- Everyone waking up early even after a late night-Graham is sleeping in the bathroom again but has been sleeping through the night the past 2 nights
- A morning nap for Graham while Anderson and Reagan played "night night" with pillows, blankets and lots of stuffed animals
- A game of Sequence with Reagan and Anderson while Graham had breakfast and then working a new puzzle
- Shopping with Nonna and Pops. Each time we drive by Dillards Reagan mentions it is
where we went shopping with Nonna and then Anderson says Pops (meaning he wants to go there with Pops)
- After shopping, eating a pretzel and juice boxes
- Making "2009" signs to hang in the house
- Lunch with Nonna and then naps for everyone
- Shopping, eating at McDonalds and more shopping while celebrating New Year's Eve
- Reagan bouncing all around the house on her new bouncy toy-and Anderson trying his best to learn how to do it too
- Making cookies and eating lots of chocolate chips before bedtime
- Graham ringing in the new year with Mom & Dad; he woke up around 11:30 to see the ball drop (or maybe to get a bottle!)
- Happy New Year!
Dennie Kids: December 31, 2008
Highlights from today: (click here for the pictures)
Dennie Kids: December 30, 2008
- Everyone sleeping late even though Mom & Dad had to go to work
- Dad taking us to Grannymom & Grandpa's for the day; we played all day and even got to go outside for a little while
- Mom picking us up and then everyone take naps
- Mom went to her Benton office and Dad was home when we woke up
- Carter & Millie coming to visit and they got to stay a little while while their folks went to eat (Happy 8th Anniversary Amy & Chris); we ate supper, made brownies, decorated cup cakes, then played with all the toys - our favorites tonight: bowling and turning the lights out and playing "monster" with flash lights
- Watching the end of the Hogs ball game - we won!
- Going to bed late! Anderson started getting his pajamas on without any prompting.
Dennie Kids: December 29, 2008
- Starting slow this morning-we are still celebrating the holidays
- Graham not having a good night...maybe it was his nose or teeth or maybe just a phase (but hopefully it won't happen again tonight)
- Playing with our train and watching a movie all morning long
- Eating pb and j (Reagan) and a cheese sandwich (Anderson) for lunch while Graham had some cereal
- No afternoon nap for Reagan but she helped Mom fix the train table-we kept knocking down the bridges so Mom rearranged it with fewer bridges
- Waiting on Dad to come home by making our "O" letter-an Octopus. Anderson knew what letter it was (chance, maybe?) and he can know work puzzles with out help
- Shopping at Kroger's again tonight-you can never have too many diapers
- Packing our clothes to play at Grannymom's house tomorrow
Dennie Kids: December 28, 2008
- Everyone sleeping until 7:30 this morning-well, Graham did wake up twice last night but he didn't get to eat!
- Church for a little bit today
- Lunch at Nonnas-breakfast and Reagan and Anderson's favorite-fruit. And a nap for Graham
- A tiny nap for Reagan and then shopping with Dad
- Long naps for Graham and Anderson-Anderson woke up in time to play with Mom before Reagan came home
- Supper and then playing choo choo until bedtime
- Reading a few books and then going to bed-all but Graham who is helping me write this now.
Dennie Kids: December 27, 2008
- Shout out to our friend, Laryn, who was featured in the latest issue of Sync. We know what to get you for Christmas next year!
