Dennie Kids: January 29, 2011
Mr. Car Cleaner Graham |
Highlights from today:
(click here for pictures)
- Dad mentioned donuts this morning and Anderson was getting his clothes on and telling Mom that he didn’t want to eat her breakfast. It is amazing how quickly the kids can get ready when the word donuts are mentioned.
- Reagan, Anderson and Graham had their plain donut along with the tops of 3 more each. Campbell ate at least 2 donuts and properly and even a tad prissily signed “more” constantly
- After breakfast, we walked through the new Walmart. The kids wanted to walk through the toys, Mom wanted to check out the furniture and Dad wanted to check out the waffles-yes, we live an exciting life.
- Back at home, Campbell took her morning nap while Dad and Mom worked on straightening the garage. It had gotten quite messy and the kids were helping-helping by riding their bikes, trikes and scooters around Mom and Dad. Grannymom and Grandpa pulled in and visited for awhile and even played. Graham must have even gotten a group hug with Grannymom and Grandpa because he has talked about that all day long
- At Krispy Kreme, they had balloons for the kids so we ended up with 3 at the house. The kids were so excited about them and played with them for a long, long time…until Reagan popped hers…which didn’t go over very well!
- Soon it was time for a quick bite to eat and then everyone played until naptime. The toy of choice lately has definitely been the legos. They have played with them all afternoon and all evening long. After naps (which lasted until 5) we had supper and then more playing.
- Graham’s ear must be feeling better because he slept well last night but he sure can’t seem to get to sleep tonight. He has needed Mom and Dad to come upstairs to turn off his nightlight, get him water because he had hair in his mouth, get him a dry shirt because he spilled his water, give him his ear drops, needed a kiss and a hug and he is still going strong.
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