March 19, 2013
Duct Tape Bag Making! |
(click here for today's pictures)
- I was moving slowly this morning but still managed to do a few chores before the kids became too restless so I was able to dust and pick up the house before having breakfast. While I was doing this, I almost convinced myself that I should start waking up before every one each morning so I could get a few things finished around here. Almost-is the key word there because I know that will never really happen!
- We had our breakfast and Anderson did a bit of school work while Graham worked on his reading book. I need to record him sounding out the words-every letter he shouts the out the sound and occasionally, when he is finished he will repeat the correct word. But he is always so proud of himself.
- Next up was laundry and then working on Keaton's clothes. As I was working, Graham shouted that he saw a bulldozer in our yard. Well, that was interesting to me so I quickly went to the window and the bulldozer wasn't in our yard but it was right behind out house clearing and clearing and doing more clearing. Kind of a sickening feeling since 10 feet right out my back door is someone else's land (even though I have an acre on each side of my house though). Who knows what will come of this clearing-Reagan mentioned a circus, Anderson mentioned an icee place. Maybe new neighbors or hopefully they will just put it up for sale and we will hit the lottery and can buy it!
- After seeing all of those machines, I started working fast because I knew we would soon be outside and indeed we were. The kids loved watching everything but I eventually went back in and everyone else followed. We just had a bit before eating lunch and then it was time to load up to pick Reagan up.
- Campbell was very interested in what state we were in once we cross the Arkansas river. I tried to convince her that we were still in Arkansas and were now just in Maumelle but she asked and asked and asked and asked. Eventually, she forgot about it-that is until we crossed back over the river and she started asking me again what start we were in.
- Reagan had a blast spending the night with Kennedy and friends and told us all about it as we left. And we had quiet a trek because we were headed to see Beebee and Papaw. They were both awake and in good spirits today. Beebee was very happy to see us and the kids did really well. I dutifully opened up the candy when my grandmother offered it to the kids. And then again, despite my protest, passed out more candy in just a few minutes.
- My grandmother wanted me to go to the front desk and get change so she could pass the kids all out a dollar bill before we left. And when I came back, Graham was about to push Anderson down the hallway in Beebee's wheelchair. I made it clear that they knew better but all they could say was Beebee said we could do it. So I did let them finish their joy ride before saying our goodbyes.
- Next stop was Target. Poor Reagan needs some shoes and there was a decent sale at Target on line but I needed to know what size Reagan would wear. So we tried on a few-13s are too big but they are the big girl shoes but 12s which fit have a strap across and she doesn't like those. I did buy 2 tonight on line so we will see if she likes them-free shipping and I can return them if I need to.
- The kids were all decent on our outings-Anderson did climb in the shopping cart at Target as I urged him not to and had to stay there until we left and Campbell didn't want to hold my hand in the parking lot so I just held (extremely tightly) to her little arm as we walked to the van-and really, it was quite a walk since I did park in the back 40 of the parking lot. Anyway, since they were still pretty good, they (mainly I) deserved a sonic drink on the way home.
- At home, we gawked some more at the new cleared land behind our house and then I went inside to finish my task for the day. Soon Robby was home and we had supper. After supper, Robby helped the boys make a chain reaction like they had seen in a video from Grandpa. Graham was disappointed that his chain reaction didn't have spray paint and Anderson wanted to do it all by himself without any help from Robby. I was downstairs with the girls working on Reagan's duct tape tote. We finished most of it but poor Campbell-we wouldn't let her help much downstairs and the boys wouldn't let her help upstairs so she was pretty unhappy with all of us.
- After all of our work, we did let everyone have a piece of candy before brushing teeth and heading to bed. Tomorrow is another big spring break day-but really, for us, every day is a spring break day!