- Anderson asking where the train table was since it wasn't under the tree-it was in the den (same spot it was in when he went to bed)
- Watching Mom and Dad take down the Christmas tree-Reagan and Anderson helped place (Reagan) and throw (Anderson) the ornaments in the box
- Anderson and Graham taking a morning nap (fussy boys go to bed)
- Lunch while watching a movie...or two...or three
- A little Christmas party at Uncle Jimmy's house-he had two dogs that we were partly afraid of and partly intrigued by. Anderson would periodically run into the kitchen and grab a chip, piece of cheese or brownie bite off of the table-the boy probably ate 8 brownie bites (needless to say, he did not want any supper)
- Waffles for supper which Reagan ate and Anderson fed to the baby he was pushing in the stroller
- Baths for everyone-Graham has started fussing during his bath so his was quite short
- Everyone going to bed. Reagan who did not have a nap is actually sitting on her bed, rocking her monkey doll and singing it a song
Dennie Kids: December 26, 2008
- Graham eating at 11 and 6 last night and then sleeping in bed with Mom and Dad until Reagan woke up
- Reagan asking where Dad was a few times today-he was at work and she had gotten used to him being home
- Riding our bikes at Nonna's house and having Pop's potato cakes
- Anderson falling asleep in the car-he is very heavy for Mom to haul up the steps when he is sound asleep
- Naps for all while Mom tried to find a spot for all of the toys-impossible!
- Drawing on our easel and waiting on Dad to come home
- Supper out and then shopping at Target until bedtime
Christmas: December 25, 2008
- Graham waking up at 6:15 because he was excited about Santa
- Reagan waking up next-she knew Santa was coming (since we have talked about it for weeks) but was in no hurry to see what he had left-Dad even had a shower and Mom got ready too
- Dad having to wake Anderson up and he was more interested in his milk than going downstairs
- Seeing all of the things that Santa had left-an easel, train and train table, bikes (which are a bit too big-no worries they didn't cost Santa anything), a house for Graham, movies, doll house furniture...and lots, lots more. Santa had been shopping all year long!
- Eating breakfast with Nonna and Pops and showing Grannymom and Grandpa all of our toys
- Playing happily all morning long while Mom and Dad tried to put up all of the Christmas gift-our favorite toy was the train table and Graham enjoyed watching us play
- Lunch at Dana and Brad's house until Reagan and Anderson's had to go home for a nap
- The nap was short because as soon as Mom and Dad sat down it was time to get up and head back for presents with all of the Dennies.
- Graham enjoyed lots of attention from Grannymom and Dad, Reagan played with Lilly (and was quite social) and Anderson enjoyed watching his favorite cousin Josh (he talks about him all the time and asks everyday if his clothes were Josh's)
- It was a wonderful Christmas-the kids had a great time and so did we!
Dennie Kids: December 24, 2008
- Graham waking up at 6:00 a.m. and waking Anderson but he went back to bed
- Playing and helping Mom wrap some presents while Dad ran
- An early lunch (10:45) since we were having an early supper
- Baths and then naps
- Going to Nonna & Pops for Christmas Eve dinner and presents
- A break mid-way through opening presents to go to church for Christmas Eve service - we all went to big church and did very good! Anderson & Reagan got to go on stage as Bruce read the Christmas story
- Back to Nonna & Pops for more presents and dessert
- Graham rolling over from his stomach to his back for the first time with Mom & Dad
- Coming home to put out food for Santa's reindeers, then putting out cookies for Santa and then to bed
Dennie Kids: December 23, 2008
- Graham waking Anderson up early this morning-actually not too early but early than Mom and Dad were planning on getting up
- Spending the day at Grannymom and Grandpa's house while Mom was at work
- Christmas shopping for Dad in the rain-we had fun and bought him lots of presents (well, not that many)
- Long afternoon naps-we were tired since we shopped for a long time and hadn't caught up from our rest last night-Mom even had to wake everyone up from their naps
- Pears and cheese for supper-yum, yum
- Doing a little bit of last minute grocery shopping
- Pulling Santa and tearing off our chains-they are getting very short!
December 22, 2008: Dennie Kids
- Helping Mom clean and cook all morning long
- Playing with all of our toys-we like to get them all out in the kitchen while Mom cookes
- Graham spent his day in his exersaucer and enjoyed watching all the other excitement
- A long afternoon nap for Anderson and Graham while Grannymom played with Reagan and Mom shopped
- Anderson and Graham waking up in time to play with Grannymom too
- Our Thursday Night Christmas party tonight at Aprils. We had a wide array of delicious food to eat. The kids decorated cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and then they colored ornaments for their Christmas trees. Everyone also got a present-Tara received a gift card for Michaels from Tom, Robby opened a frame from Amber, Jacob gave Anderson a truck, Reagan received a princess jewelry box which she put her ring inside and Kennedy gave Graham a set of pacis and a toy phone.
