I Don't Know Where Reagan Is!

Highlights from today: (click here for the pictures)
  • Sleeping until 8 this morning-I was tired from partying late last night
  • Playing firetruck until breakfast time-I had yogurt for breakfast and Mom took my shirt off-but I still managed to get it on my shirt! (she didn't put it far enough away)
  • Seeing Nonna and reading books with her
  • Eating lots of cake and ice cream at Jenna's 15th birthday party (click here for more pictures)
  • Spending the afternoon at Grannymom and Grandpa's house with Lilly and Cash
  • Not getting an afternoon nap and being exhausted when I came home
  • Playing with Carter and Millie-I was tired while holding Baby Graham! I would say "uhoh" everytime he moved!
  • Eating lots for supper and then making a small cake for our dessert
  • Taking a bath with Reagan before a very early bedtime-I was soooo tired!

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