had picked up Campbell and brought us lunch.  They were anxious to see the kiddos after their trip and the kids were anxious to see them as well.  
  • After Grannymom and Grandpa left, the girls and I worked on their clothes (yes, it is taking me this long.)  We didn't work long today so we still have their Sunday clothes and pajama drawers to work on.  Now after doing all of this, Keaton has started sleeping upstairs so now it is probably nearing time to move her clothes up there.  The closet is big in their bedroom but I am not sure if it is big enough for 5 kids clothes.  
  • When it was nap/movie time, I walked in the bathroom and the light flicked off.  I thought "goodness, Robby now has 2 lightbulbs to change and he has to do this one tonight."  And within seconds, I heard the kids screaming-the power had indeed went off.  It actually happened at a perfect time because Reagan and I were able to sit down and work on her oral report.  And just as we were finished, the lights came back on in time for the kids to watch a movie before getting ready for tonight.
  • Some time during the day, Campbell decided to change her Halloween costume to Minnie mouse-that was fine with me since I hadn't purchased her costume so we were one ladybug short and plus one mouse.  Tonight we had another event to attend.
  • It was a Halloween party at Beebee's place.  They had quite the little party-games, face painting, popcorn, punch and even a cake roll (some people call it a cake walk but when it is at a nursing home, it is a roll due to all of the wheelchairs-ha, ha, ha!)   The kids had a blast-I even let them get their face painting-imagine the screaming that will happen when I have to scrub that off for Bible study in the morning.  And if their bags weren't full enough when it was time to leave, Beebee made sure that they had even more candy.
  • Back at home, we quickly put Keaton to bed but that didn't work so she was moved back down to the school room, kicking Whitman out of his new room.  Eventually she talked herself to sleep and the others followed-now just to find a bed for the little skeleton
  • And tonight, the kids did go to bed with glow sticks from Beebee's party-guess what happened?  Anderson's broke on him in his bed.  This caused a bit of a commotion but not nearly as much as last time.  Robby removed the broken glow stick but parts of Anderson's bed was still glowing later when I went to check on them.  He said that he didn't like it and was afraid it was going to drip on him.  

October 28, 2013

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Everybody loves cotton candy!

  • Robby scurried off early this morning to go and pick up Grannymom and Grandpa and I was asked about 20 times during the day if they had gotten home yet.  I guess the kids thought Robby was coming back home after he dropped them off.  
  • It was nearly 9 when we started breakfast.  We have gotten back to our breakfast menu and though I did have a few complaints this morning with "cereal and fruit" from the list, there was no revolt so that was good.  Hope that continues with tomorrow's menu of grits and oatmeal.  That would be interesting, wouldn't it?
  • School went surprisingly well again today.  I am kind of shocked and a bit scared because I know that all good things must come to an end!  Even Graham today asked to leave the school room so he could concentrate.  Of course, I listed off many quiet places that he could go so he could finish his work.  I don't know what he did while he was gone but he had finished a few things so that was good.  Reagan leaves to read and do some of her work and I make Anderson leave the school room when it gets too loud so he can do some of his work.  
  • When we did finish school it did take a few minutes to pick everything up-someone (one of my boys) has cut each and everyone of my crayons in multiple pieces and since Keaton colored today, there were hundreds of crayons on the floor.  Just looking at the school room after school makes me a bit crazy (and speaking of crazy, no I didn't do any laundry today-Robby usually starts the loads before he leaves for work but he sure didn't want me to go insane as I mentioned yesterday on the blog!)
  • Even though Whitman was such a happy baby his morning, he has a cold.  His little nose is so runny that he is just pitiful.  He wasn't really even happy tonight when we were on our little outing but is sleeping soundly now.  But unfortunately, we will have to suck that little nose out before bed!
  • This afternoon, we spent over an hour going through 5 bins of the girls clothes.  The girls were good about picking out stuff and there are a few items that they will even have to share.  Reagan is a few sizes larger than Campbell in pants but Campbell is Reagan's size in tops.  So that is nice because if Reagan doesn't like a shirt-Campbell gets to wear it.  
  • And each time lately that we have worked on changing over clothes, Keaton finds herself something to wear and puts it on.  Today it was a black and white plaid pleated skirt that she could barely keep up with a pink size 7 long sleeve shirt.  She wore this for the rest of the day, during her nap time and had a fit when I pulled if off of her to put on her Halloween costume tonight.
  • Around 5, Robby called suggesting that we go to the Halloween thing tonight in Benton.  We had mentioned going but never decided so I was unprepared. But we scurried around-threw on costumes and were out the door in about 25 minutes-it wasn't pretty!
  • We met Robby and drove together.  They had different stores that were giving away candy-each line was a bit long but they moved quickly and the kids ended up with quite a haul.  They even had cotton candy that they enjoyed and had their pictures made with Santa and Ronald McDonald.
  • We picked up supper on the way home-the kids were getting tired and asking things like "is this our last stop?" and "have we had supper?"  Once Keaton was in bed, the big kiddos looked through their bag and even had a piece of candy before getting their teeth brushed.

October 27, 2013

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My purse....!