Sunday School Party
Dennie Kids: December 21, 2008
- A restful night! Graham cooperated and slept until 6:30
- Sunday School and Church-Reagan said that she told Mr. Milam her Bible verse
- Lunch at Grannymom's house and playing with Lilly and Cash
- A long afternoon nap for all
- Reagan and Dad shopping at Krogers-they walked up and down each aisle making sure they found exactly the right snack for her
- Driving home from church tonight, Dad drove down a different street in our neighborhood to look at the Christmas lights. Mom spotted an inflatable snow globe and said "Reagan and Anderson look out Reagan's window to see the snow globe." They started looking and we drove closer...only to discover that it was a snow globe with not a Santa or Snowman but a huge Miller Lite can! Needless to say, Dad sped up and we quickly found something else to look at!
Dennie Kids: December 20, 2008
- Graham waking up at 1 and 6 this morning-he is just a growing boy
- Another trip to see Santa-we just love him! And another picture of him. Today he was at the new Arvest Bank on Cantrell
- Playing for a few minutes at Grannymom's house while Dad played on the computer with Grannymom
- Anderson and Dad running a few errands and Graham and Reagan taking their afternoon naps early
- Reagan and Mom watching the Toy Maker's Apprentice at the Children's Theater
- Graham and Anderson sleeping more and then helping Dad cook supper
- Lasagna at home for supper and then baths for everyone
- Pulling out our Santa-we will miss that! and heading to bed
Dennie Kids: December 19, 2008
- Mom and Anderson dropping Reagan and Graham off at Grannymom's to spend the day with her
- Anderson being a PERFECT little boy during his nutrition center visit. A lollipop was all he needed to tolerate the dreaded brain lab hat. He even participated in most of the psych testing (she didn't tell me-but I know he is just as smart as his sister)
- Dad picking up Reagan and Graham while Mom and Anderson came home-then a nap for all of the Dennie kids
- Mom waking up Reagan to put on her pink dress
- Reagan going to Elizabeth's 3rd birthday party. She even played with her friend Shayla (Mom didn't know that this friend was real until she showed up at the birthday party)
- Meeting up and everyone going to see Santa at the DoubleTree. Reagan and Anderson brought a toy to give to Santa
- Everyone sitting with Santa and telling him what they want-Mom and Dad enjoyed Santa typing on his blackberry (Santa is a busy man and has to be connected with the North Pole)
- Running a few errands while watching Thomas in the van and getting to drive the car at Krogers
- Eating pizza at CiCi's and playing with the video games
- "Surprising" Dad by putting on our pajamas while he was downstairs-Mom had to help us though!
Dennie Kids: December 18, 2008
- Dad waking everyone up and Mom loading us in the car
- Spending the morning at Nonna's house
- Graham only taking a short nap all morning long while Anderson and Reagan drank lots and lots of juice
- Afternoon naps back home-Anderson woke up first and then woke his sister up at 5. Dad had to wake Graham up after supper
- Eating chili with Grandpa-our fourth night to eat at home (a record)
- Laying in bed with Dad and watching a little bit of tv until bedtime
Dennie Kids: December 18, 2008
- Another icy morning (but not that icy since Mom went to work)
- Spending the morning at Grannymom's house-we watched a movie with Grandpa and had grilled cheese while Graham ate some cereal
- Back home to play until naptime
- Graham waking up early to spend some quality time with Mom, then Reagan watching a movie and having her snack (candy)-like she does everyday and Anderson sleeping until we woke him up-like we do everyday!
- Making our letter N with newspaper and then coloring in coloring books
- Helping Mom get out supper-eating at home 3 nights in a row!
