Happy Birthday Grannymom: February 25, 2011
Happy Birthday! |
Highlights from today:
(click here for pictures)
- We had one of the first doctor’s appointments this morning to recheck Campbell’s ears. Mom had explained multiple times about the proper way to act at the doctors office since she had everyone. They listened well and were even all 4 sitting in chairs while Mom was sitting in the floor reading a book when Martin walked in.
- Campbell’s ears, lungs and everything else looked good. Martin also said that a little saline solution to flush out Graham’s nose would help with his yucky nose issues-I am taking names for any volunteers that would like to help with that!
- Back at home, the kids played (not yet in the den though since the carpet is still airing out). This leaves little place to play and little toys to play with but they did great. After cleaning for a bit, we started working on Grannymom’s cake. I iced it while the kids picked out the M&M colors-and snacked quite a bit. They enjoyed helping decorate the cake with the candy and Graham was so proud that he helped and couldn’t wait for Grannymom to see it.
- We met Noah, Eden, Caroline and Alyssa Kate at First Baptist to play for a bit. Graham’s rescratched his knee and walked to me with his pants soaking in blood. Thankfully I had a bandaid and all was well-even though he didn’t even notice his scratch until I put the bandaid on. Graham thought the whole playdate was just for him because Eden and Caroline are both in his classes. He told Mom “I played with my friends. Caroline and Eden played with me"
- Back at home, Mom promised everyone grilled cheese sandwiches-and then found out that she only had one slice of cheese. Obviously, that didn’t work out so well and there was tears, gnashing of teeth and a few meetings with the spanking spoon. Mom improvised with grilled peanut butter and jelly which the kids devoured
- We played for a few minutes, picked up a tiny bit and then down for naps. Reagan did her reading book quickly today without much fussing and then her and Anderson played until time for a movie. Everyone woke up and then we scurried around to get ready for Grannymom’s birthday party
- After Dad came home, we met Grannymom, Grandpa, Dana, Jenna, Lilly and Cash. We ate our Mexican food and the kids ate up. I think Mexican might just be their favorites-especially the smashed beans. After supper, we all came back to our house for presents and cake. The kids were pretty proud of the cake. Afterwards, everyone played upstairs until time for everyone to leave
- We had our milk, put on pjs, brushed teeth and headed to bed. The kids had a big day and they all fell asleep pretty quickly
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