Sweet Treats!

Highlights from today: (click here for the pictures)
  • Waking up and drinking my milk in Mom's bed with Anderson and Graham-it is getting crowded in Mom's bed
  • Watching Dad run and eating a "toast man" for breakfast
  • Putting on my pretty dress
  • Playing with Grannymom-we went outside and she even brought me a bracelet and necklace
  • Watching my movie while the boys took a nap
  • Eating lunch and then a nap
  • Remembering that Dad had mentioned that we could get ice cream after our nap-and asking about it as soon as I woke up
  • Eating ice cream at Cold Stone-I had strawberry and it was delicious (I even shared some with Graham)
  • Having supper with Nonna, Pops and Uncle Jason tonight and then playing with everyone
  • A quick bath before bedtime

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