March 5, 2013
A building project! |
(click here for today's pictures)
- I believe that Keaton has decided that she is going to take it upon herself to get Robby and me ready for the night time feedings of the new baby. Seriously, she has been waking up every night lately-screaming and screaming. When we check on her, she is soaking wet-diaper and pajamas (tonight she is wearing a diaper and pull up). Robby changed her last night and she was pretty determined to wear us down until we gave in and fetched her milk for her. We did that and after she had finished, she was not happy at all. So unhappy that Robby headed upstairs and I went on to sleep (seriously, I am surprised at what I can sleep through lately)
- Campbell was the first one up this morning and she wanted to know where her Daddy was. I told her he was probably in the bonus room. She went to the bathroom to check in Robby's usual spot and came back to tell me that he wasn't there. Now my Campbell, I truly think that she still has fluid in her ears from her colds-that little thing can not hear me anytime that I talk to her....or maybe she is just 3 and doesn't listen to me!
- Anyway, Robby and Graham were a bit late leaving this morning but they made it on time. Graham had a good day at school and was pleased to tell everyone how much fun Grant and he had yesterday. Grannymom picked Graham up and they spent the afternoon playing. He loves playing somewhere else but he also loves to come home and was so happy to see all of us here.
- Back around here, we had breakfast after my shower and then they all started school. It just took us a bit over 2 hours to finish today-just when we get in a bit of groove school is almost over for the school year. Actually, I am currently working on my plans for the last few weeks of our school-plan right now is 2 weeks off for the baby and then finishing May 10th. I know, just call me a dork-an organized dork!
- After picking up and reading our science, it was nearly noon. Keaton and Campbell helped me make lunch-Campbell even spread her peanut butter on her sandwich and then licked her knife clean. As soon as lunch was over, Reagan and Anderson went back upstairs to play while my little girls helped me dust, straighten and do the laundry. Then we joined the others upstairs and I pulled out the baby swing, car seat and bouncy. As soon as Keaton saw the swing, she just climbed in and rested for a spell. Seconds later, Campbell was in it (I did have to put a stop to that-she weighs as much as Reagan).
- Soon it was nap time for Keaton and the others watched their movie while I loaded up the diaper bag for the baby. I know I have 30 more days to go but I am well aware that those days will go quickly-and I still probably have a weeks worth of changing clothes over from winter to summer clothes. Campbell fell asleep as Reagan, Anderson and I started playing Monopoly Jr. We played and played until Anderson finally lost which was a good thing because I really needed to go and get Keaton out of bed since it was nearing 5. Since he lost, I gave him my spot and they just kept playing-I don't think they finished and they only had 1 drama but they did play for quite awhile after I left.
- Grannymom and Grandpa dropped off Graham and came over for supper. Keaton was so excited to see them but was sitting in a chair at the table and couldn't get down. We had homemade tomato soup for supper-which Graham hardly tried and Reagan licked her bowl clean. Then Robby, Grannymom and Grandpa worked on their taxes while the rest of us watched The Price is Right. During everyone commercial break, I had the kids run upstairs and pick up 15 toys. I had no idea that The Price is Right had so many commercials-it worked out great. Eventually most of upstairs was decent so they had to run up and put on their pjs during a commercial break.
- Then we finished our evening with brownies and after watching the rest of the show, it was bedtime!