- Another movie, cleaning with our broom and vacuum, playing tractors, Graham kicking at his toys and singing along with Reagan's shows and Anderson's song "eieiei"-he doesn't sing the "o" part though!
Dennie Kids: December 16, 2008
- Waking up to a little bit of ice on the ground-so it was a no work day. (except for Dad - he had to go in at 10:00) We stayed in all day-Reagan kept asking when we would go to Grannymoms
- Eating our breakfast at 11 and then lunch at 12!
- Taking an early nap after we wouldn't listen to Mom when she asked us to put our toys away. So Mom got a trash bag and started throwing toys in it-and we started quickly picking up our toys!
- Playing our instruments and singing songs to Mom and Graham all afternoon long
- Eating a big supper with Dad-we have eaten at home two nights in a row!
- Baths for all of the little Dennie's before bed
Dennie Kids: December 15, 2008
- A slow start this morning
- Graham eating his cereal quickly and neatly this morning
- Reagan and Anderson helping with chores this morning-sweeping and vacuuming with Anderson's new toys
- Watching a Disney World video while eating lunch. Anderson would shout "Ray Ray Castle" and "Mickey Mouse" and Reagan would say "I want to do that, I want to do that"
- Watching the weather all afternoon long and putting on our gloves, hats, big coats and blankets to go to the Doctor
- Anderson's 2 year doctor appointment. He weighs 32 pounds and is 34 inches. He didn't even need any shots.
- Supper at home and then an early bedtime since we missed our naps to go to the Doctor (Graham will be up for one last bottle though)
- Anderson has started saying "Baby Graham" but it sounds more like he is saying "Baby 'Graham with a D'"!!
Dennie Kids: December 14, 2008
- Graham waking Dad up this morning-they ate and then Graham looked at the Christmas tree until the rest of us woke up
- Sunday school and extended session. We were in Reagan's class and she said "Since you are the teacher, it is kind of like I am the teacher too"-she likes being the boss!
- Lunch at Famous Daves to celebrate Anderson's birthday. They even gave him a sundae which he reluctantly shared with Reagan
- Reagan and Anderson taking a short nap and then playing with all of Anderson's birthday toys while Graham finished his nap. Taking Reagan's 39th month pictures and Anderson's 24th month pictures.
- Back to church and then home to pull out Santa (we were a few days behind!)
Dennie Kids: December 13, 2008
Happy 2nd Birthday! |
- Happy 2nd Birthday Anderson!
- Graham and Mom emptying the dishwasher very early this morning
- A quick trip to see Santa Claus this morning at Babies R Us-Graham was smiley, Reagan stook with her hands in her mouth and Anderson sat in his lap with his blank stare!
- Playing in our new huge Thomas the Tank Engine tent while waiting on Anderson's birthday party to start
- Anderson's 2nd birthday party-Kennedy, Camryn, Jacob, Carter, Millie, Lilly, Cash, Reagan and Graham all celebrated with Anderson. He was so excited while opening his present and would say "oh wow!" and "thank you." Anderson has been waiting for his birthday party since Reagan's party
- Playing with all of Anderson's new toys-Graham was eyeing what he wanted to play with soon
- Afternoon naps for all the little Dennies
- Playing with Nonna and Pops tonight while Mom and Dad were at the Rep-we had baths and stayed up late
- Dad even got Anderson out of bed to wish him Happy Birthday one more time (he even played with a few toys before going back to bed)
Dennie Kids: December 12, 2008
- Everyone sleeping in (even Dad who was late to work - but he was kind of sick last night so he had an excuse)
- Helping Mom clean the house and then helping make a cake for Anderson's birthday
- A visit from Grannymom who stayed with us while Mom went on an errand
- An afternoon nap - all of at once. Mom was thrilled!
- Supper and a few bites of extra cake
- Playing with Dad while Mom went to Bunko
- Pulling Santa's ladder and then bed (kind of late -- 8:30!)
Dennie Kids: December 11, 2008
- Waking up early and getting ready for school-we woke up so early that we didn't even have to eat breakfast in the car!