  • The morning started at 7 just like usual around here-but it was sure dark this morning.  Some day we are going to try to stay in bed all day long only getting up to get food and change the channel on the tv (we won't use the remote so we can get some exercise.)  But today was not today-it was church day. 
  • Before all of the kids had even made their way to our room, I was folding laundry-I do not know what happened but I had 3 full loads of laundry.  And when I say "full" I really mean full loads of laundry.  I do not serparate my colors-instead I cram every single dirty thing into the washing machine and hope for the best.  There are no half loads here-each load is so full that you have to push the door to close or the clothes will start falling out.  All of that is folded but not put up and now there is another load ready to be washed-I think I am going to go absolutely insane if I do another load of laundry in the next 24 hours!
  • Church was next and I decided that my kiddos need to start carrying their own Bibles.  For years, I have carried my Bible and Robby's Bible in my big church bag.  Then I added Reagan's Bible to the bag, then Anderson's Bible when he started coming to big church, then Graham's Bible and now on Sunday nights when Campbell comes, she also wants her Bible.  That would be 6 Bibles in my bag-that has got to stop or I will get scoliosis or osteoporosis or something else bad!  It is now every man for themselves!
  • After church, we ate at Nonna's house and when she pulled out the cake, the kids all became excited wondering if it was their birthday and then they tried to figure out who's birthday it was.  It wasn't anyone's birthday just dessert.  After a bit of playing, it was time to head on home.
  • Campbell and I snuggled and had a nap (I was going to do some house work but Robby talked me out of it-he didn't have to twist my arm).  The others watched a movie and Keaton refused to take a nap-very strange but she has been a bit off today-not sickly at all but just off.  But I guess we all have off days every once in a while.
  • All too soon it was time to load back up for choir and cookie club for the little ones.  And then big church-Graham fell asleep and Campbell was told (by Robby) that she wasn't going to get to come back to big church next Sunday night.  She wasn't pleased with that at all.  
  • At home, we had a quick supper and then ice cream truck.  I am sure that Sundays are crazy at everyone's house-they are sure crazy around here.  

October 26, 2013

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Yard day!

  • After staying up late last night, I was sure that the kids would sleep a bit later-I was wrong!  Someone was already downstairs in our room when we could hear Campbell trying to get her glow stick off of her bed (I had tied it up pretty good-more on that in a minute)  I rolled over and told Robby that one of us would have to help her and he shot out of bed to go and help.  I couldn't figure out why for a few minutes and then after he never returned to bed with me and the 4 others in my bed, I realized that he was hiding out in Anderson's bed upstairs all alone!
  • Glow sticks-yes, last night we broke open the glow sticks and passed them out to the kids.  These were the kind that make a necklace so obviously they couldn't sleep with them.  We hung them from their bed, from the fan and pretty much everywhere else we could think of in their room.  But the real reason that they couldn't have them in bed with them happened in July of 2011.  Re read this post from then:
    • So as we sat down tonight with the kids all tucked in, we heard screaming coming from upstairs.  It was pretty intense so I was the first to hit the steps and Robby was right behind me.  I knew it was Anderson and my first thought was that he had fallen off of the bunk but since I didn’t hear a thud, I knew that wasn’t it. 
    • I opened the door fully expecting to find him hanging off of the bed by his feet but he was screaming like a mad man trying to get out of his bed.  I couldn’t understand what he was saying from all of the blubbering and gesturing but just assumed that there was a bug or rodent in his bed. 
    • Soon we were able to figure it out-his glow stick had burst and gotten in his eye.  I grabbed him and took him to the bathroom and started pouring water on his eye.  Of course, he was still screaming so most of the water went into his mouth which he would then spit back on my shirt.  Of course, this caused Graham and Reagan to get out of bed and were standing in the hall with their hands over their mouths.
    • The poor boy was still sobbing and shaking like a leaf as Robby read the package and discovered that all was fine even though “it might cause temporary discomfort.”  These words were foreign to Anderson who then screamed “IS IT POISON?” 
    • After a few more douses of water and then some visine, Anderson finally stopped shaking.  He said he needed to sleep in my bed but I offered him a new glow stick instead-he shivered when I mentioned it and will probably never touch a glow stick again.
  • Last night was not nearly as exciting at that night.  Reading that post makes me thankful that I keep a blog-now, someday when the kids read everything that I have written about them, they may not be thankful that I have kept a blog!  
  • We were fairly lazy most of the morning.  The plan was to get out and do some yard work but my phone said that it was 46 and that didn't sound like any fun.  But we had already mentioned it to the kids and they were ready so we headed out.  Surprisingly, the temperature was fine and I spent most of the morning taking my sweatshirt off because I was hot and then putting it back on again because I was cold.
  • The boys have been watching Wild Man on Netflix so they spent the morning being Wild Man-collecting frogs, grasshoppers and lizards.  I did offer them 10 dollars to eat a lizard but had no takers-Robby said he wouldn't let them because we didn't know if lizards could make you sick.  It was a little one so it couldn't hurt them too much-could it?
  • Robby mowed, I mowed, Robby raked, I raked, everyone had turns riding on the tractor-except Keaton who wanted no part of it and Whitman who loved being outside in his exersaucer (which Campbell calls his Applesauce-er)  
  • Around 2, it started sprinkling so we started picking up and going in for showers. I should have taken before and after pictures-the yard had gotten pretty messy from the few leaves that have fallen and the tall grass but after a few hours of work, you could really tell a world of difference.  
  • We all showered and the boys watched a movie while Keaton and Campbell followed me until I finally stopped at the couch bedside Robby.  It wasn't long before Keaton was sound asleep on my shoulder.  And just a few minutes later, we jumped in the car to pick up Reagan and then supper and shopping-big Saturday night!
  • Reagan had spend the night at Nonna's house after GS Fest last night. She woke up and her and Nonna went to play games at Chuck E Cheese, shopping at the mall and a snack at Sonic.  Seriously, the child was spoiled rotten and she loved every minute of it.  
  • The next stop was Cracker Barrel.  When Robby finally returned from hiding out upstairs this morning he started looking for sausage biscuits but the kids had finished them off yesterday.  He never could find something to satisfy that craving so we ended up at Cracker Barrel so he could get his sausage biscuit fix.  And Cracker Barrel didn't work-service was poor, biscuits weren't warm.  Now that we have been there, we have no reason to go back for a long while.
  • Then on to the grocery store-always fun taking 6 kids to the store!  We filled up 2 shopping carts and that was before we put any groceries in the carts!  (kidding, we only had 3 kids in carts and 3 walking!)  After our bit of speed shopping-which wasn't speedy at all-we went home for bed.
  • Keaton is doing well upstairs in the room with the others but she has to go to bed before them so she can be asleep or at least really close when they come in.  So as soon as we pulled into the garage, I put her to bed and the kids helped unload the car.  Then they helped us put up groceries-really, you wouldn't believe how quickly we had all of our groceries put up.  They were working hard-many hands make light work.
  • A quick to drink before bed and then bed for all!  Another wonderful day!

