May 28, 2013
(click here for today's pictures)
8 weeks old! |
- Whitman woke up once early this morning and Anderson did as well to go to the bathroom. But Robby was the only one awake when it was really time to wake up. He had to wake Graham and they headed off to school and work. My crew was tired this morning-I finally had to wake Keaton up at 9 this morning.
- The kids had breakfast in my room and then we did our bit of summer school-nothing major-just reading time, sight words and some math facts for Reagan and Anderson and working on learning letters for Campbell. When Graham made it home, he read a book and did his sight words. My G is so excited when he says one of his words correctly and is so proud of himself. My goal is for him to be half way though his reading book when he starts kindergarten.
- Reagan and Anderson were happy to be back with their toys-lately, they have been making houses/areas with the lincoln logs and then having a city with all of their other toys. They could do this forever but the only problem is that Campbell and Keaton like to "play" as well and usually destroys what they have worked on.
- So Campbell and Keaton helped me with the laundry and then went upstairs to play in their bedroom. They both had a baby doll and Campbell laid out pillows for them and pillows for their babies. They played for quite some time together. Soon they will be really big buddies playing happily for hours (wishful thinking on my part).
- This afternoon we read some of our Magic Tree house book-I had stopped reading aloud to the kids (shame on me) and am going to start back. Then everyone worked on making banks out of my empty formula cans. The jars that they have been using are overflowing so much so that Robby and I have had to borrow some cash before.
- We played a game and even worked a puzzle today. Then I let them watch a movie before I shoved them out the door. The scooters are still a big hit but being pushed on the swing was the highlight for them. I pushed everyone and then Robby made it in. Whitman was sleeping happily on the couch and slept all the way through supper.
- We had supper at Nonna's house. Sonia had made empanadas while she was here and froze some for us. So tonight Nonna cooked them up-cheese for the kids and meat ones for us. They were as good as I remember them being and the kids enjoyed them too.
- I gave everyone a shower and then it was time to head home. The boys were happily playing with Jason and lots of new (but really old) gi joes. But when we came home the kids just sat in the van-they are still so tired!