- Anderson having cookies in his class to celebrate his birthday and Reagan having a pizza party in her class to celebrate Noah's birthday
- Graham spending the day at Nonna's. He was happy most of the day long! But he did start missing his Mom this afternoon
- Seeing Pops at Nonna's house-we hadn't seen him in a few days and were missing him
- Anderson opening up his first card for his birthday and lots of tractors from Aunt Stephanie. He was so excited when he saw the tractors!
- Reagan even got a big girl ring from Aunt Stephanie. She has worn it all evening and even had a slight panic attack when it fell off in the car and Mom couldn't find it. But Mom found it and all was well
- Driving around looking at Christmas lights on our way to eat at Flying Fish
- Putting on our pajamas and pulling out the Santa piece and pulling the piece on our chain
Dennie Kids: December 10, 2008
- Everyone sleeping in a little this morning
- Reagan and Anderson playing catch
- A quick lunch before heading to Nonnas
- Playing at Nonnas all afternoon while Mom was at the dentist (for a LONG time) and while Dad was at work (on his day off)
- Eating supper on the way home from Nonna's house
- Graham eating his cereal a little better each day
- Watching Mickey's Christmas Carol before bed-and taking everyone's temperature (Reagan had a little bit of fever)
Dennie Kids: December 9, 2008
- Mom and Dad having to wake everyone up to get ready for school-but we all arrived late because of the rain and traffic
- Anderson leaving his paci in Dad's car-but he still did fine today
- Reagan making another ornament-she said it was an angel (it is cute but Mom isn't sure what it is supposed to be)
- Picking up Graham at Grannymom's and playing over there
- Graham watching everyone coloring
- Reagan helping Dad put stamps on the Christmas card envelopes
- Everyone hanging out with Dad while Mom was at class meeting
- Pops told us to say hi to Mrs. Pam Patton-glad you are one of our faithful readers!
Dennie Kids: December 8, 2008
- Everyone sleeping in this morning (after Graham's 6:30 bottle)
- Hanging out in our pajamas and watching movies
- Climbing and sliding at Rock Creek with Grannymom and eating lunch with Grandpa
- Playing together so well this afternoon that Mom almost missed our nap-she looked at the clock after 3:30 and rushed us all to bed
- Mom having to wake Reagan and Anderson up at 5 to take a bath and then waking Graham up at 6
- Reagan asking if Dad was bringing home pizza-he wasn't but he did bring home supper
- Mom running an errand while Dad had to sit in the kitchen floor and watch Reagan sing and sing and sing....Anderson would stand up and jump some too and Graham just sat and watched the spectacle
Dennie Kids: December 7, 2008
- Everyone sleeping in late this morning-we always sleep late when we have to go somewhere
- Lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house-Reagan enjoyed playing with Lilly today, she is becoming much more social
- An afternoon nap-Anderson was actually crying to go to "night night" but Reagan never seemed to go to sleep
- Back to church where Reagan sat in big church to hear the kids sing
- Supper out and then running upstairs to pull out the Santa piece and take the piece off of their chains
- A bottle late this evening for Graham (who has been waking up in the middle of the night lately)-he has been moved back to the bathroom for now (and I think he likes it since I warm his bed with the hairdryer before he lays down!)
Dennie Kids: December 6, 2008
- Graham waking up early this morning and he woke up Reagan who then woke up Anderson!
- Reagan and Anderson playing together while Graham took an early morning nap
- Sandwiches for lunch and then shopping at the Maumelle Walmart
- Afternoon naps for everyone but Mom and Graham-Anderson even started his nap in the car
- A few errands and then supper at the Mall-Anderson hollars "donalds" every time we pass a McDonalds
- A quick bath for Graham while Reagan and Anderson went to bed (last night Reagan was pretty much asleep and told Dad "enjoy your trip"-she must have been thinking about Disney World)
Dennie Kids: December 5, 2008
- Graham waking up in the middle of the night again (Anderson never even moved while Graham was fussing)
- Everyone helping Mom make cookies-we ran out of M&Ms since Mom's helpers ate as many as they could grab!