October 25, 2013

(click here for pictures)

  • Whitman was the first one awake this morning and at 7:20 when I hadn't heard anyone stirring upstairs, I started to get a bit worried about them.  I couldn't figure out why my 2 that wake up every single day at 7 were not up yet.  
  • Graham and Campbell are the ones that usually wake up right at 7.  We have wondered why they wake up together but this morning, Graham said that he asked Campbell if she wanted to wake up like he usually does and she said no.  I had no idea that he asked her if she wanted to wake up each morning.  
  • Anderson ended up being the first one up this morning and he came into our room holding sweet Keaton's hand.  I guess he was able to get her out of bed.  He said that he went to her bed and she was staring at home so he helped her out.  Sometimes those kids can be so sweet-and sometimes not!
  • Robby left for work and we started on our breakfast and then school.  We had finished everything by noon so that was nice.  No big meltdowns during school.  The little girls spent some time putting all of the toothpicks that I spilled last night back in the container through the little holes-no, I am not going to use them again but as I was getting ready to throw them away, I thought it might kill some time during school (and officially it was a great fine motor activity).  Also in Campbell's boxes was a bit of ribbon weaving which she enjoyed doing (and did well at it.)
  • But the real exciting thing to me was a library book that had the story on the cd.  It doesn't take much to thrill me.  When I checked the book out (along with 2 others that also had cds) I was a bit bummed thinking that I had that much more to be responsible for.  But Anderson read the story and then he listened to it.  The next day Graham listened to it and today Campbell listened to the story-15 minutes each and every time of one child quietly wearing earphones and sitting at a desk!  Magical!
  • Lunch and then somehow it turned into a project afternoon-I worked on a friendship bracelet with Reagan, Anderson painted on his dump truck that his built, Graham and Anderson worked on a light up helicopter and I am sure that we probably worked on a few other things.  Also we went through a bin of girls clothes, did a load of laundry, changed out a few pictures in frames, straightened the house-oh, wait I did those things-not the kids.  
  • Before long, I was running around pulling out hats, gloves, coats, clothes and more clothes for tonight.  Reagan did help me pull out the hats.  She found Robby's ear warmers and asked "would Daddy rather have a hat since he is like bald?"  I remembered that I was without a winter coat since mine caught on fire last year (well, that sounds more dramatic than a spark felling on it and now having a tiny hole).  And then we loaded up to head to GS Fest (also known as Jesus Fest by Campbell.)
  • We had to stop to drop of Keaton and Whitman and then off we went with a quick stop at the gas station and library first.  We arrived in plenty of time to stand in line but be the first on a few rides.  It was cold at first but not freezing but by the time we left (before 9:30) my feet were beginning to get cold!
  • The kids rode the little motorcycles, the swings, went down the slide, did a fun house, a mirror maze, another fun house with ropes to climb up and swinging bridges and a spinny bear ride.  Then we went to get some food-hot dogs, chips, drinks, hot chocolates and apple cider for me.  We all sat down on the sidewalk and had ourselves a picnic.  
  • The next event was the ferris wheel-Reagan was so excited to do this but Campbell and Graham were pretty bummed that they couldn't ride on it.  Anyway, Reagan, Caroline and Kennedy all rode in one car and that left Anderson without a partner so I was nominated.  As soon as we set down on that ferris wheel Anderson said "I didn't want to do this."  I also did not want to do that ride but it was too late.  You wouldn't believe how high we were-still gives me the heeby jeebies!
  • Next up was a few carnival games including plinko and then back to the other side to wait in line for the little roller coaster.  The kids had fun on that and by that time it was cold and time to pick up the little ones.  
  • The kids had a blast tonight and we were glad we went to GS Fest.  Though we have been using GS Fest for a bribe for the past week-I will miss that!  We dropped Reagan off at Nonna's house and picked up Keaton and Whitman and then headed home.  On the way home, Graham gave Keaton his glow stick-sweetest child ever! 

October 24, 2013

(click here for pictures)
Real life at the Dennies...

