Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Last night, Campbell had had a bath but when Mom went to check on her around midnight (Dad was still up working on his internet connection) she needed another bath. The poor thing had coughed until she was sick. After the second bath, she looked better, smelled better and must have felt better because she was ready to play! She stayed up with Mom and Dad and played until 1 (no wonder she was tired today)
- Reagan, Anderson and Dad getting ready for church in their Christmas duds. Reagan was so proud of herself and her dress. Dad said that she received tons of compliments. She was eating it up!
- Graham wanting to stay right beside Mom most of the morning and wanting her to hold him too. Mom was still able to get a few things done-mostly because Campbell took a 2+ hour nap.
- Graham asked about going to Grannymom’s a zillion times and even tried to save some candy to show her-so Mom decided to head to Grannymom’s house a few minutes early. Campbell had just woken up and was felling good-her eyes aren’t nearly as puffy as they were yesterday
- Reagan, Anderson and Dad showed up in time for lunch and then everyone had a few minutes to play before coming home for rest time. Mom ran a few errands and as soon as she came home, Dad and Reagan headed out for a few more errands
- After supper, we attempted out first gingerbread house as a family. The goal was for us to build it tonight and decorate it tomorrow night. The kids helped and it was standing when everyone went to bed.
- We played a few more minutes and then it was bedtime…Anderson had a long nap today so he is still going strong!
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