Dennie Kids: February 23, 2011
Artist in training! |
Highlights from today:
(click here for pictures)
- The kids went to Grannymom’s house this morning. They enjoyed riding bikes and Reagan, the artist, was just getting into the sidewalk chalk when Mom came to pick everyone up.
- Back at home, she decided she still needed to draw some more and worked more on her artwork-she is drawing a comic strip (I guess that is what you would call it) of her Jake and the Pirate show. Reagan had already finished coloring and was long gone when Mom discovered that Graham was still sitting at the table coloring away. When it comes to coloring, his attention span is crazy large.
- Before too long Dad was home for lunch and decided to cut Anderson’s hair. He needed a trim and Graham had gotten one the other day. They are both getting so good about getting their haircut-Graham was so still the other day and kept his mouth closed and didn’t get any hair in his mouth (a first)
- After Anderson’s hair, he had a bath and Graham decided to join him. Meanwhile, Reagan was downstairs picking up recipes she wanted to cook from her cookbook. Last time we looked at one, she couldn’t find anything to make but this time she found at least 20. Campbell spent her time eating her grilled cheese sandwich.
- Everyone soon joined Campbell and Mom even had to cook another grilled cheese-5 sandwiches for 4 kids. They even wanted Mom to make more-but she distracted them with cookies!
- We then read a few stories, worked on our letter U (Mom decided to make an umpire but is afraid that he will look more like an inmate), Reagan did her reading (and read her longest word yet-fishing) and then finally it was naptime.
- Reagan and Anderson had a turn on the treadmill after Mom finished and even missed Grannymom and Lilly ringing the doorbell. Dad was able to make it home in time to go to church with us, so we scrambled around and made it to the van just in time.
- Reagan walked Graham into class tonight and he didn’t fuss at all and he even pottied. Reagan and Anderson had a good time and are both so good at saying their verses-maybe because they get a snack after saying their verses!
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