  • On yesterday's blog I said that none of the big kids could get Keaton out of bed but I was wrong.  I knew there was a reason that I was so glad to have Reagan home last night-this morning when the room upstairs cleared out, Keaton and Reagan came down together.  Reagan had helped Keaton get out of her bed.  Later, Reagan said that she could tell that Keaton was taller since it was easier to get her.  
  • Campbell was again super excited about school and especially since today was her snack day.  It does seem like we just brought snack but we found a good snack (goldfish and raisins) so we brought it again this time.  We also added juice boxes because today's snack was a picnic.  
  • Robby dropped Campbell off at school and then came home to work from home but to also work on his chili for later in the day.  The kids and I did school and for some odd reason we were finished with everything before 11:30.  I am not sure how that happened but I hope it happens again!  So I kicked the kids outside to do a scavenger hunt that was part of their school.  They stayed outside for a few extra minutes but were soon back inside-I think that we haven't been outside much lately so they have forgotten about what all there is to do out there.
  • And another reason-the boys have become crazy skittish about the neighbor's dog-the dog inside of the fence.  A few days ago, they were both outside and I told them to go and get the mail and they walked off like they were going to get it but then they told me that they didn't want to.  Yesterday, I tried to get Anderson to get the mail and he didn't want to go.  Then I saw him walking gingerly towards the mailbox staring down that tiny little fenced up dog.  
  • I let the kids watch a movie while they ate lunch but told them that I would need their help later.  They obliged and later when I asked for help they did help me.  The project was switching out the boys clothes.  Anderson and Graham only have one box each to go through and since some of those were summer clothes, it really didn't take too long.  We were able to put lots of clothes up and straighten up some drawers.  Reagan, Anderson and Graham really helped with all of those piles of clothes while Keaton just did cannonballs in those piles of clothes.
  • Soon Campbell came home from Nonna's house.  They had eaten lunch, worked puzzles and had a big time.  After awhile though, Campbell begin to get a little lonesome for the noise of our house so she asked to go home.  Nonna brought her home.
  • Whitman had a quick photo shoot with his newly completed Christmas stocking-I made his and Keatons and the matching other four were from Robby's mantle when he was growing up.  And do you notice my Campbell-she was all about cheesing for the camera tonight.
  • The afternoon was good even though things did get a bit crazy towards the end.  Robby was home a bit later because he went to work this afternoon to enter a chili cook off....and he came in 3rd place.  Not too bad at all!  After the judging, people served their chili-well, Robby tried not to serve his chili too much since it was our supper.  You have to save a lot of chili to feed all of us!  
  • Speaking of feeding-I made more baby food today and had a small blender mishap.  Let's just say that it involved me cleaning the cabinets, counters and floor!  Ha!  But I still had plenty of sweet potatoes left to make Whitman quite a few meals.  He even had a snack of the leftovers from the bottom of the blender.
  • Back to supper, the boys practiced their oral reports and then the kids played around in the school room until bedtime.  We put Keaton in bed early so the other kids heard a few stories before they snuck upstairs to climb into their beds.

October 23, 2013

(click here for pictures)
A whale of a time...

  • Keaton slept upstairs in the big kid room splendidly last night.  The only drawback is when one person wakes up, then they all wake up.  And since Keaton can not get out of the crib by herself and her brothers nor sisters can help her out safely, I had to traipse up there early this morning to free her.  
  • Then everyone came to my bed before I could even get back to get my spot.  But when there are already 3 kids laying in your spot, you just join the smart one that is laying in the floor with a blanket.  We might have stayed a bit too long in bed because by time to leave for Bible study, I was scrambling (though I did allow time for the kids to empty the trash cans)
  • My kids really love Bible study and everyone seemed to have a great day.  Reagan came with Kennedy and joined us after Bible study.  As I picked up the boys who are in the same class, I told the teacher that if they ever give her any problems to please let me know.  She said that she has boys and the other teacher has boys as well.  Then she told Anderson to make sure that he shows me his picture.  He glued Jonah's whale on the paper and then added a few bubbles-some of the bubbles he glued on in the correct places and then another bubble was used to make the whale a bit gassy!  Boys!
  • Once at home, we unloaded and then Nonna showed up with lunch.  She knew that Wednesdays are crazy, crazy so she brought in sack lunches for everyone.  The kids ate their sandwiches, chips and fruit but the hit was the juice and the pudding.  Nonna stayed around to see everyone's "shows" and "dances" that they performed for her.  That is always exciting (sarcasm!)  
  • Graham found some of his school work for tomorrow and had to do it today so Nonna stayed around for that too.  What did he have to do today, you ask? Well, I had the alphabet written on post it notes that he had to put in order on the wall.  
  • After Nonna left I worked on making Whitman some more baby food-today was squash.  I just bought one since I had no idea what I was doing-I didn't even have an idea of what a squash looked like to tell you the truth.  I succeeded but will need to buy a few more next time but since we are just getting started one was fine.
  • Then I worked with Reagan and Anderson on spelling.  Graham and Anderson practiced their oral reports-Reagan hasn't written hers yet.  I ordered her some library books and they haven't come in yet nor do I have any construction paper to make her project.  Graham is doing his project on Chili (the country my aunt is from) so my uncle sent a big package of stuff from Chili.  
  • Next up was a bit of science reading and then a movie and snack.  Before I could finish putting up the laundry, it was time to jump in the car to head to see Beebee.  On the way, Reagan said "when I am an adult, I just want to find out 2 things."  I thought she was going to say something deep but no.  She continued "I want to know if Santa is real and if the tooth fairy is real."  
  • A few minutes later, the kids were talking about Christmas and I asked Anderson what he was going to ask Santa for.  He thought for a minute and then said "I have one thing that I am going to ask him for-the part for my helicopter."  Last birthday the kid got a remote control helicopter that he loved and we played with for awhile.  Eventually a crash landing broke it and we had intentions of ordering a new part but never did-I do have a spare in the attic but I have never gotten it down either.  
  • The kids were rowdier than I like at Beebee's place.  So rowdy in fact that they were given a good talking to in the car and then again at home from Robby.  They are usually very good so when they get a bit not good-I don't like it at all.  Though my Campbell is something else-I do not know what I am going to do with her at all.  She may join Graham at boarding school!
  • Church was good tonight.  Graham knows that we are the puppets but we adamantly deny it.  Back at home after church, we tried Keaton in the bedroom with the others and she was pretty noisy tonight but must be asleep now.  Hopefully, she will get the hang of sleeping up there soon-that would move Whitman downstairs to the school room.  
  • Speaking of Whitman-he has 4 teeth on the top and 2 on the bottom.  All he wants to do is bite my hand-I am going to have to start wearing rubber gloves or something.  And his new trick is being laid down and falling to sleep with out any fussing.  He is such a good baby-might just be my favorite!  (kidding, I don't have any favorites-well, maybe just a few!)

October 22, 2013

(click here for pictures)
First time for veggies - yes, carrots!

