Dennie Kids: January 8, 2011
Junior Firemen! |
Highlights from today:
(click here for pictures)
- Dad was really the only productive one this morning-he had the oil changed and Christmas lights off of the house before the rest of us finished our breakfast.
- The kids started playing in the den and shortly thereafter Grannymom and Grandpa stopped by to hang Mom’s new IKEA light. Grandpa hung it up and it looks great. Graham spent most of the time standing in a chair supervising Grandpa’s work-he also ended up finding his hard hat, goggles and pliers to help
- Reagan and Anderson were very interested in looking at their photo books with Grannymom. They wanted to look at every picture and talk about each little thing. After everyone left, the kids decided to color while Mom organized the pantry. When they were finished Mom gave everyone jobs to do (pick up the crayons, pick up the markers and pick up the floor) Graham didn’t want to do his job-Mom had to use the spoon but since that didn’t help, Dad came and repeated the process. He finally finished his job of picking up the floor but will remember his spankings-since he only had on big boy underwear and not a diaper to protect his bottom.
- Mom had a baby shower to go to so the kids and Dad stayed at home and got their clothes on. Next Dad dropped the boys off at church for a fireman birthday party. They were so excited-Anderson nearly knocked Graham over trying to get out of the van. There was a big ladder truck with the lights on greeting everyone. After a game of putting the badge on the fireman, it was time to go outside.
- We looked at the fire truck, took pictures, sat in the front, climbed on the back and then the grand finale-3 loops around the church with the lights and sirens blazing! The boys were thrilled (and a tiny bit freezing). Afterwards, as we were about to go back inside-they realized the church doors were locked…..Mom had to call Pops to come and let everyone back in the church house. The grandma was pretty concerned about where Pops lived-Mom should have said Conway!
- Nonna and Pops showed up with the key (much to the delight of the party guests). The boys were so happy to run and tell them all about the fire truck and birthday party. Next up was cake and then presents. Graham ate every bit of his cake-he was the last one at the table and still chowing down. Ian’s big present was a big boy bike. Ian’s Mom was worried about riding in the church but Mom gave them the thumbs up. It was a good thing since while Mom was busy talking she noticed Anderson speeding down the hallway on the bike. That boy did really good on the bike-Mom was very impressed.
- Meanwhile, Dad and the girls were having a date at Wendys. Reagan had done so well at the eye doctor that she had been awarded a icee treat. She decided that she wanted a frosty from Wendys and wanted to use her coupon from Halloween. Reagan wanted to hand the coupon to the lady all by herself and then told what kind she wanted. She was very proud of herself and finished off every bit of her frosty.
- Next up, Dad picked up the birthday party crew and everyone headed out to eat at the “peanut place.” The wait was crazy long but the kids just kept inhaling the peanuts (yes, even Anderson even though his allergy report mentioned peanuts-don’t worry, crazy Mom gave him so benedryl when we came home even though he has eaten peanuts many, many times before) Finally, we ate and since it was so late the kids were starving but out of everyone Campbell ate the most. She was so tired that she would lay her head on the table in between bites.
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