March 14, 2013
Found something! |
(click here for today's pictures)
- Another day morning around here-scurrying around trying to make it to school on time. We woke up at 7:40 and I had to wake the rest of the crew up. This time change is really messing with their sleeping habits-and I love it!
- Robby took Graham to school and Campbell rode along with them as is their Thursday routine. Robby said that after dropping Graham off, Campbell suggested going to the store-anything but go home. She had to settle for getting gas and then picking up sonic drinks.
- Campbell was very pleased to show off her drink when she made it home. Usually, Robby takes it from her when they arrive home but today he was on a work call when they pulled in and she was able to get out of the car with her drink. Anderson wasn't too pleased that he didn't have one but he had already started eating some candy that he had earned from Sparks so he really couldn't complain. Since Campbell was climbed out of the car while Robby was still in it talking on the phone, she was convinced that he was in the car all morning long-even when we left the house at 10:30, she was surprised to see him not still in the van. Worked well for him because he was able to hide out without being found.
- Anderson and Reagan finished most of school-each only having one page of math and one other little thing to do this afternoon. Nonna and Pops were picking up Graham and I was dropping everyone else at Grannymom and Grandpa's house. And Anderson was thrilled to find out that Josh and Zach would be stopping by for a few minutes.
- I went to my doctor's appointment-this was the second time that Robby had accompanied me to a visit. Phillips even joked that he was concerned that Robby wasn't around anymore. Nothing was much different than last week-blood pressure good, baby's heartbeat around 135, now I am a "good 1" instead of "just a 1" from last week. Phillips invited us to come and visit him this weekend since he is on call but we declined and just made a regular appointment for the Monday after next.
- Then I had a few more errands before picking up the kids. Grannymom said that Keaton was not 100% today-don't know what is wrong with that girl-messy diapers, not eating, fussier than her normal happy self but still happy, no fever, still drinking and sleeping well.
- After picking up the crew at Grannymom's house, we then headed to Nonna's house to pick up Graham. He had a big afternoon and always enjoys being the center of attention. Oh and I almost forgot, on our way to Grannnymom's house this morning, Campbell told everyone "enough talking, let's watch the movie." Ha! That child said enough talking-I never thought I would hear her say that. Sometimes I just wish that she would take her own advice.
- Anyway, back at home this afternoon, Robby helped unload the car while Reagan and Anderson finished their school work. Then the kids and I made a fort upstairs then they played while Campbell and I worked on the laundry.
- Soon it was supper time and Robby had to leave for a soccer meeting. We finished supper, cleaned the toy room, put on pajamas, read a book and then ate some warm cookies. I then put Keaton to bed and we read another book before bed time. They were not tired but were very quiet this evening because they sure want to go to the zoo tomorrow with Lilly and Cash!