  • Keaton was in bed with us first today but I didn't even know it until I asked Robby if someone was in bed with us.  She had awoken a little after 6 and Robby put her in bed with us and we all went back to sleep.
  • But soon Campbell and Graham were down in our bed fighting for a spot closest to Keaton - finally Robby decided to head to the shower.  Campbell got her clothes on and was asking how soon she could leave for school (She loves Ms. Hannah.)
  • Breakfast was next for the rest of us and then school was underway.  School was fairly smooth today (always helps a bit to have one less Dennie around during school).  Graham had decided he needed my undivided attention for phonics so he had stopped doing any of it so he was a bit behind as the others finished.
  • Robby picked up Campbell from school and dropped her off and grabbed a bit of lunch. (Cute story - when he picked her up, she jumped up and started to grab her papers but soon realized she needed to give all her classmates a big hug. She went back and gave every one of her classmates the biggest hug.  Ms. Hannah said this class gave the most hugs.)
  • I bought some vegetables yesterday at the store so today I made up a batch of carrots for Whitman.  This was his first day to have vegetables. He wasn't too crazy about them but finished them off.
  • The afternoon was pretty uneventful except the boys have started using all the kindle time early in the morning so this leaves kindle time in the afternoon.  Robby said they probably will to save their kindle time for the afternoon (which also helps me!)
  • Jodee and Kennedy stopped by around 3:00 to pick up Reagan.  Reagan had packed her bag much earlier in the day and was looking forward to spending the night with Kennedy. She'll catch back up with us tomorrow morning at Bible study.
  • Pretty soon Robby was home and Graham had sweet talked him into taking them to Chick-fil-a while I went to Bunko. Campbell changed out of her princess dress and soon they were backing out of the drive way.   
  • They had a big time at Chick-fil-a and Keaton even enjoys going into the playground but she and Campbell made me quick visits back to Robby for a drink of Diet Coke.  Ice cream and a bit more playtime and they were headed back home by 8:00.
  • Robby decided he would try to let Keaton sleep in the big kids room so he put her down at 8:30 and let the boys and Campbell watch the rest of their afternoon movie and another short one.  He had thought Keaton would be asleep by 9:15 but they all went in very quietly and she was still awake but laying still. Surprisingly, she stayed still and talked a bit but everyone else was worn out and didn't even try to talk to her.  All were alseep by 9:30.  We'll see who wakes up first in the morning!

October 21, 2013-Happy Birthday Pops!

(click here for pictures)
Happy Birthday Pops!

  • This morning Campbell came downstairs and climbed into our bed only wearing her underwear but that isn't the story.  In the past, Campbell has spotted deer out our window in the early morning.  This morning though she spotted something else.  She sat straight up in our bed and looked out the window and said "A monster is outside." Well, of course this is enough for Robby and I too groggily set up to see exactly what was outside-a deer about 5 feet away from our window.  Pretty cool to watch and he stayed there eating even after we pulled up the blinds and Campbell and Graham nosily watched him.
  • School was the first thing on the agenda and we had one and a half hours to get as much as we could done.  Graham did his and almost finished up working with me.  Reagan ticked off quite a few boxes but my Anderson spent an hour doing his math before I realized that he hadn't been finishing anything. 
  • Seriously, an hour!  I almost lost it-well, I did tell him that he had 3 minutes to finish it or he would not be going to the pumpkin patch.  I waltzed myself into the kitchen and set the timer (for 6 minutes) despite his pleas.  He was almost finished when the timer beeped-so I let him finish the last 2.  That child might just need some ritalin!
  •  After our hour and a half of school (really, if I could do school only that long every day, I would be a happy, happy lady.  But since we didn't get in spelling, language, a few other things, history and science in I guess an hour and a half isn't long enough!) we started putting on clothes, picking up and then headed out the door.
  • We went to Bo Brooks pumpkin patch way, way far away.  We were the first ones to arrive but by the time we made it out of the van, others were arriving.  Our first stop was the hay bale mountain that the kids loved climbing on it.  (I just said a little prayer that this hay didn't bother Anderson's asthma.)
  • Then we moved over to the little animal area.  There were some little pigs that the farmer man chased, caught and held out over the fence.  The whole time the pig was squealing, yelling and making lots of noise.  Keaton's hands were on ears and the kids eyes were huge!  He offered for the kids to pet that pig but there were few takers!
  • Next up, the kids played in a hay bale maze and then on to the corn pit.  A big area full of corn-I am not a clean freak but that just gave me the heeby jeebies.  When they finished with the pit, I had to pull Campbell's pants down to get the corn out of her underwear.  
  • Then we went on a tractor ride before eating our picnic lunch.  Finally, we picked out pumpkins-pie pumpkins this year so they are smaller but also we can cook them (hmm, maybe cook some up for Whitman's food.)
  • Since my courage was up, we ventured on to the grocery store.  I got my flu shot in front of all of the kids-Campbell held my hand!  The kids were so nervous for me but no one could take their eyes off of that shot.  
  • Then the excitement really began: each of my big kids (4) had their own money that they had gotten out of the piggy banks and were ready to spend it on food for the rice depot.  They decided how much money to bring from 6.51 to 2.60.  Then we walked around looking at the list and picking stuff out.  I really should have had a pen with me to help keep up with everything but we managed.  The kids were so pleased and took time deciding what to buy.
  • We also had a few lessons-look everywhere for choices and certainly not just the end of the aisle, look for the best deal, look at how many servings are in the box.  I think our shopping trip was a success-no one got lost and I never had to yell!  Ha!  Actually, the were perfect in the store.
  • At home, we had to have showers to wash that hay and corn off of us.  Then unloading our groceries and a movie (and some drama-Anderson sobbed when I told them they could only watch one movie due to lack of time.  Robby ended the drama by sending him upstairs!)  
  • We then went to Nonna and Pops house for Pops' birthday celebration.  Nonna cooked a yummy supper and then Pops opened presents.  The kids played and shortly it was time to put on pajamas and head home for bed.  It was another great day!

October 20, 2013

(click here for pictures)
Singing in big church!