- Graham taking a very long morning nap while Reagan and Anderson had a quick lunch
- Delivering cookies to Pops at church, taking Papaws to Nonna's since he wasn't home and finally taking Grandpa his cookies
- Long afternoon naps for everyone-including Reagan who usually only takes a 45 minute nap
- Eating supper at Dixie Cafe-Anderson would throw his head back and laugh his pretend laugh while everyone would look at us!
- Walking through the Dollar Store and then reading books until bedtime
Dennie Kids: December 4, 2008
- Everyone leaving on time for work and school this morning
- Reagan making a Christmas tree ornament, Anderson hanging out in his class and Graham taking a nap with Pops during the day-Reagan also put her shoes in the hallway at school and Sinterklaas (Neatherland's Santa) came and delivered treats.
- Eating a snack at Nonna's while picking up Graham
- Reagan and Anderson playing together while Mom and Graham unpacked from the day
- Eating a quick bite for supper and then putting on some of our Christmas clothes-Anderson kept telling Mom "Nice?" meaning "I look nice, don't I?"
- Making ornaments, eating cake and making reindeer food at the Arts Center Christmas Party tonight
- Watching Santa fall a little bit closer and taking a chain off of our Christmas chains-Reagan has a Bible verse at the end of her chain "God loves us and sent His son Jesus"-she can say it fairly well (sometimes!)
Dennie Kids: December 3, 2008
- Anderson waking up at 6:15 and trying his best to please Mom and Dad by laying in bed with them-but the boy can not be still for anything. He would pat Mom, bounce on Dad, throw his pacis on the floor just to crawl down and get them
- Reagan waking up soon after-Dad volunteered to get her up and he just stayed in her bed after she left
- Graham sleeping until after 8 and being very ready for his milk
- Hanging out with Dad today since he took off work (click here for a video of Reagan entertaining Dad and Anderson)
- A quick trip to church to help Mom move her Sunday School stuff
- Graham going to the Nutrition Center-During brain lab, he needs to be quiet, not drinking and awake. He was mad and could only be calmed with his bottle which made him fall asleep! But we still came home with our formula
- Shopping a little bit this evening at McCain mall. Reagan said "this place is so neat" and that was before they talked to Santa
- Talking to Santa-he was in no hurry and chatted with them for awhile. Anderson said "yes" or "no" to answer his questions and starred at him with his mouth wide open and Reagan smiled and talked to him. He had a watch that had a real train in it and showed Anderson who loved it!
Dennie Kids: December 2, 2008
- Reagan crawling back into bed while Mom was trying to get her dressed for school and Anderson waking up quickly and helping Graham wake up too by shouting "hey"
- Dad taking Reagan and Anderson to school and Graham spending the day with Grannymom and Grandpa
- Reagan making an ornament at school, Anderson riding on the toy car while Mom picked him up and Grannymom saying that Graham was "nearly perfect"
- Playing around the house all afternoon long
- Eating rice and beans at El Chico while Graham stared at the table behind us until he fell asleep
Dennie Kids: December 1, 2008
- Waking up early to head to Graham's doctors appointment
- Graham weighed 14 pounds and 10 ounces, was 24 3/8 inches and had an average sized head (unlike Reagan and Anderson)-he was given 4 shots (Reagan was more upset than he was)
- Reagan and Anderson playing at Grandpa's house while Mom worked on the house and had lunch with Dad
- Graham fussing while Reagan and Mom made Christmas chains-Mom made Anderson's since he was more interested in playing with his cars
- Afternoon naps for all the Dennies-the boys slept a long, long time
- Eating supper at Kennedy and Camryn's house and playing with Jacob. Reagan was fairly social tonight and Jacob and Anderson found every car or truck in the house. Graham pretty much slept all evening long (his shots have made him sleepy tonight)
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