Dennie Kids: January 11, 2011
We'll just make it snow! |
Highlights from today:
(click here for pictures)
- Right before Dad left he told Mom about how cold and windy it was today so she didn’t let us go outside until Campbell was taking her morning nap.
- After breakfast, we all played inside for awhile. Then we read a few stories, worked a few worksheets, finished our letter Rs (roads for the boys and a rabbit for Reagan). Campbell sat at the table and watched us work-Mom did feed her cheerios every once in awhile.
- Next up was work on snowman rice krispy treats. Graham poured in the marshmallows and Reagan and Anderson worked on the rice krispies. Poor Campbell enjoyed eating the treats but they would get stuck on her finger and would make her crazy. After they were made, everyone decorated their own little snowman.
- Campbell (who has only had her sippy cup today) went to sleep for her morning nap and we started getting ready to go outside for back yard snow play. It only took us 40 minutes to get on our clothes! The kids loved playing in the backyard.
- Before Mom knew it, Graham was climbing up the ladder with his snowy shoes on. He made it and next up was Anderson and Reagan. They thought they were something else knocking the snow off of the roof. We played outback for awhile (Mom spent most of the time running in and out of the house-she was freezing today).
- When we decided to come around front, we saw Grannymom-she had walked over to our house today and was looking for us. After a few minutes out front, we headed inside to warm up and eat some lunch. Grannymom stayed and played for awhile and as soon as she headed home, we all headed upstairs for nap
- Reagan and Anderson worked in their workbooks while everyone else went to sleep. They played for awhile and as Mom left and told them to get into bed, Anderson was standing in the floor lifting hangars as weights. He wanted me to fill his muscles and said that he needed to do his exercises
- Later in the afternoon, Reagan and Anderson were watching a movie and there was a commercial for Space Saver Bags. Reagan told Mom that they wanted her to have those. Anderson said that you put stuff in them and they get flat. Reagan also added that bugs, water and “something else” can not get inside-Mom has decided that maybe they shouldn’t watch any more tv with commercials
- Dad was home a little bit early and soon we went to the other peanut place to eat (Texas Roadhouse). Mom was a little less concerned about this trip since Anderson survived the last trip to the other peanut place. The kids devoured the rolls (and butter), Campbell put on a show when Dad handed her a lemon, Graham almost left his shoe at the restaurant and Anderson was ready to leave as soon as the rolls ran out!
- We shivered the whole way home and then ate our snowman treats and even saved a few bites for tomorrow.
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