May 9. 2013
(click here for today's pictures)
A New Swing! |
- Whitman was the first one awake this morning and after guzzling a bottle with Robby, he was quite unsettled. Finally, I had to give him another bottle to calm him down. This did the trick and he was happy to greet the others as they made their way downstairs around 7 (of course, they had been upstairs in the toy room for quite some time before they came down).
- Robby took Graham to school this morning and Keaton and Campbell went with him. While they were on their outing, Anderson finished most of his school. He never once asked why he was having to do school and Reagan was not. I think that is so funny. It did help that he was getting undivided attention and he saw me putting his pirate ship, dice and cards for math, a maze and even a blanket to make in his boxes for tomorrow.
- Soon the crew was home with their sonic drinks and Anderson some how twisted my arm to let him work on his pirate ship some (it is a wooden model of a pirate ship that has 7 million pieces with hard to understand instructions-thankfully we are nearing the end). Then they all went outside and we even walked down the driveway before going to pick up Reagan.
- On the way, Campbell said "I miss Reagan." I replied that we were going to get her right then. She said that she wanted to go to Grannymom's house first. So I reminded her that she missed Reagan and we needed to pick her up. And my sweet Campbell said "fine, I don't miss her anymore."
- We were a bit ahead of Reagan's arrival, so I took everyone to the Dollar Tree. To Anderson this was better than Toys R Us. He could not believe that every single thing in the store was 1 dollar. I even bought water balloons for him-I am wild and crazy like that.
- Reagan had a blast at Kennedy's house and was thrilled with her new pillowcase. And by the time that she made it home, she had decided that she was going to get her ears pierced for sure on Saturday. Then she added that it would be my Mother's day gift. I tried to explain to her that she should only get her ears pierced if she wanted to and not for me. We shall see what happens Saturday.
- After my grocery store run, I picked up the others from Grannymom's house-Anderson spent much of his time on the ipad, Whitman spent all of his time sleeping and the girls stayed busy during everything else. The plan was to bring home Graham but he was still having a good time at Nonna's house and wanted to see Pops before he left, so they brought him home later.
- This afternoon, Campbell was looking out the window and calmly said "oh, there's the box man, and Grannymom and Grandpa and Lilly and Cash." She reported all of this to me like it happens every single day. Well, the box man does come about every single day.
- The kids all went outside while Grandpa and Robby started working on hanging the new tire (new-as in the tire from my tire swing when I was a little girl). Of course they had lots of help and then lots of tester outers. Graham arrived in plenty of time to take part in all of this as well. And Grandpa made us a fancy dancy new scooter rack that the kids spent the rest of the night using-getting their scooters out to ride, riding for 3 minutes, putting them back up, over and over again.
- Robby bought a new grill so grilled hot dogs were on the menu tonight. We ate at the picnic table and the kids played basketball in the rain. Soon it was time for showers and bed. We did have one squabble between Reagan and Anderson over a teddy bear-gracious me. But solving that dispute was a good excuse for me to get some ice cream as I was passing through the kitchen up to their room.