  • Sunday morning and somehow we ended up with a few extra minutes this morning.  The kids had time to play upstairs-enough time that I had to re-comb the girls hair.  I even ended up doing some laundry before church-clothes, clothes, clothes everywhere I look around here.  
  • There happens to be a time vacuum around here.  If everyone is dressed and bags are packed and even shoes are on then it should just take about 10 minutes to get into the car.  But somehow today the time vacuum was turned on and it took us much, much longer than that.  We still arrived on time to church but did have to do a bit of scurrying.
  • After church, we headed home since Grannymom and Grandpa have left the state.  Well, not only did they leave the state, the have left the country and even the continent!  They will be back next week though.  Anyway, lunch was at home and afterwards we all went our separate ways.
  • Keaton took a nap, the big 3 watched a few movies, Robby and Campbell also had a nap upstairs and Whitman and I worked on getting out Keaton's winter clothes.  Her clothes are going to take me 3 hours to do (worked one hour pulling possible clothes out, another hour today putting some clothes up and hopefully, one more hour tomorrow finishing up)  I need to get that 3 hour time down by a few hours because that would mean I have 12 more hours to work-eek!
  • Now my Whitman wasn't too much help.  He can sit up well but now when I try to sit him up, he will straighten his legs and arch his back.  He does not want to sit down.  Whitman just wants for me to lay him down-I guess he figures that if he is laying down then he can roll where he wants to go.  But when he is sitting down, he is stuck right there.  
  • We had to go to church early tonight-the big 3 had choir, everyone else went to class and Robby and I went to a meeting (that served desserts-made me happy!)  Then we picked Campbell up for big church and she watched Graham then Reagan and Anderson sing.  
  • During baptism, Campbell asked if that was water up there and then she asked me if it was hot.  She thought they were in a big hot tub!  And when the kids finished singing, Campbell would give them the biggest hug when they entered our aisle.  
  • Now my Graham stood perfectly still, grinning from ear to ear singing his two songs.  And Reagan and Anderson did just as well singing their little hearts out.  Now we have missed the past 2 weeks of choir and I debated working on their songs at home.  Then I decided not to be an over achieving mom and figured they could learn them quickly tonight-and they did.
  • After church, Anderson took his picture with the preacher since we missed 1st grade Bible presentation.  And Reagan received her Hymn Kids medal from learning all of the hymns from last year.  
  • At home, the kids had peanut butter and tortillas for supper and then the ice cream truck came.  I did more laundry tonight and tried to get clothes laid out for the pumpkin patch tomorrow-good times!

October 19, 2013

(click here for pictures)
A little War Memorial action this Saturday...

  • The alarm clocks rang way too early-way too early.  Even though we got up when they rang (well, after one snooze), had clothes laid out and everything packed we still had to rush once we made it to War Memorial.
  • The kids really didn't slow us down to much.  When I opened the door to their room, Anderson sat up and said "finally, someone came to get us out of bed."  Then he told me that he had been awake since 5:15-doubtful but he sure did hop out of bed.  I had to stir the girls a bit more than the boys.  My boys have been thinking about playing at War Memorial since the season started.
  • Now we did stop to pick up breakfast for the car.  I quickly divided up the 2 big ultimate breakfast platters-pancakes, sausage, egg, biscuit and potato cakes for everyone in the back and sausage burritos for us in the front.
  • We made it to the stadium in plenty of time but Robby did go ahead and take Graham down to the field to line up for the tunnel run through.  He did send some help my way as I unloaded the car and carried our 52 chairs to the field (really just 5 big ones and one little one but feels more like 52).  
  • The tunnel run through for Upward is always fun and today was especially neat-they had smoke.  Yes, it is the little things in life!  The first game was at 8 and it was freezing.  Graham played first and his team tied (according to him).  He had one little run but got tripped up and fell down-either way he was a happy boy and when the trophies were handed out along with cupcakes, he was on cloud 9.
  • We had a bit of a break but the Hawkins had doughnuts at their truck so we stopped there and soon it was time to head back in for Anderson to line up for his 10'o'clock game.  The clouds were still in the sky and it was still freezing-almost shivering cold.  Anderson said that his team won today (possible, I just don't really know).  He did catch a pass and then ran a few steps before his flag was pulled.  When he was running, I could just see him as one of those huge football players running through a crowd of tall, scrawny, fast boys as he carried them across the goal line as they tried to tackle him.  
  • Another break was next-Whitman went to the car with Nonna and Pops for a bottle and short nap with Nonna.  About that time I couldn't find most of the kids but soon located everyone but Graham.  I thought that maybe he had gone with Jason but I called him and he wasn't with him.  I did think to ask if he might be with Nonna and Pops but he was not.  I knew he hadn't left the building, knew he remembered where our chairs were but I still couldn't find him.  Finally, we spotted him standing at the tunnel with a friend waiting on Lilly to run through.  I was a bit relieved but I guess he was never really lost at all.  I guess I "lost" the kids a few times today-once I turned 2 circles trying to find Keaton as we were walking through a crowd of people.  I then realized that I was holding her.
  • My Reagan ran through the tunnel next for her game at noon.  I really wish that she would have gotten the chance (or volunteered) to run the ball just once this year.  But I think she was just as happy being the center and getting to touch the ball each and every snap of the game (except when she was rotated out).  I think she enjoyed football but I also think that she is really relieved that it is over.
  • Pops invited us to eat at David's on the way home so we ate there.  The food was good but we were really hungry since it was well past 1 when we were there.  Then we waited in the car while Robby ran into to the grocery store to do some speed shopping (it is just so much easier that way).  
  • At home, we unloaded his groceries and then cleaned the car rearranging the car seats once again.  The kids never know what the car is going to look like when they get in it each day.  And then we started the process of laundry, showers and who knows what else we did because the next time we looked at the clock, it was 5.
  • The kids watched a real movie while Robby watched some of the game.  Then we had frozen pizza around half time and after the kids show was finished they headed to bed.  Robby watched the rest of the hogs massacre while Whitman gnawed on his finger (nearly drawing blood).  He has 4 teeth and 2 more are almost through.  We are a dentally advanced family.

