May 16, 2013
(click here for today's pictures)
Hat Day at School! |
- Today was hat day at Graham's school. He had originally chosen to wear a Stetson cowboy hat (nothing but the best for my Graham-a 200+ dollar hat!) But this morning he changed his mind and asked for his plan B. So the first thing I did this morning was to take the cowboy hat which was sitting by the door back to the attic and replace it for a huge sombrero. Graham had become concerned that someone else would have a cowboy hat and he was sure no one else would have a sombrero-and indeed they didn't.
- Robby took Graham to school with Keaton and Campbell. We had to wake both of those girls up this morning after staying out late. After dropping him off, they went to Sams to pick up a few things. They shopped and even had a bit of breakfast at Sams. All went well until it was time to leave and the bottom fell out. Robby said that he just pressed on and ran quickly to the car.
- Back at home, we worked on our next to last school day. One of Reagan's drawers today just had a note that said organize the crayon and pencil buckets. And would you believe that this caused a meltdown? I thought she would enjoy this task-kids really just keep you guessing.
- Soon Robby and the girls were home and we quickly worked to finish school and then start our little outing. We picked up Graham and then stopped by McDonalds to grab lunch. Then we had lunch with Nonna and Pops at their house. Robby was pretty glad that we left since he had a pretty big conference call...and as much as he likes working from the closet or hiding out in the car while trying to work, he is able to accomplish a bit more when we are gone.
- After leaving Nonna and Pops house, we went to see Beebee and Papaw for Papaw's birthday. The kids had worked very hard on birthday cards for him and were so proud to give them to Beebee. Papaw was sleeping-his sister was there along with us and some others and I said that he was sleeping through his party. Anderson replied with "we will have to tell him all about it."
- As we left today, my dad said that there was no way to tell how much longer my grandpa had (already being cared for by hospice) and he continued that it could be 3 months or tomorrow. Little did we know that just a few hours after we made it home, my grandpa passed away. Robby called the kids over to him since we were all outside and told them the news. The kids were fine and the big ones remember Grannymom's brother dying so they were familiar with everything. Graham, my thinker, had only one question-when is Papaw going to be buried? Anderson said "it was good that we saw him on his birthday." And my sweet Reagan said "do you think Papaw saw our cards?"
- Later during the day, I was quizzing Campbell "where is Papaw?" "In heaven" she replied. "Who else is in heaven?" "Jesus" she said and I asked who else was there. She said God. I told her that Papaw wasn't sleepy anymore and was singing to Jesus. She said "so he doesn't have a bed?" I started to answer her and her deep thoughts continued with "I saw a lizard outside."
- We were outside most of the afternoon. Robby was working on one thing and couldn't get it to cooperate. So the kids and I picked up some rocks from the rock man's piles. We assume he will come and use them sometime soon-but if not, I will just pinterest my project and do it myself (a recipe for a disaster!)
- By the time we all came in, we were all pretty wet and muddy. Everyone had shower before supper which was quesadillas. A few days ago I mentioned that I had made tortilla stuffing to freeze and I must say that it was a hit (delicious and easy to pull out and slap on a tortilla)
- We then made a coca cola cake to cap off the day. While we waited for the cake we watched Let's Make a Deal. It wasn't as thrilling as the Price is Right but it still held the kids interest. Then it was time to eat that cake and it was delicious! Just enough sugar to help the kids sleep soundly!