May 21, 2013
(click here for today's pictures)
7 weeks and SMILING! |
- "Can I play on your ipad, Daddy?" was the first thing that we heard this morning. Soon the 4 big kids were all gathered around that silly ipad. And Whitman was looking around from his bouncy trying to figure out what all was going on. We were trying to lay really still pretending that it was still the middle of the night.
- Soon though it was someone else's turn and Graham was told to pass the ipad. And he did but with a bit of a throw. So he spent the rest of his morning calming down from his spanking. (One difference between when Robby spanks him and I do-he will calm after Robby does but when I spank him, he will continue to scream forever!) Anyway, he was his happy Graham when it was time to leave for school.
- We had breakfast and then everyone read for a bit. Reagan read her chapter book, Anderson read to me while Campbell and Keaton crawled all over us. Then it was time to start packing and that is pretty much what we did for the rest of the day. We packed and packed and packed.
- I let everyone help a bit picking out their clothes and Campbell was able to put a few things in boxes. But packing for 8 people is quite the logistical nightmare-actually it is just a big challenge to me. One night, 5 nights or 18 nights is still just as complicated.
- We took a break from packing and ladybug watching for lunch. And yes, that ladybug is still alive. The kids even remembered that we have a ladybug habitat. So Anderson and Reagan pulled it out, added water, read about giving it raisins to eat and spent much of the morning with it. The ladybug was doing really well until I heard a thud in the bathroom. Called for Campbell to see what was happening and she said the ladybug fell out. It wasn't moving but so I asked if she smashed it...and she said "no, I didn't sit on it." Either way, that ladybug is on its 9th life and is moving pretty slowly.
- This afternoon, I just had a bit more packing left and did it during Keaton and Whitman's naps. Cambpell, my constant helper, followed me around and talked the entire time. I eventually decided that her voice and my ears needed a rest so we laid down on the couch for a few minutes and woke up when Robby and Graham came in.
- I am pretty much finished with my packing so Robby moved the van. Then we spent the next hour working on strategically loading up the van. We even practiced getting in and out of the van a few times tonight. Kind of funny, Keaton went right along with what the big kids were doing and would climb in and out of the van along with them.
- Then we finally headed in for showers and suppers. The kids watched The Price is Right while we had our supper. After it was over, we reviewed the next few days with the kids and put them in bed. They were pretty excited tonight and we heard them talking for a few minutes before things finally settled down. Hopefully they sleep all night and Whitman sleeps just as long as they do.