October 18, 2013

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Early dress rehearsal...for Halloween

  • It was a fairly lazy morning around here and we didn't really move too quickly.  I am just about out of all breakfast foods around here and am nearing an early morning mutiny.  Thankfully, I did have a few boxes of cereal stored away so I did keep things calm for today at least.  I do have toast still to serve so hopefully my supplied can last until we make it to the store.
  • After breakfast we started on school.  I told Robby that today was one of the calmest days lately.  I tried to stay on the kids pretty hard about being quiet in the school room so the kids could do their work.  This week I have been trying to work at the kitchen table with whoever I am helping instead of in the hallway.  Seems that is might be working-this week at least.
  • Reagan and Anderson finished up a few things while Graham helped me pick up the school room.  Then he, Campbell and Keaton helped me make lunch.  Lunch today was served in muffin tins and since I called it a "snacky" lunch, everyone was happy.  Though I did make Reagan try a raisin from one of her muffin tins spots and she wasn't too pleased with me.
  • We read a bit after lunch and then everyone worked on laying out their Halloween costumes for tonight.  Keaton had two choices and tried both of them on.  I would show her herself in the mirror and she would just grin.  Later when it was time to put on the costumes, she kept saying "no" and shaking her heads.  Finally, Robby convinced her to wear one so she picked out the duck and I quickly put it on.  Poor thing was burning up by the time we left, 40 minutes later.
  • The kids begged us to dress up as something while they were putting on their costumes.  Robby told them that next year he might dress up.  Reagan looked at her Daddy who was wearing black pants and a button down shirt today (a change from the usual shorts and polo).  Then she suggested that he could go as a "preacher."
  • We took everyone's pictures of their costumes before heading off to the McGuire's house for supper.  Our costumes this year are a pumpkin, ninja, army man, lady bug, duck and a skeleton.  That is quite a few costumes!  It is funny but all of the kids were so happy to show off their wears to the others-Darth Vader, Captain America, Minnie Mouse, a witch, Dorothy and a princess.  
  • The kids had fun playing and I was quite surprised when everyone cleaned up their bowls of chili.  Whitman pretty much just sat in the floor watching all of the activities going on tonight-lots of kids running around and screaming.  Good, good times!

October 17, 2013

(click here for pictures)
Football season winding down...

  • Graham was the first one up this morning and it was after 7:20 before he came to our room.  After a bit longer of lollygagging, we quickly got things moving so Robby could take Campbell to school.  
  • When they were driving off, Robby pointed to the boys a box on the front steps.  So we opened it while eating breakfast-it was like Christmas in a box.  Aunt Shelley had sent birthday presents for Reagan, Graham, Keaton and Robby.  Reagan had American Girl craft projects that she said she wanted to work on tomorrow.  Graham received a lighted football and that Anderson and him quickly left breakfast to go and play with.  
  • We started school and worked as fast we could since Robby and Keaton would soon be home from taking Campbell.  Poor Keaton was so excited to go this morning unitl I put on her clothes.  I found the only shirt with red that I could in her drawer to match the only pair of her pants that were clean.  The shirt was a cute little onesie.  But as soon as I started snapping her bottom buttons she kept telling me "Whitman, Whitman"  She was sure that I was trying to put Whitman's clothes on her.  
  • We can get quite a bit finished with one less or even two less kiddos around.  I had Reagan and Anderson working on their math and phonics while Graham and I banged out his together work.  Then I worked with Reagan and then Anderson.  Graham did have one meltdown when I wouldn't stop helping Reagan to help him-gracious, when he is good he is really good and when he is bad, well, you know!  
  • When Keaton came in with Robby, she opened her present from Aunt Shelley-light up dress up shoes.  That child hobbled around the house in those shoes all stinking day long.  She was so proud of them and even wore them to pick up Campbell.  Graham asked to come too and he went with Robby and Keaton.  
  • Now when I leave the house, I made sure that everyone has shoes even if they are not wearing them-what if we had to walk somewhere or got invited to an impromtu party.  But when Robby left to pick up Campbell, he had a Keaton wearing her light up high heels and Graham dressed from head to toe like a power ranger.  
  • We had our lunch and then the kids played most of the afternoon-well, there was a fairly good lull when it was nap and movie time around here.  Campbell did follow me most of the afternoon.  Some days it is pretty frustrating but other days, like today, I put her to work.  She helped me change Whitman's clothes out.  Now I only have 5 more kiddos to change their clothes out before it gets any colder.
  • Before too long, I was scurrying around like a mad women trying to get everyone ready for football tonight.  We had to leave the house at 4:45 so supper was quickly grilled grilled cheese sandwiches.  Well, some of them were quickly grilled and some of them were not so quickly grilled.  Robby did save the day when I left one batch in too long because I became busy doing something else!
  • The games were fun-Graham's team may have won but he pulled a flag and did have a good run and Reagan's team tied.  She acted as the center the whole game (because she didn't want to run) and she even pulled a flag.  But all of the Dennie crew had more fun running around with their friends before and during the games.
  • Once at home, everyone had quick showers and as I put new pajamas on Keaton she again started yelling "Whitman, Whitman" thinking I was putting his pjs on her.  It was a pair of feetie pajamas just like he wears all of the time.  To mess with her, I might just try to put her in some of his clothes tomorrow!

