Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- School for Reagan this morning-Dad took her. The rest of us stayed at home in our pajamas.
- Mom discovered that if you give a boy a balloon and then some beans they will be happy all of the day long. The beans were quite a mess-they were thrown everywhere across the garage but both boys helped vacuuming up the mess. Campbell just watched the mess from the gate-she so wanted to be in the garage with them
- Dad brought Reagan home from school and everyone had sandwiches for lunch. After lunch, we had time to read a story, play and then nap time for the boys. Campbell stayed up while Reagan and Mom worked on her workbook and reading book. Anderson had already done his workbook for the day and Mom was surprised that he didn’t know his shapes like she thought he should
- Candy and a movie after nap-Campbell was sitting in Mom’s lap beside Graham and she tried her hardest to grab his lollipop out of his mouth. Reagan was dancing to the Christmas music and Anderson was playing basketball with his balloon
- A game or fifteen of Candy Land Castle and then Dad came home with supper. After supper, Dad played another round of the game and then everyone had pudding
- Mom and Dad were working on Campbell’s nose upstairs and then they heard clomp, clomp, clomp up the stairs. It was Graham who had pudding smeared from head to toe and then he had managed to get it on each and every step! He had a cold shower while Mom scrubbed the steps
- The big 3 played in the tent for a few minutes and then they migrated upstairs. Reagan is playing dress up which means Anderson is wearing a tiara and heels and Graham has a purse, hat and necklace. Boys!
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