October 16, 2013

(click here for pictures)
"olivia keaton john"

  • Bedtime last night was not pretty so the kids were given a very stern warning about getting up or making any sounds before 7.  That warning worked and they were pretty quiet but a bit after 7 this place started moving.  The first child that I remember seeing in my morning stupor was Campbell.  She is hard to forget in the mornings because she has started taking off her shirt in the middle of the night like her brothers because she is hot.  Of course, she is not hot and when she crawled in bed with me this morning her little body was cold.
  • Robby passed out breakfast and soon we were on our way to Bible study.  On our way to Bible study, Keaton shouted out "bug!"  I looked around and then I saw a red vw beetle in another lane.  The kids were so impressed with her slug bug finding ability.  
  • You might think that I am nuts but I promise you that Whitman had the saddest look on his face when I walked out of his room.  His teachers did say that he was the youngest in their class but the best one-well, yep, he is a Dennie after all.  
  • My Keaton walked right into her class and Campbell had a blast in her class because she came home with seeds in a cotton ball filled baggie to hang on the window (as did the boys.)  On the way home, Anderson and Graham told me more about Jacob and Isaac than I have ever known.  And Reagan knew a few facts about the Antichrist.  I'll call that a pretty successful morning.
  • Robby had been home a bit this morning for a funeral and even caught a hint that I threw at him-he had our lunch ready and waiting when we made it home.  That so far has been the hardest part of Bible study this year-coming home with everyone starving and needing to make lunch, unpack and reload for later in the day.  
  • Whitman spent most of the day spitting up on himself and me.  We both changed clothes twice and he went through a countless number of bibs.  I don't know why he was spitting up so much but he was still in a great mood so no worries.  
  • This afternoon, I was holding Whitman and walked up the stairs.  The other kids were upstairs playing and Whitman knew this.  Whitman doesn't get to go upstairs and as soon as I stepped on those steps, he started kicking his feet and flapping his arms.  That boy was so excited-he must know something fun, loud and exciting happens usptairs.  Since he was so happy to be up there, I didn't think I would make him do the laundry that I had planned so I sat him down to play with the little people farm.  He gnawed on the toys and had himself a big old time.  He can really play now that he is sitting up well.  
  • Before too long, I was waking Keaton up from her nap and we were heading out the door again.  We visited Beebee this afternoon.  When she told Anderson to get the candy, Keaton ran to Beebee's closet, opened the door and tried to reach the high candy saying "I get it, I get it."  
  • The boys loved pushing Beebee up and down the hall and I do think this made her pretty proud.  The kids are already planning on coming back for Halloween-though they get candy (lots of it) from Beebee every week.  She did pass out their dollar bills and Graham and Campbell put their money in their plastic bags to give to the offering at church tonight.  This made Beebee pretty proud as well.
  • Next up was church which went very well and when we picked up Campbell-she brought her bag back.  It wasn't empty-it still had her dollar in it.  She gave the change as her offering but kept the dollar!
  • Back at home, we had a quick snack and then everyone went to bed-it had been a busy, busy day!

October 15, 2013

(click here for pictures)
  • Today was quite a day.
    Service Day at the Rice Depot!
     Campbell was so excited to go back to school that she was up before 7.  All she could talk about was going to school.  When Robby loaded up Keaton and Whitman in the car, Campbell was devastated that she wasn't getting to go with him.  I think she was upset because she was ready to go and didn't want to stay any longer at this house.
  • It was only about 5 minutes later when I loaded up my crew and we did head to take Campbell to school.  We made it a bit late and Campbell's class was singing in the hall.  She ran to Ms. Hannah and stood right beside her grinning from ear to ear.  We signed her out and noticed that she was plant helper today and then smiled and waved at her as we left.  
  • Reagan, Anderson, Graham and I met our homeschool friends at the Rice Depot.  As soon as we walked into the door, they had our first task ready to go.  There were piles and piles of bread for us to put into boxes.  The man showed the kids how to do everything and off they went-seriously, the kids ranging in ages from 8 on down worked and worked.  
  • The bread was almost expired and we were to check for mold.  (Moldy bread was going to a pig farmer.)  Then we stacked the bread into boxes and each box held at least 10 loaves of bread.  There was bagels, rolls, buns, bread, doughnuts-you name it, any type of bread you can think of.  We packed 61 boxes and they said that with a conservative estimate that would provide 6,100 servings of bread.
  • After that task, we put stickers on bags that would later be filled with rice.  This just was not nearly as much fun but the kids persevered-it was a bit challenging getting the stickers straight!  They estimated that we put stickers on 5,000 bags which would later go on to provide 60,000 servings of rice.  
  • The kids told me multiple times that this was more fun than school and I shocked them when I told them that it was also more important that school.  I went on to say that reading and math were necessary but serving others is how we serve God.  Then they asked if we could serve God every day.  
  • They were rewarded with all of their hard work with a trip to Rock Creek to play in the tubes for a bit with all of their friends.  We picked up Taco Bell on the way there and the kids were in heaven-a noisy heaven.  The noise level in that place went to max when our kids all came in and then when we left, you could hear a pin drop in that place.
  • We then went to pick up Whitman and Keaton who had been playing at Grannymom's house.  They had been pretty perfect and after a quick stop there, it was off to Nonna's house to pick up Campbell.  Nonna had picked up Campbell and they had spent the afternoon together.  So we all piled into her house for a bit.  
  • I guess that we have not seen Nonna and Pops in a while because when I set Whitman down on the floor, he looked around, his lip started quivering and then the poor thing started crying.  He quickly calmed when we picked him up and was back to his happy self but that was the first time he has had any separation anxiety-hope he doesn't fuss tomorrow for Bible study.
  • When we made it home this afternoon we did a bit of science while the little ones napped.  Then Robby came home and we finished our afternoon.  The kids watched movies and I hurried around the house doing my chores. 
  • Soon it was supper and afterwards we played a round of balloon volleyball.  That sure calmed the kids down!  Ha!  Next up was a viewing of the Price is Right.  Every time people would clap on the tv, Keaton would jump up and down while clapping-she did this so long that her hair was completely wet with sweat at the end of the show!